Sunday, December 31, 2017











New Year

Saturday, December 30, 2017

シアトルの大晦日 New Year Eve 


I will enjoy New Year's Eve at Beethoven Symphony No.9

Monday, December 25, 2017

シアトルのクリスマス  Christmas in Vienna 1999

Related image

Christmas in Vienna 1999 The Three Tenors 
L.Pavarotti, J. Carreras, P. Domingo


Christmas in Vienna2017年退屈でした。

I was boring Christmas in Vienna 2017.
There was a sense of incongruity in Russian lady's excessive performance and the behavior of the boys of the Vienna Boys Choir.

Sunday, December 17, 2017

シアトルの冬 日本に住むハスキーさんたち


最近ちょっと目につくお話なのですけれど、日本ではハスキー犬がポピュラーで多くの人が飼っているのですね。何年か前は或いは何十年か前にはラブラドール レトリバーが人気であると聞きました。

それで今、日本で人気と言われるハスキーさんなのですけれど、You tubeなぞで目にするのですけれど,日本の家屋に家族と同居しているのですね。同居人には悪いけれど、日本の家屋とハスキーさん。これは似合いませんよね。

我が家族はハスキーさんが大好きで、道を挟んだ向かい側に ”ココ” と呼ばれるハスキーの女の子が住んでいて、彼女の家人が忙しいので時々自分一人で散歩に出ていたのですが,我が家の隣のロシアさんの鶏をかじってしまったので、一人歩きはできなくなってしまい、我が家にも尋ねてこなくなりました。

我が家はラブラドール レトリバーを以前飼っていたのですけれど、お互い性格が随分と違いますね。ハスキー犬はとても用心深くて、知らない人には近付いてこないのではないですか? 「キャンデーあげるよ」と言っても乗ってきませんよ。その割にはこの上なく物見高いのですよね。あるいはこの娘が特別訓練されているのかもしれませんけれど。とにかく我が家では ”ココ チャン” が尋ねて来てくれると、あれやこれやともてなして、息子は遊び相手になろうとして、ボールを投げて 「とってきてご覧」と、レトリバーにしたように投げたりしたのですけれど,「何の話?」って乗ってこないのです。

それでは追いかけっこはどうだろうかと試みると、乗ってきたのです。1エーカー程の我が家の丘を上りそして下り、 疲れること無く、追いかけっこを止めることは無く、ついに息子が参ってしまいました。


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Pomeranian is happy even small

This year  is about 2 weeks away from now.
Some story about Husky dog. I hard, in Japan Husky dogs are popular. A few years ago I heard that Labrador retriever is popular.
 I know on You tube,  many Huskies live in  Japanese family.  but  Japanese house and Husky. This does not fit so much.
Our family love Husky, a husky girl called "Coco" lives cross the street, her family is busy, so sometimes she took for a walk by herself . she came to visit us some time  but one day she gnawed the Russian family's chicken in our next door, so she could not allow to take a walk alone that we do not see her.
We had previously owned Labrador retriever, but personality is quite different between Husky. Husky dogs are very cautious,  she do not come close to people who do not know. Even if I say "I will give you candy", she will not get on. But she  is quite fascinating. Or this daughter may be specially trained. Anyway, once "Koko chan" came to visit us, we are so happy. so my son threw the ball trying to play together  as retriever but she did not get with playing ball "what's the matter?" she says.
Then, he found  she loves to run together. She never stopped running together with son going up and going down the hill in our big back yard, my son got tired.
Husky are very active and need a lot of momentum.  So even husky loving family, we are hesitant to live with them. Need a lots of hard work. So I feel sorry for Husky living in a small Japanese house and Retriever also.

