Sunday, December 31, 2017











New Year

Saturday, December 30, 2017

シアトルの大晦日 New Year Eve 


I will enjoy New Year's Eve at Beethoven Symphony No.9

Monday, December 25, 2017

シアトルのクリスマス  Christmas in Vienna 1999

Related image

Christmas in Vienna 1999 The Three Tenors 
L.Pavarotti, J. Carreras, P. Domingo


Christmas in Vienna2017年退屈でした。

I was boring Christmas in Vienna 2017.
There was a sense of incongruity in Russian lady's excessive performance and the behavior of the boys of the Vienna Boys Choir.

Sunday, December 17, 2017

シアトルの冬 日本に住むハスキーさんたち


最近ちょっと目につくお話なのですけれど、日本ではハスキー犬がポピュラーで多くの人が飼っているのですね。何年か前は或いは何十年か前にはラブラドール レトリバーが人気であると聞きました。

それで今、日本で人気と言われるハスキーさんなのですけれど、You tubeなぞで目にするのですけれど,日本の家屋に家族と同居しているのですね。同居人には悪いけれど、日本の家屋とハスキーさん。これは似合いませんよね。

我が家族はハスキーさんが大好きで、道を挟んだ向かい側に ”ココ” と呼ばれるハスキーの女の子が住んでいて、彼女の家人が忙しいので時々自分一人で散歩に出ていたのですが,我が家の隣のロシアさんの鶏をかじってしまったので、一人歩きはできなくなってしまい、我が家にも尋ねてこなくなりました。

我が家はラブラドール レトリバーを以前飼っていたのですけれど、お互い性格が随分と違いますね。ハスキー犬はとても用心深くて、知らない人には近付いてこないのではないですか? 「キャンデーあげるよ」と言っても乗ってきませんよ。その割にはこの上なく物見高いのですよね。あるいはこの娘が特別訓練されているのかもしれませんけれど。とにかく我が家では ”ココ チャン” が尋ねて来てくれると、あれやこれやともてなして、息子は遊び相手になろうとして、ボールを投げて 「とってきてご覧」と、レトリバーにしたように投げたりしたのですけれど,「何の話?」って乗ってこないのです。

それでは追いかけっこはどうだろうかと試みると、乗ってきたのです。1エーカー程の我が家の丘を上りそして下り、 疲れること無く、追いかけっこを止めることは無く、ついに息子が参ってしまいました。


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Pomeranian is happy even small

This year  is about 2 weeks away from now.
Some story about Husky dog. I hard, in Japan Husky dogs are popular. A few years ago I heard that Labrador retriever is popular.
 I know on You tube,  many Huskies live in  Japanese family.  but  Japanese house and Husky. This does not fit so much.
Our family love Husky, a husky girl called "Coco" lives cross the street, her family is busy, so sometimes she took for a walk by herself . she came to visit us some time  but one day she gnawed the Russian family's chicken in our next door, so she could not allow to take a walk alone that we do not see her.
We had previously owned Labrador retriever, but personality is quite different between Husky. Husky dogs are very cautious,  she do not come close to people who do not know. Even if I say "I will give you candy", she will not get on. But she  is quite fascinating. Or this daughter may be specially trained. Anyway, once "Koko chan" came to visit us, we are so happy. so my son threw the ball trying to play together  as retriever but she did not get with playing ball "what's the matter?" she says.
Then, he found  she loves to run together. She never stopped running together with son going up and going down the hill in our big back yard, my son got tired.
Husky are very active and need a lot of momentum.  So even husky loving family, we are hesitant to live with them. Need a lots of hard work. So I feel sorry for Husky living in a small Japanese house and Retriever also.

Saturday, December 9, 2017

シアトルの冬 M・スタントン・エヴァンズ著『スターリンの秘密工作員』

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戦後70年経た今、世界大戦について日米共に踏み込んだ ”第二次世界大戦が何故勃発したか” がそれぞれの国で研究されていてその一つ、アメリカの近代歴史研究家スタントン エヴァンス著「スターリンの秘密工作員」という研究書があるのですね。

この著作は ”F.ルーズベルト政権内中枢がコミンテルンの秘密工作によって、いかに操られていたのかを” 見事に描き出しているといわれています。





On December 7th was "the day of Pearl Harbor attack" and on the 10th is the day of the battle off Malay.

70 years after the war, we have stepped into more deep research in Japan and the United States, "Why the World War II broke out" research has been doing, American writings historian Stanton Evans "secret agent of Stalin" This work is " . It is said the Roosevelt administration has been controlled by the secret maneuver of Comintern, ".

And the Japanese side also has been revealed the secret operation of the Comintern, which had been in the Konoe cabinet, also the Comintern who had the high position in military.

Because there is the power of darkness that puts the world into conflict and makes people unhappy, we are grateful to learn facts from past history. Even now the world is at a dangerous place. We must make good use of past experiences and have to overcome this time.

The power of evil is said to go away as the identity is found out.

Monday, December 4, 2017

シアトルの冬 クリスマスのお話

Image result for 冬至とは


今年はショッピング エリアに人出が多いように思えます。郵便局も既にかなりの列が出来ているし,何かと景気がいいのでしょうかね。


木の葉が落ちて冬至を向かえる12月21日まで昨日も今日も、日暮れが早く侘しく、12月3日に見られたというスーパームーンを見ようなぞとは所詮無理なお話です。それでもお隣のロシアさんたちのホームタウンである冬になれば、昼でも暗いサンクト ペテルブルグよりはまだましだけれどと思いつつもやれやれです。




We are Seattle people preparing for Christmas, right after Thanksgiving day or Thanksgiving day.
There are many people in the shopping area in this year. The post office has already made a considerable line, and I wonder if the economy is good for something.
Residents of Seattle who have a lot of rain as you know, After Halloween is over, we will have the days of rain and rain until the next spring. We don't know how long. Anyway we are going to have rainy days, until April or May or June, so it is said the number of people in Seattle are depressed more than another city .
Dark and rain, it is still better than winter in Saint Petersburg , the home town of the neighbor of Russia. Yes but it is still awful season we are having.
That's why at our home we like to have a Christmas light on Thanksgiving Day. This is good to help dark rainy day make bright.
The history of Christianity in 2000 is a history that has been created valuable days along involving of pagan gods, centered on the Christian missionary in Europe. This Christmas Day setting also celebrates the dark winter day brightly as Jesus' birthday following after winter solstice festival spread all over Europe from long ago. After Christmas people were waiting thought cold winter until spring comes it is Easter. How matched with nature.