Sunday, March 31, 2019

シアトルの春  花たちの準備

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It is April. Month of Easter.
There are the flowers that has been delayed because of the  historical snowfall in Seattle, but They are working hard to dress up their best for Easter.
After a long snowfall, the flowers and leaves are crushed and flatten, so it will take  time to prepare the leaves and stems to strait up.
Under such circumstances, the narcissus were finally in full bloom, and the tulips began to have buds.
Last year,  tulips that were completely eaten by baby rabbits, so this year I planted them in large pots that rabbits can not reach.
I was worried that this year's snow would kill tulips. So rabbits  would laugh at me., but they are saved.
The garden trees has lost some of branches also the main branches are bent. I am trying to straighten with a splint.
Anyway hey are preparing  for Easter by restoring the crush here and there.

Saturday, March 23, 2019

シアトルの弥生 天体の円運動の原理 ベールの彼方の生活 G.V. オーエン  The Life Beyond the Veil by G. V. Owen

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 superb combination of continuously moving celestial bodies also comes from the most basic geometric calculations. What makes it possible is that there is only one purest and simplest one that can endure free use without hesitation.

The pure and simple state is the guarantee of permanence. It is an everlasting truth not only in the earth, but also in the distant world of the stars. If anything, it is because it is controlled under perfect law.

Well, it is no exaggeration to say that each orbit of these celestial tissues is determined by two kinds of principles. That is, straight lines and curves. No, it may be more accurate to state that it is basically made up of only one principle, that is, a straight line.

In other words, all celestial bodies are essentially going straight on a straight track. However, I will draw a curve without exception while advancing. An explanation of the reason can be given to astronomers on earth. But let me explain by just one example.

For example, let's assume that it has been launched on orbit now. Then first follow a straight course. That is the original movement. However, it soon begins to turn in the direction of the sun.

And it turns out that it is working in an elliptical shape soon. As a result, there is no straight line. It was an ellipse by the continuation of the curve, which is the orbit of the earth.

On the other hand, the attraction of the sun never worked in a curvilinear manner. After all it is straight.

After all, it was the linear action of the two kinds of energy-the thrust of the earth and the attraction of the sun-that changed the orbit of the earth from a straight line to an ellipse-in which the elements of many kinds of curves are included , That made a perfect ellipse.

In fact, there are many other influences on this, but it is limited to one principle so as not to distract you. If this is defined, it will become such-two linear energy actions work together to form an elliptical orbit.

Both the attraction of the sun and the impetus of the earth work in a perfect manner, with beauty and tremendous power. The fact that an object works by itself should be a wonder, it is a truth, a wonder.

Both of them modify each other's movement, and while the larger one dominates the smaller one, and without losing the inherent power and freedom of the smaller ones, by means of interlocking action – while clearly acting in opposition Well, I draw an oval that is much more beautiful than two straight lines. This is exactly like the relationship between parents and children.

You don't think that this mechanism is wrong and it comes from the source of hate, because the two sides work against each other. You can think about it. Both of them continue the movement without any change in the connecting motion without changing the day of coming in the void and the day of coming, and are still continuing.

If you think of it, it is a matter that should have reverence and reverence. It shows the existence of wisdom that combines beauty and greatness. I can not help but have a tribute to the God who invented it.

It must be an existence that combines great wisdom and great power. I wonder if it will be.

Humans tend not to understand God's work in this way, and tend to easily doubt God and his work based on the apparent perspectives they see. If you look at the confrontation as in the previous example in human life, you will immediately say that God is incomplete. I believe there should be a better way, and doubt the wisdom and love of God.

Seeing only the slight curves of human life's large trajectory, I think as if everything was going to ruin. Even if you don't think so, I think that a course that is at least all straight, that is, without tragedy and without suffering is the right life, and I don't like to be corrected for the trajectory by the interlocking action of opposing forces.

Of course, there may be other ways of working if it is a problem of assumption. But if so, it would be incompetent to the perfect star-knot movement that God realized through its spiritual power.

