Monday, May 16, 2022

シアトルの春 あなた方は完全性を備えた種子を宿しているということです。You are harboring seeds with perfection.























─── You said that God is perfect, but if we humans are imperfect, does that mean that God is also imperfect?

"No. You are harboring seeds with perfection. You cannot be perfect until you have the perfect organ of expression to exert that perfection. At present, its expression organ is extremely imperfect.

If we evolve to have a perfect organ of expression, a perfect spiritual body, we will be able to exert perfection, but it will take an infinite amount of time. "

Does that mean that it will take an infinite amount of time for all parts of God to reach the perfect stage?

"No. God is always perfect. However, the expression of the part that is currently manifested in the form of human beings in the physical world is incomplete. That is the effort for perfect expression. "

─── If you think about it, is it like there is a correct concept that is misunderstood and used by people?

"That's right. And even step by step, you have to constantly approach your ideals. There is perfection. I know that you are only a small piece of your true self. I am saying that I have not expressed it.

If you judge you with just one piece of your body as it is now, you will come to a very unjustified conclusion. But that's just part of you.

There is a bigger you, a bigger consciousness, and it is still connected to you. However, it means that it will not be exhibited unless it is given an appropriate organ of expression. "

─── When you hear it, I think that God is no longer a single being. Is God an independent being?

"There is no god in the shape of a human being sitting on a pure white, luxurious throne. God is not a person with a single body. It is providence and law."

─── Do you have a heart in it?

"The mind does not work only through your body. It works through the law. You have to think of your mind separately from your brain miso.

Consciousness does not focus solely on the poor brain cells. It exists completely independent of the brain. We must stop thinking about the workings of the mind in relation to the small organ of the brain.

The mind can exist by itself. However, some kind of expression organ is needed to be aware of it. For that reason, human beings have many spiritual bodies.

It is possible to imagine a state without a body, and even in that state you are strict, but then there is no way to express your personality.

It is really difficult to explain the existence of God to humans. This is because human beings can only imagine beings with an independent form. It is impossible in the first place to try to explain something that transcends languages ​​and symbols in the language of the earth. It's about the essence of creation.

Do not think of the existence of God as a force that focuses on a certain point. It's not like that. God is a perfect heart, a perfect providence that works forever, with no beginning or end.

It does not mean that the light suddenly came into the place where it was pitch black one day. Life is a circular motion. There is no beginning or end. "

─── Do you say that each of us has a god, just as there is a god in every corner of the universe?

"My God cannot exist apart from the whole spirit manifested in all creations. Unfortunately, the people of the Western world still create humanity in the Garden of Eden (Adam and Eve). Imagine a concept similar to (the story of), but in reality it is completely different.

The evolution of the universe continues endlessly from the unfortunate past to the unfortunate future. The universe did not suddenly appear where there was nothing in the past. The universe always exists somewhere. Life has always manifested in some form. And it will continue to exist forever in some way. "

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