Saturday, March 9, 2019

シアトルの弥生 神は〝内側〟にいるのです。 God is "inside"

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シルバー バーチ

You are a traveler. Keep on moving constantly. The ground is not your residence. The real residence is still ahead.

Human beings are indefinitely seeking truths in their physical forms, in festivals, in rituals, in dogma, in religious practices, in amazing names We have sought in worship of luxurious buildings for worship among factional loyalty.

But God is "inside". It is not "outside". Singing hymns, ridiculous ceremonies - these things are just "shells". It is not the essence of religion.

I do not say that I will be excluded from the worldly life and become a religious actor. It is preaching the way of life to develop the inner spiritual ego that is rarely expressed in the ground life.

It will further strengthen the desire and determination for humanity for more human beings. There are many things to do. However, most people want to know only the knowledge that is considered "common sense" in the ground life. Because it has become familiar with too long, it has already become second nature. "

Silver Birch

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