Friday, April 29, 2022

シアトルの春 イエスなる人物の正しい位置づけが、  The Spirit of Silver Birch-The Best Gospel for Humanity on Earth >

地上人類の最高の福音 10章 幼児期を過ぎれば、幼稚なオモチャは片づけるものです














メンバーの一人「“キリストの霊”Christ Spiritとは何でしょうか」


※――イエスの死後、イエスこそそれに相応しい人物だったという信仰が生まれ、それでJesus Christと呼ばれるようになり、それがいつしか固有名詞化していった。







※――George Lansburyは一九三一年~三五年の英国労働党の党首で、その平和主義政策が純粋すぎたために挫折した。第二次大戦勃発直前の一九三七年にはヨーロッパの雲行きを案じて、ヒトラーとムッソリーニの両巨頭のもとを訪れるなどして戦争阻止の努力をしたが、功を奏さなかった。Dick Sheppardは生前キリスト教の牧師だったこと以外は不明。なおこの当時二人ともシルバーバーチ霊団のメンバーだったことは他の資料によって確認されている。



































Thursday, April 28, 2022

シアトルの春 その(神の)働きの邪魔だてをしているのは、 "It is none other than myself who is interfering with that (God's) work.










"It's okay to give out" light ", 
I'm okay with" darkness ", 
and if it hurt you, it's your responsibility."
"It is none other than myself 
who is interfering with that (God's) work. 
Drive out the darkness of your ignorance
 and live in the sunlight of the right knowledge."

Silver Birch

Tuesday, April 26, 2022

シアトルの春 子供の宗教教育 無用の悲劇に終止符を…… End the useless tragedy ...





















For reference, here's what Silver Birch said about children's religious education at another séance.

"Let's tackle this problem with the very common idea that today's children are tomorrow's adults. Of course, it's an important social responsibility in social life after school. It must be a preparation for the school.

As a member of a meaningful society, it is the basis of education to give knowledge to nurture people who can contribute to society and humankind in any situation. First and foremost, we must explain what the providence of the universe is. We must teach the great potential of human beings and develop them to help our lives and the communities in which we live.

Children are sensitive. Even intelligently, we cannot judge for ourselves whether what is taught is really the truth. He is so obedient that he believes that everything he is taught is true and swallows it as it is.

In this way, educating children is dealing with truly valuable and delicate raw materials. Since what is taught is woven into the warp and weft threads of the child's character, the educator must first be aware of the importance of the responsibility of education. It is related to the subconscious of the child, and what is taught is directly impressed by the subconscious, which is the basis for building the child's subsequent thoughts. In that sense, religious people who preach unreasonable and selfish lessons, whatever their motives, will create great obstacles to humankind and its civilization, and will be guilty of it.

Those who do not know that children have various possibilities, those who do not understand spiritual truth, those who do not know that children are spiritual beings and children of God, like adults. , Those who do not understand the position of humans in space-children raised by these people are impaired in their healthy mental development.

It is not my territory to talk about the essential elements of a child's physical life here. Sufficient knowledge is already widespread about it. It is clear that we should bestow what is useful in cultivating the spirit of science in all fields, education in all fields of life phenomena, rich literature on earth and the true value of art and culture.

So, focusing on the issue of religion, religion is of great educational significance because it is the guiding principle for individual souls to openly deal with and overcome all the struggles of life. Is obvious. Since each child is part of God and is essentially a spiritual being, he is intended to live with all the grace that "freedom" brings. If you do something that restrains the soul from an early age and deprives you of your freedom, it will ignore the basic rights of the soul. You will be in a state of enslavement. You will end up as a spiritual slave.

"Freedom" is the core of education. From my point of view, a child who has been taught the correct truth about religion will grow up openly. If an educator teaches things not from the intention of giving the child true freedom, but from the desire to instill loyalty to old myths and parables, it pollutes the child's spiritual fountain. Will be. Teaching the wrong doctrine that would be rejected if the intellect is well developed does not benefit the child, either religiously or educationally.

That's not all. Someday, the time will come when the soul will feel a repulsion. You will turn your back on those who have taught you what you did wrong when you were a non-resisting child. The young soul, like a young tree, is intended to grow strong and straight. If it is raised in the wrong way, it means that the roots of existence are tampered with, and naturally growth is hindered.

