われわれは 「無限の同情、無限の優しさ」 などというが、神は祈禱書にいわれているような 「愛深き父」 のようなものではないのである。
「愛深き父」 ───世間で一般的に言う意味での───とは、自分の子供だけを可愛がる人のことである。
人はある特定の人とか物に対して、身も心を捧げていることを示したいときに、この 「愛」 ということばを用いる。
もし神が、人がその言葉で理解しているようなうつろい易い 「愛」 を持っていたとすれば、世界の歴史は善よりも悪の方に変わっていたであろう。
「神は愛よりも偉大である」 これこそまさに愛よりも神に相応しいことばなのだ。
私は、我等が師たるキリストが 「神は愛なり」 と説いたことを承知している。
イエスが神の子であるという主張は、彼が神の神秘を知り、 「神は愛なり」 ということばによって、全人類中ただ独り、このことばの意味するところを真に理解したという事実に基づくのである。
アダムの子等であるすべての人々は、 「神は愛である」 というとき、皆、人間的な意味でそれを理解している。
それ以上に理解しようがないからである。そこで私は、有限の心を持ったあなた方に、神を、 「神は愛よりも偉大である」 ということばで想い描くようにしなさいと勧めるものである。
永遠の大道 マイヤースの通信 The Road to Immortality; ジェラルディン・カミンズ(著)
It seems strange to me that God is spoken of as love and good, just as God is spoken of as having jealousy and revenge. God is not like that. God is the inevitable ultimate point of any life.
It is neither good nor evil, nor is it cruel or kind. God is a purpose beyond all purposes and has neither love nor hate. Therefore, there can be no idea of expressing God.
Because to me God seems to be all about creation, but away from all of it. God is an idea that is hidden behind countless worlds and the universe.
When talking about love and hate, we are thinking within the limits of human language. At such times, one may probably envision a mother's love for her son, her husband's dedication to his wife, a heroic act for love, or, if it is hatred, betrayal, deception, and endlessness. Is like anger at those who commit even violent crimes.
Human love and hate, no matter how noble it is, cannot be said to belong to God.
Because love is all overshadowed by desire. Therefore, love lacks the purity to be associated with God. None of the most noble hatreds of evil are unstained, and it is still blasphemy to say it in the name of God.
In other words, it is not possible to connect these feelings with God. We say "infinite sympathy, infinite kindness," but God is not like the "loving father," as the prayer book says.
God is more noble and great. A "loving father" ─── in the general sense of the world ─── is a person who loves only his own children. For example, in war, Britain would argue that God's love was for them, and Germany would argue the same.
People use the word "love" when they want to show that they are devoting themselves to a particular person or thing.
And, without any thought, God loves all the creations, but I don't want the Creator's idea to be cheapened by calling it God. The reason is that if you call it that way, you will limit the idea of God, and you will lock God in the human language, that is, you will make God human.
No, God is not love. How good men and women love is also because love is a human virtue, sometimes burning and waning like a flame, and burning at times of a lifetime, but unable to sustain its fire. Even if they are on good terms, they are tinged with irritation, some kind of complaints, and selfish depression.
God is not something that changes. The work of the ancestor of the universe (Mioya) cannot be something that stumbles and fails. If God is love, that abusive creation of life can never be maintained so perfectly, and we must obey that volatile character that you call love.
And the growth of life between heaven and earth would have been suspended for a while. That is, if God's heart were to change, rain would not moisten the earth, the fertile autumn would not bring harvest, and the earth would lie barren.
The tides of the sea will submerge most of the horizons, and the mountains will collapse from their peaks, instantly damaging millions of lives. If God had the easy-going "love" that one would understand in that word, the history of the world would have changed from good to evil. "God is greater than love." This is exactly what God deserves more than love.
I am aware that our teacher, Christ, preached, "God is love." God was just love for Christ. Because Christ did not have the human meaning that the people who had appeared on this earth had thought in his words.
The claim that Jesus is the Son of God is based on the fact that he knew the mystery of God and, by the word "God is love," was the only one in all mankind to truly understand the meaning of this word. It is.
All people, such as Adam's children, understand it in a human sense when they say "God is love." I can't understand it any more. So I urge you with a finite heart to envision God with the words, "God is greater than love."
The Road to Immortality;
Myers Eternal Road
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