Tuesday, January 29, 2019

シアトルの冬 バシリー猫の行方

Image result for 黒猫

’’このほどイギリスで10年間行方不明になっていた猫と再会した飼い主が、その猫が自宅からほんのわずかな距離で飼われていたことにショックを受けている。『BBC News』『Metro』などが伝えた。


『BBC News 2019年1月23日付「Cat missing for 10 years ‘taken in by neighbour’」


この様な記事がBBC Newsに掲載されたようです。



バシリー猫さんは Thanksgiving と Christmas の頃には毎年姿をくらましたものでした。昨年も同じくでしたので、気にもしていなかったのがついに気になるほどに長いになってしまいました。






更に数日前には, ホームレス風の猫さんとは違うクロネコが裏山を降りてきました。これぞバシリー猫さんではないかと、親父さんと「バシリー!バシリー!」と叫んだのでしたけれど, その猫さんは逃げて行ってしまいました。





'' The owner who met with a cat who had been missing for ten years in the UK who is shocked that the cat was kept at just a short distance from his home. "BBC News" "Metro" etc. reported.
Lilly disappeared one day she went out from her house. Some time Lilly had left home for about two weeks, but she came back after while, Mr. Alex did not panic immediately after Lily had gone a second time. But after several days Lily will not come back, Alex stuck a poster in the village, asked around the neighbor about Lily, posted it on Facebook, and also asked the animal hospital. But she could not fine Lily, so she thought that her cat was killed by a car . ''
"BBC News" January 23, 2019 "Cat missing for 10 years 'taken in by neighbour'"


Such an article in BBC News.
The news similer like our missing Basilie cat.
Our cat also disappeared when it was Thanksgiving time in last year and is still missing.
He was disappeared every year around Thanksgiving and Christmas. It was happened last year also, so we did not mind for few days missing but finally it was became long enough to be worried.
At that time our daughter and her husband were visiting from Ireland, so we were looking for cats in earnest.
We were worried about that time we saw Bobcat coming down the backyard hill .
We went around the neighborhood asking about missing black cat, but there was no information, in fact some neighbor saw not only Bobcat but also a bear crossed the street.
We also went to the cat department of the city hall, we searched for cat whatever we could.
However, one day beginning of this year, I saw a black cat coming down from the hill, but it was a homeless cat, said to be Bassily cat's brother.
Again a few days ago, a black cat difference from a homeless cat coming down from the hill. I called out this cat was looked like Bassiri cat, "Bashirie! Basilie!" with my husband, but that cat was ran away.
A few days later, I saw this newspaper.
So we are sure. That cat must be Basilie who lived with a homeless cat in some of kind people.
The neighbor's mama said to daughter, "Because you did not invite him lets in house when he asked you, So he ran away from us."
My husband who is sorry to Basilie also, because he made mistake to buy Basilie's food
that was not Basilies favorite.
Anyway this news make us happy because Bailie is alive. We believe so.

Friday, January 18, 2019

シアトルの冬 もしも霊力が The spiritual power

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If there is something that the spiritual power does not work, the earth stops spinning and the four seasons will not come around.

If spiritual power stops working, the flames of the sun will disappear and the moon will not show that ghastly shine.

If spiritual power fades, seeds will not bear fruit without blossoming.

Silver Birch

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

シアトルの正月 2019年は

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8 days passed in 2019.
People are thinking that 2019 seems be a not easy year.
Despite the lives of people on a long years on earth, the life spent by one person be very short, and some people think that they are boringly long life,  their lives for each life . While doing such a life, we want that descendants to have a better life on the Earth better than ourselves.
If we learn that our lives will last forever, how do we think?
I myself  aware of the existence of life after the decay of the body, one day I noticed the  fact of that meaning  is serious.
This year, I will live everyday living with even more consciousness of eternal life.