I am determined to all who try to impose false doctrines from the soul of rebuilding a fallen church and filling vacant seats without teaching the right truth about the spirit and the connection with God. Disagree as. If you tell the truth about religion, there can be no religion that preaches all the truth. Every religion sees only one line of the light of truth. Moreover, alas, even the light of that one is distorted over a long period of time and is forged by fanatics.

For children, religion is about helping oneself for others, living a serious and selfless life without being caught up in complicated doctrines, and serving the society in which one lives. I must teach you that it means to live truly faithfully to God. "


End the useless tragedy ...

From now on, I pray for the blessing of the Spirit. Our efforts to spread knowledge, wisdom, and enlightenment as part of our work to reveal to the children on earth the providence and purpose behind the unchanging life phenomenon are the blessings of the spirits. You won't be rewarded without it.

You, the spirit of the universe, have been misunderstood and misunderstood by children and others. Burning revenge, hungry for blood, seeking sacrifices, some abandoning those who are loved, benefiting only a limited few, ignoring the masses who turn their backs on themselves As a god who does, he has been worshiped in fear.

Instead, we revelate you as the law of life-the immutable and immortal law of nature, the providence that exists from the eternal past and continues to exist into the eternal future. Unravel the mystery that binds the work of the soul, remove the blindfold that obscures the soul's eyes, remove the soul's earplugs, open the door of the heart, and guide towards the fullness of heaven. We are committed to disseminating it, recognizing that there is no other way to prepare for accepting greater truth, greater wisdom, and greater horizons as much as possible. ..

We have put an end to the useless tragedy created by misunderstandings about the providence of nature, and all the tyrannical and unreasonable vested interests that are the obstacles to the peace and harmony that mankind should have as a matter of course. , I want to eliminate self-centeredness. We are striving to clear the fog named ignorance, which has long clouded the horizons of humankind and has been an obstacle to the achievement of harmony, welfare and cooperative life.

We generously bestow the power, inspiration and love we have on those who are willing to accept it. We will not discriminate in any way. Touching your existence as a Father, what the children call God, and taking your holy power and wisdom into your own, revealing it in your life, and thus unnecessary sadness and worries. Instead of suffering, I pray earnestly that I will live in new knowledge, new purpose, and new enlightenment.

Wednesday, April 20, 2022

シアトルの春 人間は生まれる前も、今も、そしてこれからもずっと霊です。Humans are spirits before, now, and forever.










Another day's séance also addressed questions from readers around the world. One of them was, "I know the destination after the death, but where does the spirit come from?" Then I got a response like Silver Birch.

"Does that person really know where he is going after his death? Where are he going?"

To this question, the member who read the letter to the editor on the right said, "I think it means going to the next world ..."

"That way you use the very vague term, such as" the next world, "but the world of life is one. It has innumerable stages. You are still in the spirit world. You are and will be in the spirit world forever. It's just that the wavelengths of the vibrations are different. In the same sense, human beings have been and will continue to be spiritual beings. "Death" does not make you a spirit-it does not enhance your spirituality by a millimeter.

Humans are spirits before, now, and forever. Currently, he is conscious of only the part that is manifested through the institution called the body. With the evolution after the so-called "death", the parts that had not been manifested until then are gradually revealed, but as a "spirit", it does not go anywhere. I didn't come from anywhere. It has existed since the past, it still exists, and it will continue to exist. "

One of the members, "What kind of form did you express before you had a form of expression on the ground? I think that is what this questioner wants to ask."

"Although it has existed as a spirit for a long time, it does not exist as an individual until it dwells in the form of that substance. The spirit has individuality when it is connected to the physical body."

"Is it correct to think that the individuality of animals kept by humans is promoted by the connection with their owners?"

"No thank you"

Tuesday, April 19, 2022

シアトルの春 ハリー・エドワーズ氏とシルバーバーチの問答 Harry Edwards and Silver Birch Questions and Answers



















Illness is mostly due to improper communication between the mind, body and soul. If done correctly, that is, if it is in perfect harmony, it is healthy, stable, calm and agile. However, such a person is rarely seen on the ground ...

Now, the patient who visits you is in his or her own spiritual growth stage. He stands on one step of the ladder of life. The level of it determines the amount of healing power that is poured into the person. One of the factors that determines that is what I call karmic debt.

