Monday, February 18, 2019

シアトルの冬 偏見と独断と自己愛と



なる程、”自分の思想と合致しない宇宙の方がどうかしているに相違ないとまで考える” のですね。死後の世界に入っても強情を貫き通したい人間の心は、この世界においてそうした展開をしているのを毎日私たちは目撃しています。





This is also a story of Silver Birch, about H · G · Wells who denying spirituality and passing his life through rationalists.
"coming in spirit world, many people have to throw away all the philosophy of life that has been built over a lifetime, but  they can not understand it, for them because they were  build  Scientific logic,  so  they were trying to think that the universe must be a problem"
 "The universe must be a problem".  that the human mind such a stubbornness even into the world after death. We know that we can see in this world.
See! From individuals to the world, prejudice, arbitrary, self-love rampant.
Numerous stories that were built with malice. Dispute over history recognition. So tired but we can not prevent these things. So this is some good opportunity that we can learn with our knowledge, conscience, common sense and spiritual five senses.
We can see in history, people are keep making up false story by  some small experience, study and etc. Even in the field of religion.
It is now the time for us to exert a fair and good heart cultivated by the common people.

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