地球の温暖化がCO2のせいだとか、それで北極の氷が解けて大変なことになる、あるいは其の論理はあまりに悲観論過ぎるとか、専門家達が色々と取りざたしていますけれど、それらはとてももっともな事のように思えますけれど、何やら政治的な駆け引きとかもあいまって、何が正しい答えかは私には分かりませんけれど、単純に生きるものとして ”私は綺麗な環境に住みたい” のです。美味しい空気と水。
Arctic ice melts in the warming of the earth because of CO2, or someone says it is too pessimism, it has been variously rumored, what is the right answer I do not know , I only like to say "I want to live in clean environment" delicious air and water.
I am living in the clean environment in the forest, I do not want this beautiful wood became miserable.
Great Creator is giving this beautiful nature to all people, to cherish the nature of the benefit, We need responsible to live in the clean around our nature.
Happy Thanksgiving
苦難の航行を完遂したピルグリム ファーザーズの
Late autumn.
Fallen leaves overlaps, it is frosty morning.
Pilgrim Fathers came In such a cold Boston,
Strong faith to build the New world with God,
Need to think in this time. The origin of the faith of the United States was build.
私にとって ”パリ” と言う言葉は洒落た文化の代名詞だったので、国歌がこの様に血にまみれた歌とは夢にも思っていませんでしたので、
娘のフランス人の婿さんに「あんた達の国歌って実に血なまぐさくて、口ずさみたくないね」と言ったら 「そうなんだ」と目を伏せておりました。
映画 ”カサブランカ” の一場面、レストランに侵入してきたドイツ軍団に対して
フランス人達が立ち上がって ”ラ マルセエーズ” を斉唱する場面は感動的でした。
フランス文化は及びフランス文化にかかわらず 歴史的戦乱の其の中で、平和のひと時を求めて咲いた文化なのですね。
ボードレールの詩に ”桜の木の下には屍が埋められている” という詩句があったのを覚えています。
The French national anthem It is bloody .
Until recently, I did not know about its lyrics.
Because for me "Paris" was meaning of sophisticated culture, I never think about the song was covered in blood in this manner.
"Your national song is really bloody. I do not want it humming" our French son-in-law said "Yeah" .
Think the French and European history, it is bloody.
As the Powers to spill over to the Middle East and Africa.
One scene of the movie "Casablanca", against German corps that has invaded the restaurant French people have stood up to the scene to sing the "La Maruseezu" was impressive.
During in this history in France, not only France it was a blooming culture seeking moments of peace.The poetry of Baudelaire " under a tree of cherry tree are buried body" I remember there was a verse .
Anyway even in this tremendous terror, we need another way to solve problems "not the blood in the blood".
其の3時間後、娘が電話をしてきて自分たち家族も、パリに住んでいる親戚や友人達も無事だよ。 といっておりました。
People who victims of terrorism in Paris, I'd like to express my condolences.
A lot of information is flying around, even though there are a variety of opinions,
The heart of the people who care about the safety of friends and family members it is the same pain in everywhere in the world.
Our daughter is in France with French husband , also we have friends who lives in Paris,
When I first know the news, surprised at the large number of victims,
Immediately I sent an e-mail to my daughter. It was 1 am in France.
Daughter lives in Bordeau five hours away from Paris but I was very worried until safety is confirmed.
After three hours, I got a information about their family and friends all they are safe even some friends live in Paris.
One Syrian woman said, "Many people who are living in Syria, they are under this scared situation in every day."
Lets work together Grass-roots peace activities.
「日本だったら、沢山の情緒ある温泉宿ができるのに。なんかもったいないな」 温泉好きの私は思うのですけれど、息子が言うには「自然のままにしておくのさ。温泉は熊も使っているし、ほかの動物達も使っているのだからね。」
Living for a long time in the United States, but I did not have a chance to visit the world's oldest national park of Yellowstone. Recently I went to visit friends who live in Utah with son. Way back to Seattle we have been passing through the only small part of Yellowstone.
Small part of Yellowstone has passed it was southwest where around the geyser that was on a large scale of the Owakudani Kowakidani of Hakone.
In America to call hot spring that mean not hotel existing to enjoy take hot spring. Around here Yellowstone, you can get in where it is the hot springs in the river if you want.
"In Japan, wherever hot spring is, there are a lot of beautiful hotel for people to enjoy . different from America" I said so because I love hot spring so much. My son said "We should keep nature as it is. Bear use hot spring also another animals."
I see. Not good for human-like take from them. Because it's a big country that there is room to think of others.