There are people whose debt is too great for you to deal with. Some people have no choice but to sacrifice their bodies, that is, to die. Some people are given another chance. In some cases, such a person will be completely cured by the relationship with you. Some people do not heal because of mental factors. In such a case, even if it temporarily improves, it will become another symptom and return. "

"I think that karmic debt is greater than the healing power that is poured into that person."

"You're right. I really want to emphasize that point. It's the tax levied on the person, the story he's telling, and the storyline is written by anything else. It means that it cannot be changed.

In the beginning I said that everything is within the framework of the law. Everything works on that premise. The miracle that humans call does not occur. There is no suspension, change or abolition of the laws of nature. Everything consists of cause and effect. That is where the element of freedom is constrained. If the causal relationship can be canceled for some reason, God's justice will be fundamentally destroyed. What a healer can do is to free the soul and give freedom to the mind. The result naturally appears in the body. "

"Will it help pay off karmic debt?"

"That's why. That's why I say that for psychic healing, touching the patient's soul, awakening the ego, and becoming aware of the purpose of life is the most important role."

"As we healers experience without exception, we can feel the joy, uplifting, sublime emotions and philosophies from the bottom of our hearts. I think that's what you're talking about. "

"The extreme moment of fusion of heaven and earth-in a blink of an eye, when all barriers are removed, humans become aware of their true spirituality. Immediately break that bond and spirit. It reaches the state of ecstasy, which is the original feeling of

Now when Edwards raises the issue of karmic debt again, Silver Birch extends to the original big mission of spiritualism, saying:

"You, I, and all the people involved in it, have their own roles. The main purpose of spiritualism is to awaken the souls of humankind and to as many human beings as possible. By making people aware of their true self and knowing who they are and who they are, they will guide them to demonstrate their spiritual nature and attributes in their daily lives.

It will transform everything on earth, from a weedy wilderness called selfishness to an ideal flowering paradise. We are now working towards that and are achieving reasonable success. Those who find the light, those who awaken to the true ego, those who awaken from the life of a physical doze-these people find the way humans are, and with conviction and knowledge, on a true pilgrimage journey. Let's say it's a soul that comes out. "

Mr. Edwards, who was impressed by this word, said, "It is enough to tell me this. It is not important to cure itself," Silver Birch said.

"It does not mean that we in the spirit world are indifferent to human suffering. We are not indifferent to the tragedy, suffering and apathy of the sick, but the ultimate in such problems. By addressing the cause, we can put an end to the incongruity between the spirit, the body, and the spirit, and then the brilliance needed by earthly life will be abundantly enjoyed by the Son of God. You will find what is intended to be-nobility, nobility, dignity, abundance, brilliance, beauty.

If you die at the end of such a life, you will be able to comfortably pass through the gates of the spirit world by taking off the body that played a major role in the earthly life to prepare for the afterlife without any pain. "

Friday, April 15, 2022

シアトルの春 ある年のイースタータイム      One year's Easter time


 ある年のイースタータイム シルバーバーチは〝死〟を一年の四季のめぐりに見事になぞらえて、こう語った。










One year's Easter time (*) Silver Birch likened "death" to the four seasons of the year, saying:

(* Easter is a holiday that celebrates the resurrection of Christ, and in the West it is celebrated as big as Christmas. The time may vary slightly depending on the country, but the day is Easter Sunday, the week including that day is Easter Week, 50 days. Is called Easter time ─── translator)

"Think of the exquisite changes of the four seasons, the uninterrupted eternal tour. The winter when all life sleeps, the spring when that life awakens, the summer when the world of life competes for beauty, and until the next spring. Autumn when nature begins to whisper in preparation for the sleep of.

The earth is about to enter the season of the splendid manifestation of nature ───spring, Easter, resurrection───. It is a time when a new life, a life that had been lying quietly in the darkness of the basement with peace and tranquility, will all manifest on the ground.

Soon you will feel the activity of the sap in your eyes, and soon you will see buds, young leaves, clusters of leaves, and flowers. A big chorus of new life echoes all over the earth.

From these things, I would like you to know that religion was based on the movement of nature itself in the ancient non-civilized era (*). In the movement of the stars in the moving nature drama, they sensed the life of the gods-the existence of an invisible power staring at them.