Saturday, December 9, 2017

シアトルの冬 M・スタントン・エヴァンズ著『スターリンの秘密工作員』

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戦後70年経た今、世界大戦について日米共に踏み込んだ ”第二次世界大戦が何故勃発したか” がそれぞれの国で研究されていてその一つ、アメリカの近代歴史研究家スタントン エヴァンス著「スターリンの秘密工作員」という研究書があるのですね。

この著作は ”F.ルーズベルト政権内中枢がコミンテルンの秘密工作によって、いかに操られていたのかを” 見事に描き出しているといわれています。





On December 7th was "the day of Pearl Harbor attack" and on the 10th is the day of the battle off Malay.

70 years after the war, we have stepped into more deep research in Japan and the United States, "Why the World War II broke out" research has been doing, American writings historian Stanton Evans "secret agent of Stalin" This work is " . It is said the Roosevelt administration has been controlled by the secret maneuver of Comintern, ".

And the Japanese side also has been revealed the secret operation of the Comintern, which had been in the Konoe cabinet, also the Comintern who had the high position in military.

Because there is the power of darkness that puts the world into conflict and makes people unhappy, we are grateful to learn facts from past history. Even now the world is at a dangerous place. We must make good use of past experiences and have to overcome this time.

The power of evil is said to go away as the identity is found out.

Monday, December 4, 2017

シアトルの冬 クリスマスのお話

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今年はショッピング エリアに人出が多いように思えます。郵便局も既にかなりの列が出来ているし,何かと景気がいいのでしょうかね。


木の葉が落ちて冬至を向かえる12月21日まで昨日も今日も、日暮れが早く侘しく、12月3日に見られたというスーパームーンを見ようなぞとは所詮無理なお話です。それでもお隣のロシアさんたちのホームタウンである冬になれば、昼でも暗いサンクト ペテルブルグよりはまだましだけれどと思いつつもやれやれです。




We are Seattle people preparing for Christmas, right after Thanksgiving day or Thanksgiving day.
There are many people in the shopping area in this year. The post office has already made a considerable line, and I wonder if the economy is good for something.
Residents of Seattle who have a lot of rain as you know, After Halloween is over, we will have the days of rain and rain until the next spring. We don't know how long. Anyway we are going to have rainy days, until April or May or June, so it is said the number of people in Seattle are depressed more than another city .
Dark and rain, it is still better than winter in Saint Petersburg , the home town of the neighbor of Russia. Yes but it is still awful season we are having.
That's why at our home we like to have a Christmas light on Thanksgiving Day. This is good to help dark rainy day make bright.
The history of Christianity in 2000 is a history that has been created valuable days along involving of pagan gods, centered on the Christian missionary in Europe. This Christmas Day setting also celebrates the dark winter day brightly as Jesus' birthday following after winter solstice festival spread all over Europe from long ago. After Christmas people were waiting thought cold winter until spring comes it is Easter. How matched with nature.

Sunday, November 26, 2017

シアトルの晩秋 ピルグリムファザーズ考



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Pilgrim Fathers is the Exodus of the 17th century.
They  ran away to the Netherlands, but they were realized, afraid that the children will become the Netherlands. So they wanted new earth. it was America.
The new land was different from the land of Canaan and the Netherlands because  native Indians helped them. It would have been almost impossible for them to survive without the help of the Indians.
The era of this gratitude was over soon, struggling was started with Indians because of land and food. See this picture there is no Indians in the picture of the Independence Declaration signature ,  It is strange to say that there is no Indian figure, and for many people it is a natural painting but for me this is sad.
Especially at this year 's Thanksgiving , I can notice  it seems  big countries that have some negotiation  in under the table and over the head they  are planning around our country.

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

シアトルの晩秋 アリさんの世界平和

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We are healing our heart when we talk about  dogs, cats and nature,
We are pain thinking about  in our living environment also the story of world affairs.
It was a big news about President Tramp's  Asian tour.  If we can see some hope for peace Asia and the world We are so happy about. but the root of the selfish idea of the country that has been developed over the history is deep.
Even so we must stop these thinking right now, such as splitting the Pacific Ocean among the big selfish powers, dividing the rest of the country.
Historically we know that people are following after money or position, and easily abandon human dignity. so in order to the world to improve the peace, each individual need live nicely. this is also known. "Yes You and me."

