Tuesday, June 7, 2022

シアトルの初夏 シルバーバーチのスピリチュアルな生き方Q&A   "Silver Birch Spiritual Way of Life Q & A"




     スタン・バラード / ロジャー・グリーン共著
        近藤千雄 訳 






           霊的真理普及財団・会長  ロイ・ステマン



 また、われわれが「勉強会」を始めた時、何か手ごろなテキストはないものかと話し合ったことがある。スピリチュアリズムの枠内でも起こり得る誤解や勝手な解釈を一掃したもの、というのが第一の条件であったが、そうなると 「シルバーバーチ」 の名で知られている、あの高級霊が遺してくれた宇宙哲学と生きる英知以外にはあり得ないのではないかという結論に達した。


 霊言集の出版が終わった今、こうしたかたちでシルバーバーチの霊言を世に出すということは、真理普及に改めて貢献することになる。この一冊によって光を見出す人が一人でもいれば、われわれの努力も無駄ではなかったことになる。                                      スタン・バラード


 シルバーバーチとは何者か                訳者


 人間は形而上的にも形而下的にも 「なぜ?」 と問いかけたくなるものにあふれている。
たとえば 「地動説」 という厳然たる事実が常識となるまでに何百年もかかったが、一体なぜ地球が太陽の周りを回転するのかは、いまだに謎である。


 こうした 「なぜ?」 と問いかけたくなることは、人生にはいくらでもある。本書は、そのいくつかに納得のいく回答を与えてくれる。かけがえのない英知の泉であるが、シルバーバーチと名のる霊は一体いかなる存在なのであろうか。本書によってはじめてシルバーバーチを知ったという方のために、おおよそのところを紹介しておきたい。






これを 「個性の死後存続」 と呼び、これは 「地動説」 と同じく科学的事実として、好むと好まざるとにかかわらず、万人が認めざるを得ないものである。

その詳しい解説は第4章にゆずることにして、シルバーバーチが繰り返し説いている特徴的な教訓の一つは、仏教で「生・老・病・死」 を不幸としてとらえているのとは対照的に、そうしたものを体験するところに地上生活の意義があり、いわば魂の肥やしとして前向きにとらえることが、死後の向上につながると説いていることである。

 第6章を 「生・老・病・死・苦──地上人生の意義」 という見出しにしたのは、これがシルバーバーチの教えの圧巻だからである。そこには在来の全ての宗教に見られる 「現世利益」(げんせりやく) 的な気休めの説教はカケラもない。

「事実なのですから、そう述べるしかありません。もしも私が地上生活をらくに生きる方法があるかに説いたら、それは私が高級神霊界からあずかった使命に背いたことになります」 とまで述べているのである。

 シルバーバーチの教説は、その意味で 「大人の人生指導原理」 といえるかも知れない。気休めのありがたい話を好まれる方には厳し過ぎるかもしれない。が、現実界を見れば、気休めやご利益信仰など吹っ飛んでしまうような事象が毎日のように起きている。今後とも、それは変わることはないであろう。


"Silver Birch Spiritual Way of Life Q & A"

Dialogue with a noble being

Co-authored by Stan Ballard / Roger Green
Translated by Kazuo Kondo


The process of getting this book will be different for each person. The first is the case of a long-time Silver Birch loyal reader who has learned so much from his noble wisdom and spiritual insights into life that he was able to get it without any hesitation. .. Others may say that the message of Silver Birch was given not only by the earth but also by those who use it as a guideline for life after death.

I would like to affirm that this book will never betray such a person. Perhaps it was because they caught my eye at a bookstore, or they bought it because they were interested in it after seeing a newspaper advertisement. It's a coincidence, but if you read it, you'll understand that it wasn't a coincidence, and that there was some form of spiritual guidance.

Anyway, I don't want to re-promote the wonderfulness of Silver Birch's lessons with my poor brush. Rather, I would like to aim for the efforts of the two editors of this book.