In awe of the laws that govern our lives, we have made spring the most important season for the birth of life.

(* Silver Birch does not see the development of civilization itself as anything splendid. It seems that the spiritual sense of humankind has been paralyzed, and in that sense, the image of "barbarism" is included in this expression. Not done ─── Translator)

The same cycle is repeated in the life of each human being. The same spectacular nature is unfolding in each person's soul. First, spring comes with the awakening of consciousness. Next, it will be summer when the vitality is maximized. In the fall, when its power begins to decline, and the exhausted soul comes to a time of winter dormancy. But that's not the end of everything. It is the end of physical life.

At the end of winter, the soul will enter spring in the next world, thus continuing its eternal cycle. Learn this lesson from nature. And be confident that providence, which has never abandoned you, will continue to work for you and all other life. "

シアトルの春  シルバーバーチの新たなる啓示 訳者あとがき Silver Birch's New Revelation Translator's postscript



 本書は、多分、シルバーバーチ霊言集の最後の一冊となるであろうと予想されている、Lift Up Your Hearts (直訳すれば〝心を奪い立たせなさい〟)の前半で翻訳である。これまでの霊言集のほぼ二冊分がぎっしりと詰められており(すべて新しいものばかり)、ハート出版との相談の結果、これを二冊に分け、そしてタイトルも別にして出版することになった。















 サイと言うのはサイキックの語源でもあるPsi のことで、これを〝心霊〟と訳さずに〝サイ〟で通しておられるのは、私がスピリチュアリズムを〝心霊主義〟と訳さないのと同じ考えからであろう。








 手短に言えば、来るべき二十一世紀は人類にとって輝かしい世紀となるということで、それまでに〝世紀末的〟といわれる大なり小なりの天災や混乱はあっても、それは、関先生の譬えを借りれば漢方医学でいう〝めんげん〟 現象にすぎず、そのあとに地上天国ともいうべき幸せな生活環境が生まれるというのである。

〝めんげん〟は漢字で〝瞑眩〟と書き〝めんけん〟 とも〝めいげん〟とも読む。これは治療がうまくいって病気(とくに長く患っているもの)が好転し始めた時に発熱したり、吐き気を催したり下痢をしたりする現象のことで、一見悪化したように思えるが、その段階を越えると急速に快復する。











































 そこでシルバーバーチに登場願うことになる。シルバーバーチは平面的な〝場〟を意味するプレイン plane という用語を用いずに〝状態〟を意味するステイツ state を用いている。シルバーバーチは言う────













                     平成六年三月  近藤千雄

Silver Birch's New Revelation 
Translator's postscript

This book is a translation in the first half of Lift Up Your Hearts, which is expected to be the last volume of the Silver Birch Spiritual Collection. Almost two volumes of the spiritual collection so far are packed tightly (all new ones), and after consultation with Heart Publishing, we decided to divide this into two volumes and publish them separately with titles. became.

The original text of this book was a memorable book for both the editor Tony Otzsen and me as the translator. For Otzsen, it was the last publication to leave Psychic News gracefully, handing over the editor-in-chief Chair to young Tim Hay after a one-year takeover period after the publication of this book. Because.

Otzsen joined Psychic News at the age of 20, trained under Barbanell in a parent-molecule relationship (Otzsen called Barbanell the "boss"), and after Barbanell died. , I sat down on the editor-in-chief's chair and sent every day to be busy.

Among them, the one that I put the most effort into was the compilation of the Silver Birch Spiritual Words Collection, and there are six books including this one, even if only one edited by him. All of his edits are characterized by a large number of pages, but in particular, this sixth volume is twice as much (as in the usual collection of spiritual words).

Inferring from the fact that he had already announced that he would leave the company when he started editing, it was judged that no one would edit Silver Birch anymore after he quit, so it has been announced so far. He probably thought that there were as many things as possible that he didn't have. However, there was a slight overlap, which I omitted in my translation.

In fact, behind the enthusiasm of Oatessen, there were voices from silver birch fans all over the world expecting the publication of a new collection of spiritual words.

And some of them included a donation asking them to cover the cost of publishing. I am one of them, and I have always used a part of my royalties income, which is not so big, to donate.