Thursday, November 9, 2017

シアトルの晩秋 自由猫さん







Autumn  gets deeper and cold.
Bassiri cat living from our house and neighboring Russian family  as a base of her lives that she is free living cat.
Three sisters in Russian family took care of her meal, the lodging stayed under a  full of stars in the summer, in winter stayed with my grandfather , but a 95-year old grandpaer has passed away So what will she do?
It is important for her to keep three meals. so the three Russian girls may be occasionally busy and forgetful. In those cases, she is coming to ask our attention. Appearing over the glass door,  "Do you want to come over for a moment?" she guide us to the barn that stores foodstuffs
Yesterday, when My son and I were worked on backyard , Mrs. Basilly was showing up from far away . My son who loves her roughly, she always shows her dear love to him, but she passed straight through for some reason and went to the other side of the staircase.
"Look, see, she will pass by willfully, to catch our attention" Indeed we are going to follow her where "Oh? Why?"  she was waiting in front of a barn for a meal. she is quite smart.

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

シアトルの晩秋 信仰心

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何よりも私たちが肝に命じるべき事の第一は、ほとんどの宗教で説くのは ”愛” であり、”愛” は教義、イデオロギー、規則、これらを越えたところに顕現する ”ありてある神の心” なのですよね。神様を信じていると言いながら、神様を疎外してしまうと人間は思考の世界に没頭し雪崩を打つて集団的狂気に走る恐ろしい存在でもあるというのです。


I like to says to stop the story to the conviction of the missionaries who knocks my door preaching the  "our religion is best. so we know everything" .
There is no spirit in the heart to believe that only my religion is truth, there will be no spirituality, only a feeling of superiority will be created and we will have to learn the present and history that have made division and war among people.
It was surprising that the medieval age was the heyday of Christianity, but we had to see hell rather than  heaven.
We know most of all religions preach in "love", "love" is beyond doctrine, ideology, rules.  it is "the heart of the God that exists"
Now is the time when people mostly looking for peace and think that it is time of responsibility of religious people to reconsider their own faith.

Thursday, October 19, 2017

シアトルの晩秋 訪問者

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何やらパンフレットを見せてくれて,”森林火災が起こった時の心得” が何とかと言い出したので、公共の災害対策部の人かなと思いながらも我がキッチンで火を使っていましたので、「今忙しいのでまた後で」とお帰りいただき、そのパンフレットは食卓の上においてそのままになっておりました。





Every day is  the world shaking news that makes us worried and tired.
Whatever the situation in the world, nature is doing what he should do.
As usual the maple turns red, the ginkgo brightens the golden leaves,  cosmos and asters are blooming .
While loving them in my garden, a car came to the garden and a  woman came down with smile.
She showed me some pamphlets, it said "Knowing when a forest fire broke out"   I thought  it was a public disaster counterpart but I was using fire in my kitchen, so " I am busy now so please come back later ",  I left  the brochure  on the table and forgot.
Soon after my husband find the pamphlet, he said "It is somehow a religious organization."
Oh, they come to visit us sometime.
Those people have said that in the same way and still in the same story with the content to us saying "How our group is the best in the world." Such a tired. Human heart is invisible, but it is growing quite high. Even so, they keep doing same approach to us  as a whole thousand years.
"Everyone who come to visit us, saying our group is the best, only you are trying to make war then how are you going to end the war?" I asked them.
Our mentality has to over an established organization in this time.

