Saturday, July 29, 2017

シアトルの盛夏 現在の日本情勢は


The current situation in Japan is the same as the signing of the New Security Treaty by the Kishi Cabinet in 1960 and it is the same as the era of the security struggle after wards.
Mas media made hysterical noise same as now days.  May yang age, I was not interested in the political field but it was  the extremely deflected dignity coverage was a sense of crisis. I was afraid this mass media destroyed Japan. It was a mass media used by the ideology of the country and people with the purpose of world domination. For me it was not so difficult to know that there is a plan to destroy Japan and to put it under control for their purpose.
Time is passed We know still  that power existing with hatred. Now it is directed to Prime Minister Abe, the grandson of former Prime Minister Kishi Shinsuke.
Even more than that time, the consciousness of ordinary people is higher, and I am convinced that it is now time to judge what makes us happy.

Monday, July 17, 2017

シアトルの盛夏 隣のココちゃんと鶏の災難

Image result for 鶏とハスキー

時々訪ねてくる道をはさんだお向かいさんの我らが愛するハスキーさんの名前は、 ”ココ” と言うそうです。 
お隣のロシアさんには6羽の鶏がいるので、我が家のように ”ココ” ちゃんを歓迎しないのです。 
ロシアのオジサンは 「”ココ お家にお帰り” と言うと帰っていくよ。」 と撃退法を教えてくれました。 

Husky cross the street who comes visit us sometime her  name is "coco".
Russian family lives our next door has six chickens, so they do not welcome 'Coco comes to visit us.
Russian papa taught us how to kick Coco out, "Coco go back home." she  will listen.
I wonder what will happen if Russia's chicken, sometimes outside from chicken home,  deer and cat and Coco meet together. One day when Coco came  the chickens were playing happily in out side, it seems that she had caught a chicken.  This made the Russian papa angry.
Russian papa prepared simple bow and shoot Coco's back. Coco was up side down cried out  to run away to the opposite of her house. "She will never show up again," Russia was proud.
She is not show up for a few weeks. I don't know whether she is scolded by her family force to stay inside housor she is afraid of Russian papa but how much Husky's memory is staying in her brain?  We are sorry for Russian family but our family is waiting secretly for Coco 's visit.

Monday, July 10, 2017

シアトルの盛夏 夏の日は早く忙しく。。。。。。。。

Image result for 夏

我が家にも5人家族が現れて,嬉しかったこと。その忙しかったこと。 そんなわけで、独立記念日もあっという間に過ぎ去り,やれやれと一息ついて見れば世界は大きくうねっています。
イラクがISを掃討したとか、北朝鮮がICBMを打ち上げたとか,都議選の自民の惨敗とか。etc. etc. 世を揺るがす大きなニュースばかりです。 

When summer comes, long summer vacation, families move around the world.
Five family members also appeared in our house, it was fun also very busy so the Independence Day passed away too quickly, during this time the world got bigger problems.
Iraq swept the IS, North Korea launched the ICBM,  Etc. etc. All the big news that shake the world.
President of Iraq declaring that  has cleaned up IS, I wonder about him what was his work about this news?  It looked like a Kurdish person who was standing on the front line, but again there will be a big matter and a dispersed IS is spilling in the Philippines.
North Korea is still noisy, but China  is a more dangerous country.
More things will emerge from now on and it will appear before people's eyes.
People should be smarter each time.