Saturday, June 4, 2022

シアトルの初夏 そもそも地上生活の目的とは何でしょうか? What is the purpose of life on earth in the first place?











What is the purpose of life on earth in the first place?

The purpose in the first place is to understand who you really are. For that purpose, it is necessary to fully demonstrate the functions of the physical body and the qualities as a spirit. You should not be biased toward physical things and neglect your obligations as a spiritual being, but it is also a mistake to be biased toward spiritual things and neglect your obligations as a physical being. We should balance the two so that we will not fall into this worldly human being while we are in this world.

The body is the temple of the spirit, which is the alter ego of God, so sufficient care is required. And spirits in the process of growth and evolution need to be given opportunities for growth and evolution through their bodies.

The purpose of life on earth is to gain various experiences so that the spirits who have left the earth can become familiar with life at the next level. So, first come to the earth. The earth is a training center. It's like a school where the spirits in the body learn lessons that provide equipment for the next dimension of life.

For that reason, I would like to reiterate. What you find unpleasant is sometimes the best medicine. It's not in Hinata's life that you find your true self, but in a stormy life. It's when thunder is ringing and lightning is inspiring.

Humans must be rigorously polished, purified and purified. You have to experience the climax and the bottom. You must experience what you can experience only because you live on the ground. These experiences strengthen and reinforce spirituality and prepare you for a life awaiting death.

The purpose of life on earth is to enliven spirituality. For that reason, the events of the earthly world have come to vividly experience two-sidedness and two-polarity, and there is a reason for the earthly life of earthly life. For example, good and non-good live together. This is something that is not in our world. There is no contrast in the higher dimensional world.

The purpose of life on earth is to further strengthen spirituality by giving the soul a chance to experience various things so that it can demonstrate its spiritual qualities. Therefore, there is evil, there is sin, and there is violence.

The purpose of the existence of all life on earth is to obtain an exciting experience as if the divinity of human beings, animals, and all other life is lit and becomes a fire, a light, and a flame. You will awaken your spiritual consciousness and, while on earth, will understand not only the phenomenal aspects of life, but also the more important inner aspects, and will enjoy their grace.

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