シアトルの春 ラインダンス
You Tubeで宝塚歌劇団のラインダンスを見ていたら娘がやってきて、先ず男役に驚いて更に日本人のダンサーの足が ”チャビ(Chubby)” だと言いはじめました。
Chubby とは ”ポッテリ” とか ”ポチャポチャ” とか言うのですけれど、「可愛いじゃないのよ」 と擁護すると 「ダンサーの足じゃないよ」 と言っております。
確かにブロードウェイなんかの、コーラス ラインのお姉さんたちの足は立派です。
親戚のモダーン ダンスを踊る、大学生の娘さんの体格も足も実に存在感があります。
「可愛いね」とあやしている内に、私の旦那が ”ハッ” として「このベイビーの足どうかしたの?大丈夫?」と言い出したのです。
母親も私も笑い出して、「メイド イン ジャパンの足をしているのよ。」
I was watching "Takarazuka" the line dance revue in You Tube, here comes my daughter first she was surprised about female acting mail then she said about dancer's legs that "Chubby".
I said "cute," she said " not a dancer's legs."
Certainly our Broadway dancers they have very powerful legs.
If you got kicked you will blown away.
One relatives dancing daughter who is college student .We know her powerful strong body and legs and eats a lots.
Long time ago also even now, Japanese young girls whose legs are small and cute . Sometime so funny.
In the old days, I and my husband went to visit a friend who's baby was born.
Mother of the baby is American, father was the Japanese.
While we were cradling , suddenly my husband had a worrying face and spoke out "this baby is she OK for her legs?"
"Nothing wrong why?"
"Because her legs were small and bent ."
Mother and I were laughed, "Just Made in Japan"
My husband was a pitiful look.
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