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

シアトルの秋 小さな訪問者達

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”国難突破の総選挙” と言われておりますのに、これでは賢い日本国民の関心を得るのは、難しくなってしまうことでしょう。
日本国は国民は一流、政治家は3流 なんて言われておりますしね。




今年は数年間姿を見せなかった、ステラ ジエイがカラスを押しのけて住み着いてしまったようです。





The general election time in Japan,  we hate politicians' sneaky bargaining that many of them are doing as usual.
It will be hard to get interest from smart Japanese citizens.
People in Japan are top-ranking, politicians are said to be three-tone.
If you get tired of these uproots and turn your eyes to nature, nature will soften your mind as usual.
As fall comes deep, animals living on around uf are actively working to put a lot of daily necessities in bosom for overwintering.
Because our garden has several baits for the little birds, so the many little birds come.
This year  it seems that Stella Jay has settled down by pushing the crow out.
Large Stella and the squirrels they came to steal the little bird's bait, and its appetite was so big. "Hey you are too much!"
When Crow and Stella cooperate, they are fighting very bad, but the little birds fly among the big ones and do not fight with them.
It is a quiet autumn day, peaceful nature.
"Full moon was beautiful last night," my son says. I think that it is probably a lacking somewhat, but ,,,,,

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

シアトルの秋 送った日

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オヤマー! 男の子ですね。


yesterday was the day my 95 - year - old father - in - law was buried in the National Cemetery under the ritual as a veteran. 
Our Japanese we do not have an army in our homeland so  funerals of military which can only be seen in movies and TV images, but it seems that is commonplace in other countries so Russia next door also said, "My father is also 16 years serving the army , it was a military burial. "About ten ceremonial soldiers kept their hearts in mind that they took charge of ceremonies. In the midst of world peace that is not yet peaceful, the country has many problems to be defended. To protect our families, those who apply for military service to defend their homeland  those who know war most how  miserable is that they are most want avoid war . 
Our sun was excited because of artillery funeral salute  performed, but one Great-grandson who is about 5 years old, he looks so sad and left.
It is not the age to mourn for the great grandfather so my husband called his mother what happened. His mother said, he  wanted the remains of the bullets after the ceremony, but the ceremonial person handed over to my uncle without giving me  that he was very sad. he wanted to share  with the another two cousin who were present together.What a surprise! that a boy.This morning his mother came to collect the remains.As there was a disaster in Las Vegas the same day, a major debate on gun control may occur again in the United States.

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

シアトルの初秋 ベテラン

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我が家の95歳、第二次大戦時のUSネイヴィー ベテランが昨日逝きました。



この義父は私たちと一緒に住んで、5年余の寝たきり老人をしていましたけれど,いよいよ家人の手に負えなくなってきた2週間ほど前に、ベテランズ ホスピタルに移動しました。




A veteran of our father who is 95-year-old in World War II passed away yesterday.
He lived with us who was a bedridden old man over 5 years, but he moved to Veteran's Hospital about two weeks ago when my family finally got out of hand.
So he was carefully nursed for 15 days, and on the day he passed, he was covered with the Stars and Stripes flags, moved from the hospital room to the resting place quietly, afterwards without having our help taking up until the funeral with a small expense.
I was hit my heart that our father who was covered with the Stars and Stripes flags even he was a only simple humble young soldier at 72 years ago.  it may be not surprised for Americans to be covered with the US flag on the day it passes. This way US can take care of veterans is really enviable because of our Japanese we have trouble of Yasukuni  even inside Japan as well as  the other country.
My father is also a veteran of the Second World War and a resident of Yasukuni, but I pray that he should not have a sad feeling .

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

シアトルの初秋 戦後72年

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72 years after the war the world is again in tension.
At this time in our home, the warrior at the 2nd World War is going towards the end of the lifetime.
The time of the American middle class is over, the percentage of American race is turning to the time when white people cut 60%, 50% in the near future and then gradually decline.
It can be said that America is changing and the world is changing .
We hope that the change will not be violent but gentle migration.

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

シアトルの初秋 残暑

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「はてな? 皆既日食の黒い太陽は終わったのにな。」












This morning I went outside to go shopping , the sun was orange.
"What?, the black solar eclipse  has ended, because of  the humidity is high it may be thick hazy .."
"What?" There are pollen like something on the car. It looked like a new type of pollen that I have never seen before.
After coming back from shopping, it seems ash falls instead of pollen around pouch.
"It seems ash falls, what's wrong?"  I asked my husband "I do not know." He said.
 and he said "It is a mountain fire!  near Patrick's house, already 700 families are evacuating," it seems to be a live report from our friend.
The abnormal climate of this year ,
The temperature is high, it is hot and humid,  no rain then lawn and grass are brown, so it seems a mountain fire  occurring in many places.
Report says 700 firefighters are working in the mountain  from the morning even in the evening.