With gratitude to such supporters, the names of 32 individuals and groups are actually listed at the beginning of this sixth volume. Moreover, although the commercially available ones are paperbacks, only the supporters are given the ones with the initials of each name (KK in my case) engraved on the cloth-covered hardcover.

There is no better souvenir for me. It is no exaggeration to say that I felt that all the difficulties of translation so far would be rewarded with this one book.

Now, during the translation of this book, I met a scientist who was meaningful to me. Hideo Seki, the chairman of the Sai Science Society, who is still active on the front lines despite being ninety years old, is a doctor of engineering who has received the Medal with Purple Ribbon and the Order of the Sacred Treasure. ..

Since the summer of last year (Heisei 5), I have had a connection with Mr. Masahito Nakagawa, who has raised Qigong to a spiritual level to treat intractable diseases and is now attracting attention from all over the world. I have been invited as a lecturer to the Qigong teacher training course held every month at the Oki Yoga Dojo in Izu Shimoda several times.

At the Shinkikou Experience Meeting held in Osaka on February 12th of this year, I was invited as a lecturer with Professor Seki, and after giving a lecture for one hour each, Mr. Nakagawa joined in and the panel discussion was held by three people. Was done.

I can't help but be impressed by the toughness of Mr. Nakagawa, who is running around the world as well as in Japan, but when I first met Mr. Seki on that day, he was 90 years old. When I think about it, I just admire it.

What surprised me even more was the breadth and depth of understanding of spiritual things. The business card I received only says "Representative of Acceleration Academy", but I heard that the school is like a study group for scientists who study psychic science, that is, high-dimensional science beyond material science. There is.

The scope of the research extends not only to the world after death, but also to UFO problems and messages from aliens (aliens), and recently appeared on TV and denied the existence of supernatural powers. It sounds like a little dog howling, such as the theory of a university professor.

Sai is Psi, which is also the etymology of psychic, and passing it through "sai" without translating it as "spiritualism" is the same as I do not translate spiritualism as "spiritualism". Probably from the idea.

I was surprised to find out that it is completely in line with spiritualism by reading through his latest book, "High Dimensional Science" (Fabre Insect Museum). Whereas the emphasis is on messages, so-called spiritual communications, Psi Science focuses on messages from other celestial bodies, such as the Pleiades star cluster, commonly referred to as Subaru, or broadly speaking, messages from celestial bodies that send UFOs. Is also of interest.

However, it can be fully seen from the next passage that it is basically the same as spiritualism.
"Various psychics and psychics bring information to me. What humans can't think of in their heads is for psychics and psychics. I understand.

Messages arrive in various forms from non-human energy bodies. Some people move their hands and reach them by the phenomenon of automatic writing, some people reach them by the word spiritual words, and some people have a dream.

Since it may be the work of a sloppy low-ranking spirit, it is necessary to be careful in disposing of that information, but what most psychics and psychics have in common is this variety. It means a natural disaster.

In other words, the natural disaster that is happening now is the self-cleaning action of the earth. The earth, which has been sick due to environmental pollution, is using its vitality to heal itself. "

What I mentioned earlier as "meaningful to me" was the rare spiritualist of the former Viscount, Akinobu Manabe, who led me to spiritualism, and thanks to that guidance, I was forty. Engaged in the work of introducing spiritualism to Japan over the years

As a culmination of this, Heart Publishing has just recently published a new article, "The history of spiritual humanity will reach the dawn." This is because the content of the book, which is viewed in a straightforward manner, is basically in line with the content of my book.

In short, the coming 21st century will be a brilliant century for humankind, and even if there are large and small natural disasters and confusions that are said to be "end of the century", it is a reminder of Professor Seki. If you borrow it, it is nothing more than a "mengen" phenomenon in Chinese medicine, and after that, a happy living environment that can be called heaven on earth is born.

"Mengen" is written in Chinese characters as "Meditation" and read as "Menken" and "Meigen". This is a phenomenon that causes fever, nausea, and diarrhea when the treatment is successful and the illness (especially those that have been suffering for a long time) begins to improve. It recovers rapidly when it exceeds.

From now on, the earth will also undergo a meditation reaction due to the natural healing power of the celestial body itself, which is the earth, and will temporarily exhibit a "end of the century" phenomenon, but it will not become a serious thing such as the destruction of humankind, but it will be bright after that. The theory of spiritualism is that the century will come.

