Sunday, June 17, 2018

シアトルの初夏 さてこれからは

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The excitement of the US-North Korea's top meeting that the world watched over seriously so the direction will be decided for the reality from now on.
The proliferation of nuclear powers by North Korea is a threat to us and the threat of world domination of the Chinese Communist Party.
Many people now know that the Communist Party of China follows the Lenin and Stalin routes, so we must stop them coming to the world with all our effort.
I wonder whether the United States will embrace North Korea and make it into a frame of the Chinese enclosing network. For Armageddon, seriously we need to watch the world.
For that, peace-loving countries and people will be in line to devote our  small dedicate, our prayers and actions to peace.

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

シアトルの初夏 「ニュー・アース 意識が変わる 世界が変わる」

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(「ニュー・アース 意識が変わる 世界が変わる」エックハルト・トール 2008.10.25 サンマーク出版より編集引用)

What role does the established religion play in the rise of new consciousness? Many people are already aware of the difference between spirituality and religion. Belief system - A series of ideas that you regard as absolute truth, whatever you do, will not make the owner spiritual.

On the contrary, the more you identify yourself with that idea (belief), the more you will be separated from the spiritual aspect of yourself. Many of those who "have faith in heart" remain at this level. I equate thinking to the truth and completely identify themselves with that thought so I insist that only myself knows the truth but in fact it is just trying to protect my identity unconsciously It is.

These people do not notice the limits of thinking. Humans who do not fully agree with their actions and beliefs decide that they are wrong. New spirituality, transformation of consciousness usually occurs outside institutionalized religion. Even in religions that were dominated by thoughts and concepts, there was a place where modest spirituality always lived in a part of it.However, it is a completely new phenomenon when it comes to a large swell of spirituality that occurred outside the religious structure, so far it was not considered especially in Western Europe. The Western civilization was the civilization that emphasized the most reason in all civilizations and in fact the monopoly system by Christian church was established in relation to spirituality.

It would have been silenced as soon as I spiritually talked up and stood up without the forgiveness of the church. However, signs of change are now emerging in churches and religions as well. In addition to the influence of the spiritual teaching that has been extinguished outside the established religion, the fact that old Oriental wisdom has flowed also becomes a great force, and also to the believers of traditional religion, the commitment to form, doctrine, rigid belief system The number of people who have abandoned and discover the depth and the depth of their own which was hidden in the spiritual tradition has increased.

These people are not aware of whether they are "spiritual" or not, but are aware of what kind of conscious state they are in. And that determines the person's behavior and relationships. People who can not see the other side beyond shape are caught more deeply in their beliefs, that is, in their egoistic minds.

Some churches, sects, cults, religious movements are basically group egos, clinging stubbornly to their own principles. However, the ego is destined to be dismantled. Whether religion or other institutions, businesses, or government, its rigid structure will collapse from the inside, no matter how strong it seems at first sight.

("The world in which the new earth consciousness changes" Ekhard Thor 2008.10.25 edited quotation from Sun Mark publication)

Thursday, June 7, 2018

シアトルの初夏 ノルマンデー


私がよく見る ”虎ノ門ニュース” で井上和彦氏がノルマンディの墓地を尋ねてきたといわれて、お土産だと言って見せてくれたのが、空挺部隊が降下した時に使った敵味方識別ように鳴らした小さなブリキ製の ”クリック、クリック”でした。

降下した兵士が身の回りに人影を感じ、この上なく緊張して1クリック合図をし、味方であれば2クリックをして合図が反ってきます。正に生きずまる瞬間の画面が映画 ”史上最大の作戦” では展開されています。

私がこの場面を殊更にいつまでも覚えているのは、この場面に実に悲しい出来事が沢山ありますがその中でも特に、着地した一兵士が人影を意識して、かたずを飲んでクリックしました。”クリック” と返事が返ってきた時の、天にも登る安堵の時もつかの間それは銃を構えたドイツ兵でした。降下した兵士は命を落としてしまいました。そしてドイツ兵は銃を収めます。”クリック” と音を立てて。


Start from May 28th memorial day to  June 5th in the Midway Navy Battle, June 6th in Normandy -  anniversary day , big days the win or loss of the  World War II.
"Toranomon news". I often watch.  Few days ago Mr. Kazuhiko Inoue introduced who visited Normandy cemetery. He was showing a souvenir. It was a small clicked "click, click" sounded.
 that  used when the airborne troops descended.
Soldiers who landed that was so  nervous. Who is around them. One click signal was given, and if it was a friend, two clicks were replayed . Many of us known in the movie "The longest day".
There are lots of  sad story happened in this scene, especially I remember one scene forever,  one soldier who landed who recognized somebody around him so he clicked. Reply came but who was a German soldier keeping a gun.  The landed soldier lost his life. After that German soldier hold gun back. Turn on "click".
I will never buy this "click" as a souvenir.