It is a recent circumstance that the world danger. I want pray the country and the people to be wise to over come in this time.

Saturday, August 26, 2017

シアトルの晩夏  お金に目が眩む,心が眩む

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”欧米は血を持って自由,平等,博愛を勝ち取ったのでその貴重さを身をもって良く知っている。それに比べると我々日本人は。。” と幕末の頃西洋に出会って以来多くの日本人は学んできたものです。特に敗戦後は。 
多分我々が ”イデオロギーの前に彼らが堂々としている、” と思っていた姿はかなりの幻想であったのかもしれません。

" The West has won freedom, equality fraternity in shed blood that why they know well the preciousness about it, compared to it, we Japanese .."  Many  Japanese have learned. Especially after world war 2.
Now I can only think that its expiration date has passed when I look at the recent Westerners,  because of  them following after money , resources and some positions even provide by communist Dictatorship.
Perhaps the figure that we thought as "they are majestic before the ideology" may have been a fantastic illusion.
The symbol of civilization is a world city, an artificial place separated from Mother Earth, released from all traditional cultural forms, designed for practical and economic purposes. Humans gathered here are citizens who do not have a hometown, sleeping first in high-rise tenement houses. (Omission) From this extremely strengthened intellectual life leaving the earth, infertility phenomenon occurs, population decline continues, world cities become ruined. Intelligence is destroyed with hollowed democracy, civilization collapses. After the economy dominated thought (politics / religion), Western civilization will perish in the 21st century. "    Spengler "The Fall of the West" by 1918

It is right now.
And there must be a fetal movement in which new things are born.

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

シアトルの晩夏 8月15日

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I hard that in August 15 there are a lot of young people visited Yasukuni Shrine.
Our generation are educated by GHQ soon after the war that bad Japan made war. Western countries are developed countries so we Japanese should  learn from the West, as first the ideology of democracy.
Yesterday I was watching the picture of the Yasukuni Shrine neighborhood on August 15th, the young people in Vietnam had something talking with the Vietnamese flag. It was said Thanks to Japan because of Japan Vietnam was able to fulfill national independence.
For the independence of Vietnam and Indonesia I knew the story that thousands of Japanese army officers who fought against the Netherlands and the French Army for the independence of that country remained in the country even  the war ended. I knew this story It was not so long ago.
Young people who have visited Yasukuni this generation will have a different historical awareness that is different from our time.
The facts of the Second World War were also presented to the light in the United States also,  the young people talk about a different historical awareness from the baby boomers.
We want to get out sooner and faster quickly from malicious fabric fabrication.

Saturday, July 29, 2017

シアトルの盛夏 現在の日本情勢は


The current situation in Japan is the same as the signing of the New Security Treaty by the Kishi Cabinet in 1960 and it is the same as the era of the security struggle after wards.
Mas media made hysterical noise same as now days.  May yang age, I was not interested in the political field but it was  the extremely deflected dignity coverage was a sense of crisis. I was afraid this mass media destroyed Japan. It was a mass media used by the ideology of the country and people with the purpose of world domination. For me it was not so difficult to know that there is a plan to destroy Japan and to put it under control for their purpose.
Time is passed We know still  that power existing with hatred. Now it is directed to Prime Minister Abe, the grandson of former Prime Minister Kishi Shinsuke.
Even more than that time, the consciousness of ordinary people is higher, and I am convinced that it is now time to judge what makes us happy.

