Wednesday, March 24, 2021

シアトルの初春 シルバーバーチの祈り        Oh, a White Great Spirit


軌道にそって正確に運行する星たち、地軸上を自転し続ける地球、規則  正しく巡りくる四季、野菜・果物・花・樹木などの成育、そしてあなたの神性をミニチュアの形で宿している人間の活動―これらのすべてが、あなたの無限の愛によって導かれる崇高な霊力に賛辞を捧げております。




Let us align our consciousness to the highest possible level with the power of
harmony and love. Get rid of all your worries and anxieties. And let us pray that we can manifest our souls, approach the Spirit, the Creator of all beings, the ruler of all creations, and receive the blessings of their power and glory.


Oh, a White Great Spirit. We are your children and were built to imitate you.

We are seeking more wisdom and are approaching you with piety, sincerity, enthusiasm and sincerity. 
The knowledge we have learned can change our misconceptions about you and bring us closer to you, the infinite spirit. 
Your providence controls, regulates, and maintains everything that exists in this universe. Every being created by you, every animal, every bird, and everything in nature pays homage to the homeostasis and accuracy of your providence. 
Your providence gives perfect consideration to the whole being of this endless universe. 
All aspects of the natural world move in a coordinated and rhythmic manner according to the laws of nature that govern all of their activities. 
Stars that move accurately along the orbit, the earth that keeps rotating on the earth's axis, the four seasons that go around regularly, the growth of vegetables, fruits, flowers, trees, etc., and the human beings who have your divinity in the form of miniatures Activities-All of these tribute to the sublime spiritual power guided by your infinite love. 
Your infinite love embraces the entire universe. 
We have seen the same function of providence in the realm of the higher spiritual dimension that transcends the physical world. 
We offer further praise. 
Over time, your admiration for providence has become more and more intense, rather than diminished. 
It inspires us to play our part in this cosmic grand organization. 
By preaching lessons, setting examples, and disseminating knowledge, we strive to deliver eternal and immortal truths to those who have ears to hear and who are willing to accept. Those who have the truth will be able to approach you, approach each other, and live in brilliance, dignity, dignity, and nobility. 
In this way we drive out the darkness that creates ignorance, stubbornness and hatred, drive away turmoil and disorder, hostility and greed, eliminate selfish material universalism that leads to ruin, love dominates and spiritual truths take root. 
We are working hard to bring in a heaven on earth where we can live in peace.

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