I would like to pay tribute to the idea of ​​extracting the gem "Q & A" from the many spiritual collections that have already been published (and have been discontinued) and put them together in one volume. If you read it in this way, you will feel that the silver birch is closer to you, and you will be reminded of the depth of its meaning.

Roy Steman, Chairman of the Spiritual Truth Promotion Foundation

Editor's preface

For those who continue their journey of quest while focusing on the spiritual and psychic aspects of life, I would like to prepare a book that will answer the questions that you encounter. This is the reason for compiling this book.

Also, when we started the "study session", we had a discussion about whether there was any reasonable textbook. The first condition was that the misunderstandings and arbitrary interpretations that could occur within the framework of spiritualism were wiped out, but then that high-class spirit known as "Silver Birch" would leave behind. I came to the conclusion that there could be no other than the cosmic philosophy and the wisdom of living.

Some of the questions in this book were actually asked many times at the séance that began in 1920. However, since Silver Birch responds by deepening and expanding the content each time, I am willing to duplicate it in this book as well.

Now that the publication of the spiritual collection is over, putting out the spiritual spirit of Silver Birch in this way will contribute to the spread of truth again. If anyone could find the light in this book, our efforts would not have been in vain. Stan ballad
Roger Green

It was

Who is Silver Birch? Translator

When I read the "Preface" and "Editor's Preface" with this book in my hand, the collection of ghost words of Silver Birch was almost discontinued, and even now, in the UK, it is called "Spiritual Truth Promotion Foundation" or "Study Group". I was happy to know that I was still alive in shape. It was

Human beings are full of things that make us want to ask "why?" Metaphysically and metaphysically.
For example, it took hundreds of years before the harsh fact of "heliocentrism" became common sense, but it is still a mystery why the earth rotates around the sun.

The reason why the sun pulls the earth trying to go straight is just a principle explanation, and why the earth tries to go straight is still a mystery in astronomy.

There are many things in life that make you want to ask "why?" This book gives a convincing answer to some of them. It is an irreplaceable fountain of wisdom, but what kind of existence is the spirit named Silver Birch? For those who are new to Silver Birch through this book, I would like to give you an overview.

Silver Birch is a tentative name for an ancient spirit who has been teaching spiritual lessons for 60 years from 1920 using the mouth of Maurice Barbanell, a spirit medium. Except for the fact that he lived on earth about 100 years before Jesus Christ, the nationality, surname, and status of the earthly era remained unknown.

He asked me at least several times to tell me just his first and last name, but each time
"What do you do when you know that? Humans have to stick to names and titles. If I find out that I'm a famous person in history, I'm even more confused about what I've said so far. You might think, but that's a very bad illusion.

It doesn't matter whether I was a king, a servant, a millionaire, or a slave in my previous life. If you are convinced of what I am saying, believe it as the truth. If you think it's such an idiot, please refuse it. That's fine. "

I usually answer, and eventually the attendees stopped asking.
The only thing that is clear is that even if the portrait drawn by a psychic person looks like a North American Indian, that Indian is not actually Silver Birch himself.

The Indians were, so to speak, the spirit medium of the spirit world, and it was the existence of the high-class spirit world that actually sent the message, and the wavelength was too high to directly work with humans on the earth, so they used Indians as a relay. It is. Spiritualism, which can be called modern scientific spiritualism, has made it clear that even after death, we will continue to live with the same consciousness as we do now.

This is called "consciousness after death of individuality", and as with the "heliocentric theory", it is a scientific fact that everyone, whether they like it or not, must admit it.

I will leave the detailed explanation to Chapter 4, and one of the characteristic lessons that Silver Birch repeatedly preaches is in contrast to Buddhism's view of "life, old age, illness, and death" as unhappiness. In particular, it is said that the significance of life on earth lies in experiencing such things, and that positively considering it as a fertilizer for the soul leads to improvement after death.

Chapter 6 was headed as "Life, old age, illness, death, suffering-the significance of life on earth" because this is the masterpiece of Silver Birch's teachings. There is no fragment of the "worldly interest" -like sermons found in all conventional religions.

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