Saturday, February 23, 2019

シアトルの真冬 地上生活の目的





シルバー バーチ

The primary purpose of physical life is utilizing all physical, spiritual and spiritual aspects of human beings, the three aspects work that we can say "you are living". living with only the body and mind, we pursue shadows and visions, and you do not notice the existence.
Only after spiritual self awakens, doors open and adventure are opened. It was to develop that spiritual self. This is the purpose which you are born into the substance world of the earth.

Silver Birch

シアトルの真冬 地上生活の目的





シルバー バーチ

The primary purpose of physical life is utilizing all physical, spiritual and spiritual aspects of human beings, the three aspects work that we can say "you are living". living with only the body and mind, we pursue shadows and visions, and you do not notice the existence.
Only after spiritual self awakens, doors open and adventure are opened. It was to develop that spiritual self. This is the purpose which you are born into the substance world of the earth.

Silver Birch

Monday, February 18, 2019

シアトルの冬 偏見と独断と自己愛と



なる程、”自分の思想と合致しない宇宙の方がどうかしているに相違ないとまで考える” のですね。死後の世界に入っても強情を貫き通したい人間の心は、この世界においてそうした展開をしているのを毎日私たちは目撃しています。





This is also a story of Silver Birch, about H · G · Wells who denying spirituality and passing his life through rationalists.
"coming in spirit world, many people have to throw away all the philosophy of life that has been built over a lifetime, but  they can not understand it, for them because they were  build  Scientific logic,  so  they were trying to think that the universe must be a problem"
 "The universe must be a problem".  that the human mind such a stubbornness even into the world after death. We know that we can see in this world.
See! From individuals to the world, prejudice, arbitrary, self-love rampant.
Numerous stories that were built with malice. Dispute over history recognition. So tired but we can not prevent these things. So this is some good opportunity that we can learn with our knowledge, conscience, common sense and spiritual five senses.
We can see in history, people are keep making up false story by  some small experience, study and etc. Even in the field of religion.
It is now the time for us to exert a fair and good heart cultivated by the common people.

Thursday, February 14, 2019

シアトルの冬 雪やこんこん



数十日に渡り、次々にスノー シャワーがやってきて、停電にも何回か長い時間見舞われ、シャワーが明けた昨日は、そして今日も、どこもかしこも雪に被われ深い雪を懐手をして見ている以外にありません。





A lot of snow fell.
Ever since the history of Seattle. I wanted to say that.
A snow shower came one after another and a power out  for a long time, Yesterday when the shower was over and today ,  covered with deep snow.
The first shower dawn and the second shower dawn rescued the garden tree covered with snow.  also  took care of the new leaves showing up that crocuses, tulips and daffodils. We also filled out the bird 's feed box.
In the third and fourth times after shower  the snow was too deep and I was giving up "no way", last year I was eaten a lot of tulip sprouts with rabbits and I am worried about this year will be trouble with snow.
Only birds were safe , food boxes were filled. so many happy birds were flying around in deep snow.
People in the snowy country have a hard life.

Sunday, February 10, 2019

シアトルの冬 事もあろうに.........

Image result for 預言者まらき


氏の見解によると、預言者マラキは ”人間は兄弟姉妹” だと言っているので、グローバリストなのだそうです。氏曰く旧約の預言者はグローバリスト、ナショナリストが交互に現れて来ていたと申しております。この方は丹念に預言者達の書を読んでおられるようです。




唯物論的グローバリストも神様のマネをして ”兄弟姉妹” と言いはしますけれど,彼らの目的は彼らの物的損得の為のカモフラージュに過ぎないと、私たちの多くは知っています。



氏がよく勉強する方であるとお見受けしていたのですけれど, それならもうちょっと深く勉強したのちに、人間にとって重要な宗教の話をしてほしいものです。

As a matter of fact, one Japanese who is  an international critic.
According to Mr. 's view the prophet Malachi is globalist because who said "human beings are brothers and sisters". So Mr. says that the Old Testament prophet were appearing as nationalists and globalist alternately.
Is this mean? Jesus of Nazareth, who came as a culmination of the Old Testament prophets, is also a globalist. So the Creator who sent the Christ and the Prophet to the world also a globalist ?
People who are now called globalist mean those who worship materialism. In other words, people who is working for  world free exchange of material, money and people  that purpose to make confuse the world for their own benefits.
However, for those who belong to at least Christianity are naturally to say, humans are brothers and sisters, centering in  God.   We know God  is not a stingy to racial discrimination.
Materialistic globalist also says "We are brothers and sisters", but many of us know that their own purpose without God.
Therefore, we will not make together people who call the world materialistic globalist and people sending by God. there must be no one who says God is a materialistic global list.
Mr's opinion was quite appreciated for me used to but he made me so disappointed.
I saw that Mr. is a good study,  so I would like him to talk about important religions for us need more deep  study.

Thursday, February 7, 2019

シアトルの冬 生命の根本原理 

Image result for 春の白樺








The principle of life is  support each other. There is devastation only in the place where there is no spirit of mutual help. Where there is a spirit of mutual help, peace and happiness are born. The world must build a new society with the spirit of mutual help. The principle is very simple. Humans make it complicated.

Silver Birch

Silver Birch