Monday, July 17, 2017

シアトルの盛夏 隣のココちゃんと鶏の災難

Image result for 鶏とハスキー

時々訪ねてくる道をはさんだお向かいさんの我らが愛するハスキーさんの名前は、 ”ココ” と言うそうです。 
お隣のロシアさんには6羽の鶏がいるので、我が家のように ”ココ” ちゃんを歓迎しないのです。 
ロシアのオジサンは 「”ココ お家にお帰り” と言うと帰っていくよ。」 と撃退法を教えてくれました。 

Husky cross the street who comes visit us sometime her  name is "coco".
Russian family lives our next door has six chickens, so they do not welcome 'Coco comes to visit us.
Russian papa taught us how to kick Coco out, "Coco go back home." she  will listen.
I wonder what will happen if Russia's chicken, sometimes outside from chicken home,  deer and cat and Coco meet together. One day when Coco came  the chickens were playing happily in out side, it seems that she had caught a chicken.  This made the Russian papa angry.
Russian papa prepared simple bow and shoot Coco's back. Coco was up side down cried out  to run away to the opposite of her house. "She will never show up again," Russia was proud.
She is not show up for a few weeks. I don't know whether she is scolded by her family force to stay inside housor she is afraid of Russian papa but how much Husky's memory is staying in her brain?  We are sorry for Russian family but our family is waiting secretly for Coco 's visit.

Monday, July 10, 2017

シアトルの盛夏 夏の日は早く忙しく。。。。。。。。

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我が家にも5人家族が現れて,嬉しかったこと。その忙しかったこと。 そんなわけで、独立記念日もあっという間に過ぎ去り,やれやれと一息ついて見れば世界は大きくうねっています。
イラクがISを掃討したとか、北朝鮮がICBMを打ち上げたとか,都議選の自民の惨敗とか。etc. etc. 世を揺るがす大きなニュースばかりです。 

When summer comes, long summer vacation, families move around the world.
Five family members also appeared in our house, it was fun also very busy so the Independence Day passed away too quickly, during this time the world got bigger problems.
Iraq swept the IS, North Korea launched the ICBM,  Etc. etc. All the big news that shake the world.
President of Iraq declaring that  has cleaned up IS, I wonder about him what was his work about this news?  It looked like a Kurdish person who was standing on the front line, but again there will be a big matter and a dispersed IS is spilling in the Philippines.
North Korea is still noisy, but China  is a more dangerous country.
More things will emerge from now on and it will appear before people's eyes.
People should be smarter each time.

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

シアトルの初夏 訪問者たち

”夏は名のみ” のシアトルの薄ら寒さです。


Image result for ハスキー犬まず初めの来訪者は、数日前から現れた道を挟んだ向かいの家のハスキーさんでした。彼女は冬の寒い頃に出没したことがあったのですけれど,近所の家に迷惑をかけたとかで謹慎していたようでした。



Image result for カラス鳥達については、今年はカラスさんたちが我が家の森を住処と決めたようです。そのおかげで喧しいことこの上なく、我がオヤジと隣のオジサンたちは 「ビービー弾で追い払おうよ」 何て言っています。何も悪いことをしていないのにデス。

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さて本日は男鹿が裏庭に現れました。サーモン ベリーの若葉を美味しそうに食べながら、随分と長いことユックリと時を過ごしておりました。



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"Summer is only a name" is the frigidness of Seattle.
Nevertheless, the number of visitors to our house in the forest is increasing every day.
The first visitor was Husky, a house across the road that appeared a few days ago. She had showed up in cold  winter, but she was punishing kept in house because she bothered the neighbor 's .
I can not think of the her family who will let go of Husky free, but her family is running a senior home, so I guess they are  very busy.
We love Husky so we are treating her very nice. This year crows seemed to decide our woods to be  home. Thanks to that, it is quite a strange thing, my husband and the neighbor are saying "Let's ches they away with a bb gun" What are you saying. They are not do anything wrong.
Although this year looks  like Finch but not finch, it seems that more beautiful wild birds with longer tails have decided to settled down. Those who are not shy fly around lightly flying around the house.
Yellow butterfly this is first time I found in America after 40 years staying in this country.  and bees dears. Nature give me a beautiful time.