The confrontation in life that causes atrocities, troubles and pains is the same as the confrontation of energy that operates the Earth safely on orbit. That's good for God's eyes to see the full picture, and wait patiently for its fulfillment.
   The Life Beyond the Veil
  Vol. II The Highlands of Heaven
          by G. V. Owen

Friday, March 15, 2019

シアトルの弥生 春は名のみの、夏が来る!

Image result for 新芽

それよ! と、雪かき分けて雪かきシャベルやソルトを買いに行っても売り切れ、次の日に行っても売り切れ。




その様なわけで、私界隈においては、「美しい雪景色」と感嘆する人はほとんど無く、わずかな雪にウンザリしていました。更に ”グローバル ウオーミング” なぞと口走る人は一人としておりません。





Winter in Seattle, we had a  heavy snow that have been for the after in 70 years. Son who says, "I have never seen such a big snow,"  I said, "You were not born 70 years ago,"
Well,  my husband went around store to get snow shovels  and salt, they were all sold out.

Last weekend, we had a lot of snow again, and my son screamed, "too much!". He kept car on the street because no hill there.
Seattle, we are not used to snow, even we have a lot of struggling of  a little snow. There are many hills, and there are not enough snow plows in the city, so it is difficult for cars to drive on small roads.

There are no system for residents work together for snow removal.  "I had to scoop the snow alone .." My friend who just moved from Alaska lamented.

That's why,  people who didn't say  "beautiful snow scene", and  Furthermore, there is no one talk  about the "Global Warming" .

However, temperature has started to rise, and in a few days it will be 72F. is.

Look ! !  Deer has appeared! It is a young 3 female deer . When were you born? Luckily, it was good I  fixed the the fence of the vegetable garden and flower garden yesterday which was broken by snow. otherwise you will be eaten all yang leaves. I hope they have enough food in woods.

Saturday, March 9, 2019

シアトルの弥生 神は〝内側〟にいるのです。 God is "inside"

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シルバー バーチ

You are a traveler. Keep on moving constantly. The ground is not your residence. The real residence is still ahead.

Human beings are indefinitely seeking truths in their physical forms, in festivals, in rituals, in dogma, in religious practices, in amazing names We have sought in worship of luxurious buildings for worship among factional loyalty.

But God is "inside". It is not "outside". Singing hymns, ridiculous ceremonies - these things are just "shells". It is not the essence of religion.

I do not say that I will be excluded from the worldly life and become a religious actor. It is preaching the way of life to develop the inner spiritual ego that is rarely expressed in the ground life.

It will further strengthen the desire and determination for humanity for more human beings. There are many things to do. However, most people want to know only the knowledge that is considered "common sense" in the ground life. Because it has become familiar with too long, it has already become second nature. "

Silver Birch

Saturday, March 2, 2019

シアトルの弥生 樹木も花も、山も海も、小鳥も動物も、野原も小川も

Image result for 春の白樺






Both trees and flowers, mountains, oceans, small birds and animals, fields and streams, please enjoy the summer from now on that will appreciate its beauty. Let's honor God. God is bringing the infinite variety of beauty of its natural wonders. Let's seek fellowship with the power of God working inside of it.

In the quietness of the forest, in the whisper of the wind, in the chirping of the birds, to the branches of the pine trembling in the wind, brought back to the flow of tides, to the incense of flowers, to the sound of insects to the sound of insects Let's find existence.

Please work together with the power hidden behind such wilderness, and make it a little more my own. God speaks to humans in various forms. It is not only in churches and chapels. Not only through the prophets or the spiritual media. It is not just a scripture containing numerous revelations.

The voice of God is hidden among the activities of the great nature. Nature is also God's servant. I want to tell everyone that God's manifesting manifested in such various forms - spontaneous voice and voiceless voice. "

Finally, I finally discussed the fundamental philosophy of work I have promoted for people all over the world, with my circle and circle, and closed the meeting.

Silver Burch