I think that the recent extreme weather, earthquakes, wildfires and other natural disasters, and ethnic conflicts that occur frequently around the world indicate that the earth is already in a period of meditation.

I have avoided mentioning UFOs so far, but it has been quite commonplace for me from early on. I haven't boarded the ship yet, but I have witnessed more than ten. Even if I erased what I thought might be an illusion, the remaining three times seemed to bother me to show it, and it was amazing, or a flight that was unthinkable in human common sense. I am observing.

Actually, in June last year, in Fukuyama City, where I live, only 50 members of the "UFO Association" from all over the country gathered to discuss observations and experiences.

I'm not a member, but the organizer of the day was my student (an art instructor at a nearby university) who was also interested in my psychic stories, so I told him He asked for a keynote speech (he himself had a spiritual experience and took about 100 UFO photos).

The UFO observation on the day continued from around 11 pm to around 3 o'clock in the middle of the night, but unfortunately those things did not show up at last. I wasn't too disappointed because I expected that aliens wouldn't be interested in just being interested, but I felt that the people who attended from the Kanto region had a hard time.

However, the story of the boarding experience by the three people the next day was more than compensated for that regret. Everyone's story was convincing and didn't seem like a myth. He's definitely on a UFO, and he's been taken to the alien where he started. Many people boarded the ship more than 100 times, and the explanation of the cockpit was also good.

What seemed particularly interesting to me was that they were often taken in a state of abscission, and in the celestial body where the UFO started, the intelligent life form went from the material stage to the ghost stage. It was a sign that it was evolving. In that sense, my lecture was also understandable to all the participants.

Seki-sensei's theory is exactly the same, which is why you can fly from celestial bodies that are thousands, tens of thousands, or hundreds of thousands of light-years away in an instant. It is a kind of teleportation, and the principle is the same as the apports (movement of goods).

Then, why should it be Subaru in the starry sky? In fact, there is a fact that an alien dispatched to the earth immediately after the end of World War II lived on the shore of Lake Chapala in Mexico for a year. The alien's house (whether appropriate or not) still exists and is used to communicate with Subaru.

There is no doubt that Mr. Seki and Mr. Ikuo Adachi, an architect, visited the house and took some pictures.

In other words, the frequency that was first received on the radio was from Subaru, so the frequencies that can be received from now on will increase as much as possible.

After all, there are 1,155 billion stars in this galaxy alone that have intelligent life forms at or below the Earth level, and 700 stars that live above the Earth level and are in line with the providence of nature. There are more than 100 million.

If you apply the four-world theory of spiritualism, such a problem can be easily solved. It is already common knowledge in spiritualism that there are ghosts, spirits, and gods that surround the earth, but there are three worlds of ghosts, spirits, and gods in the entire solar system, and ghosts, spirits, and gods in the entire galaxy. There are three worlds of God.

And from the upper part of the Earth's ghost world to the spirit world, you will be able to come into contact with the ghost world of the entire solar system and galaxy.

At that stage, the distance of the earth's senses disappears, and you can instantly see what happens anywhere in the universe, just as you can see images of the other side of the earth at almost the same time on satellite broadcasts. become. Even if you are on the ground, you will be able to receive communications from stars hundreds of millions of light years away, as long as you have the right channels.

This is premised on the existence of ether as a medium of conduction. The existence of ether was constantly preached by Oliver Lodge, a pioneer of spiritualism, a British physicist and philosopher. However, it came to be denied until Einstein's theory of relativity came out.

Actually, this was a headache for me, and I was worried that modern scientists would criticize me that the existence of ether was denied.

However, a doctor of science named Ron Pearson, who contributes to the recent Psychic News and Psychic World (monthly) as every issue, faces the existence of ether.

Wednesday, April 13, 2022

シアトルの春  生きざまによって手本を示す        Set an example by life    











Set an example by life

─── Is there any better way than to set an example?

"But hopefully, nothing is more effective than this.

Please think carefully. It has been a long time since the earth was born. Neither scientists nor geologists know much about the birth of the Earth. That's not unreasonable. It has a long history so that the difference in the number of years of one million units does not matter much.

