Thursday, January 28, 2016

シアトルの冬  環境問題と住民と

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アマゾンや東南アジアの熱帯雨林の違法伐採が、深刻な問題になっていますけれど、”森を生かした農業” とか ”森を作る農業” とか呼ばれる ”アグロ フォレストリー” の実践がアマゾンや東南アジアで行われているのですね。 

Illegal logging in the Amazon、 Southeast Asia and another tropical rain forest, it is  serious problem but another way   called "agroforestry" is carried out in the Amazon and Southeast Asia .
"Agroforestry" is planting trees and same time to grow crops also raising animals between trees. This is called  as the "forest agriculture."  This agriculture has been devised by Japanese immigrants went to Brazil, and named in 1970 by Canada.
In the past 30 years in natural resource management and poverty problem has developed to the scientific method.   A lot of Japanese are active and contributed in this field.
Since the Industrial Revolution, to cut down the  forest in many places on the earth, now the people of the developed countries found out that  rain forest, Amazon, Southeast Asian  are the last place to protect earth,  better to help the people who live in the land and work together and people around need  benefit that  comfortable life and good education in great nature.

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

シアトルの正月 大統領選

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”この人がアメリカ大統領になったら恥ずかしい” と回答したアメリカ人の数が昨年の中頃は50%程だったのが今はどうでしょうか? 

Presidential election in year 2016.
Mr.Trump is more and more active. we didn't expected this happen.
In last year, 50% of Americans who responded that  "This person is embarrassing as the President of the United States"  what about now?
Traditional occupational presidential candidates are having hard time, You can see the American people like somebody different as President of America.
Our  son is serious supporter for Mr. Trump.
 We don't know yet.

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

シアトルの正月 地球を守ろう リサイクリング

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War and  rumors of war, even  the nature has been painfully destroyed by human beings.
 Therefore from  individuals to organizations have been the active of nature protection,  the rain forest has been destroyed, large wetlands in the Amazon is destroyed It is  we will listen to, but such a places are so far,   what can I do?  many places  have been destroyed by illegal group.
Illegal suppliers of rampant anywhere where it becomes money, it is the same as the war.
To logging and the few animals are sold, That story we can see that  is closely related to the our life.
Daily use of paper and wood.
Living in the big property making bonfire is fun,  its one also of the paper and wood to be stopped to return to ashes.
In our lives, the need for recycling is  very important. Nature is destroyed by dark power  is  such a frustrating thing.

Friday, January 8, 2016

シアトルの正月 ローマ法王の警告

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” 「お金を崇め、戦争を行うことで成り立つ経済は不平等と若者の失業者を増やし、これ以上維持ができない。我々は良くないシステムを維持しようとする世代の人々を全て排除している」


The global economic system is near collapse, according to Pope Francis.
An economy built on money-worship and war and scarred by yawning inequality and youth unemployment cannot survive, the 77-year-old Roman Catholic leader suggested in a newly published interview.
“We are excluding an entire generation to sustain a system that is not good,” he told La Vanguardia’s Vatican reporter, Henrique Cymerman. (Read an English translation here.) “Our global economic system can’t take any more.”
“We discard a whole generation to maintain an economic system that no longer endures, a system that to survive has to make war, as the big empires have always done,” he said.
"But since we cannot wage the Third World War, we make regional wars," he added. "And what does that mean? That we make and sell arms. And with that the balance sheets of the idolatrous economies -- the big world economies that sacrifice man at the feet of the idol of money -- are obviously cleaned up."

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

シアトルの正月 一年の計は。。。。。。

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”一年の計は元旦にあり” とは古今東西何処も同じで、我が家でも親父や息子が騒ぎ立てていました。 
etc. etc.どれもこれも簡単に片つく問題ではありませんね。 
先ずは ”自分から始まる平和” として、出発する2016年といたします。

"New Year’s RESOLUTION " this is the world wide wish. January First in year 2016, my family members they were making noise because of this.
Last year to this year we had a lots of world trouble, the French terrorism, comfort women issue of  agreement of the Korea-Japan,  North Korea has the experiment of hydrogen bomb. 
In the United States, the presidential election in year 2016.Obama's announcement of gun control. etc. etc. none of which is not easy to get solve problem.
Anyway I decided to go with "peace that starts from my own".