レバノンは第二次世界大戦後、金融では ”中東のスイス” とも呼ばれ、観光などの分野でも国際市場に進出して経済を急成長させ、地中海に面する首都ベイルートは ”中東のパリ” と呼ばれて洗練されて美しく、中東及び地中海有数の国際的リゾート地として大いにぎわっていたという、その華麗なベイルートも複雑極まりない人種と宗教の対立と内戦で、一時は瓦礫の街と化してしまったのは悲しかったですね。私が是非とも訪れたい都市の一つでした。
「権力の乱用と闘おう」という強い思いに突き動かされ「国際レベルで大きなうねりが生まれている」(Transparency International)
Carlos Ghosn's arrest was big surprise in the world.
I know his nationality is Brazil but I did not know who is a Lebanese born in Brazil. Also he has three nationalities, France, Lebanon, Brazil.
Now I understand. Lebanese are the descendants of the Phoenicians who were famous maritime commerce trader around the BC 2000.
After the Second World War, Lebanon has entered the international market in the fields of finance, tourism and so on and the economy has grown rapidly, and capital of Beirut is one of the most international resort area in the Middle East and Mediterranean that is regarded as Paris in the Middle East but the beautiful Beirut was destroyed because of civil war . It was sad.
In the past when we lived in Uganda, Indians and Lebanese people had business in Africa, they did not share to the local people the local wealth that they maid, local residents were not happy to them.
It must be a satisfying life for them that their talents and skills made good life. But money-based globalism is greedy and does not care other people. They do not even think a little to try to share to people. Because of them the middle classes fall down in America. This is very annoying.
Anyway We need think about something, before establish another uncontrolled strong selfish money-based community by a charismatic person. I hear lots of voices saying "What is wrong. I use my own money as I like. "
From our point of view, we know there are many unscrupulous businessmen in Japan, but basically we would like to share each other.
"We fight against the abuse of power" is driven by people "Great swells are born at the international level"(Transparency International)
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