So to speak, the spirit is in the position of the caretaker of the earth. He is, of course, not a human being. He is not a divine person either. It is a sublime power that I call "the incarnation of love and wisdom." Infinite intelligence, the culmination of all knowledge and all truth.

You also have some knowledge of the earthly world. You also know that all life activities on earth are regulated by the natural law side. There is always a cause in the result.

You will reap the seeds you have sown. The four seasons go around one by one in order. The rotation of the earth does not depend on the earth's axis. The tide repeats ebb and flow, and its accuracy can be calculated properly with mathematical formulas.

Even in the large nebula of the galaxy, each star, each planet, and each constellation in it is moving in its own orbit.

Every plant, flower, fruit, vegetable, bird, human man and woman, and every child is regulated by the unchanging laws of nature, and all possible behaviors and changes are well recognized.

In such a large mechanism, human beings are considered by the spirit to learn by example. You said "Is there any better way?", But there is no such thing. "

Monday, April 11, 2022

シアトルの春 耐えることも慈善の一つであり      Enduring is also one of charity







 友よ、勇気を出してください。あなたの模範をキリストに求めてください。あなたたちの誰よりもキリストは苦しみましたが、それを悔いることはありませんでした。あなたたちはあなたたちの過去を償い、未来へ向けて強くならなければいけないのです。ですから、忍耐強く、キリストの教えを守る者であってください。それがすべてです。(ある友人の霊 ルアーウ“ル、1862年)

Gospel by SP-Cadelac
Seven, pain is a grace from God given to those chosen by God. So when you suffer, you shouldn't feel anxious. The first is to worship the Almighty God who has shown your glory in heaven by giving suffering in this world.

Please be patient. Enduring is also one of charity, and you must practice the law of charity taught by Christ sent by God. Giving coins to the poor is the easiest charity. But there is another charity that is more painful and more commendable.

It is the charity that God forgives those who are on our way to test our patience. I am well aware that life is difficult.
Life is full of many trivial things that hurt us as they peck at us.

But we need to know again that if we do the obligations we have, we will receive the price and advice on the one hand, which is far more of a blessing than pain. I have. The load on my back feels lighter when I raise my head and look up than when I lie down.

Friend, please give me courage. Ask Christ for your example. Christ suffered more than any of you, but he did not regret it. You must atone for your past and become stronger for the future. So be patient and keep the teachings of Christ. That's everything. (A friend's spirit, Luau "Le, 1862)


Sunday, April 10, 2022

シアトルの春 地上への降誕の目的 Purpose of birth to the earth








 別のメンバー ───今の質問にはもう一つの意味も含まれていると思うのです。つまり、そうした個的生命も最後は大霊の中に吸収され没入してしまうのかということです。





Purpose of birth to the earth

─── It seems that we are "divine spirits", but if the purpose is to evolve toward the supreme and supreme spirit, why is it "divided"? In other words, why is it that what was originally one is separated and is born in this earthly world with the purpose of returning to the spirit again?

"I want you to ask this question to the ghost, not to me," he joked, and then said in a new tone.

"It's a pretty good question, but unfortunately it comes from a fundamental misunderstanding or misunderstanding. When you say you were" one "with the Spirit, it's from the only absolute source of the Spirit. It means that it is out, and in the same sense, it can be said that all life, all individual beings, and all living things are one in essence.

The individual existence of "you" was not "you" from the beginning, that is, from the time when he was one with the spirit. It was not until I got the medium of expression that I became an existence with the individuality of "you".

Its purpose is to reveal the inner divinity. The divinity that dwells inside is perfect. However, it is only after the activity of manifestation that the seeds germinate, grow and bloom with nutrients such as soil and water, and the beauty and brilliance of the seeds are exhibited to the outside.

There is also the purpose of existence in the earthly form. That is, the divine seeds planted in the physical body experience the process of germination, growth and maturation. Through the unique experience of life on earth, you will acquire the qualities and abilities necessary for the next stage of life that will come after death. "

Another member ─── I think the current question has another meaning. In other words, will such individual life be absorbed and absorbed in the spirit at the end?

"That's right, but it's not like entering the so-called Nirvana. When an individual being disappears, it doesn't come forever. On the contrary, the closer it is to perfection, the more pronounced the individuality. Will become "

─── Is it like a stream flowing into the ocean?

"That's not the case. When a stream flows into the ocean, it disappears. Your existence never loses its individual existence. Personality (the character of the earthly era) changes. However, the characteristics and habits will disappear, but the manifestation as an individual will continue forever.

There can be no limit to growth and development. The more individual you develop, the more harmony you have with the spirit. The more spiritual you are, the closer you are to that spiritual origin. "

Saturday, April 2, 2022

シアトルの春 霊的真理は不変です Spiritual truth is immutable


















Spiritual truth is immutable

Unfortunately, Silver Birch did not reveal the identity of the earthly era to the end. All we know is that it is definitely a very high-class spirit, and that it used a former North American Indian on earth as a medium for the spirit world as a relay to communicate with the earth. I used to worship many gods in my time, "is the only word that refers to my earthly era.

The séance on that day began with the following words:

"It is often said that half-baked knowledge is dangerous, but sometimes too much knowledge can be dangerous, especially if that knowledge is wrong.

When some knowledge occupies the brain, the intellect has no room to think freely through it. In that sense, I feel sorry for the "priests" who have a lot to learn and throw away. Since the idea is based on artificial sand, it is desperately trying to protect the tower on the sand that has begun to fluctuate under the attack of spiritual truth.

It's built incorrectly. I gathered myths around Jesus, the Nazareth, and finally raised the festival to the throne of the spirit of life. However, since the foundation itself is wrong, one day we will have to revise it. However, when I try to change Isa, I get afraid. So they insist that there is nothing left to change in Christian doctrine-that is not possible, if it is based on "facts" or "laws of nature." Only can be said.

That is why we have returned to the earth. That is, no one, any person, any book, any church, any leader-whether it is an earthly being or a spiritual being. Do not blindly obey, but rather follow the providence of nature that the Spirit has set-to preach that this is absolutely correct and absolutely correct.

That is the reason why we preach only the providence of nature. It's fine to call it spiritualism. However, if you understand that it is a ghost's stipulation, and that its work extends to all planes of the universe, including the physical life on earth and the spiritual life after death. about it.

Human beings on the ground place too much importance on leaders. And it exaggerates beyond its true value. From there, the annoyance of theology-for scientists, for thinkers, and for sincere people who wouldn't want to accept what would otherwise be free-spirited and unreasonable, they've made it very annoying. ..

That is why we emphasize the providence of the Spirit. By understanding it correctly, all knowledge is put to good use. It never repels the intellect of scientists, philosophers, free thinkers, or anyone else in any field. This is because it is based on the work of the everlasting and immutable spirit.

You are now hearing that the wisdom prepared by the council in the spirit world is delivered through this me. As the wisdom and comprehension of humankind on earth increases by spreading it, life will become in line with the will of the Spirit. It will be providential. You will realize that the tragedy and hunger, hardships and heartaches of the earthly world all come from not living according to that providence. As that understanding deepens, the ugly weeds that obscure the beauty of the spirit garden will disappear.

With that as our goal, we strive not only to free the soul of mankind and free the mind, but also to allow the physical body to enjoy health in harmony with the laws of nature. I'm doing it. "

Here Silver Birch had an interesting story about his experience since he finished his life on earth almost 3,000 years ago and entered the spirit world.

"It took me a long time to reach that idea myself, because in the earthly era I worshiped many gods. Once again, I have to admit the idea that there is only one absolute spirit in this universe, and that it manifests itself as an eternal and immutable providence that controls all life phenomena in the endless whole universe. It is.

If these teachings reach the earth, all divisions in the human world will disappear. There are no barriers between nations. Discrimination by race, class, and skin color, churches (British churches), churches (chapels), churches (non-Christian), temples (Islamic) ) There is no distinction between a temple (mosque) and a (Jewish) chapel (synagogue). Each of them has a part of the truth of the spirit, and it gradually becomes clear that what other religions have as their essence is not inconsistent with what their religion has as its essence.

Thus, even though it may seem confusing on the surface, spiritual principles shape it, creating harmony and peace. I would like to say this because I would like all of you who gather here to understand such a great plan of the spirit. It is a role that each of us who have returned from the spirit world must fulfill, as well as a role that each of you must fulfill by the time we finish our earthly life. "

    Silver Birch