横浜戦没者慰霊塔 |
雨だらけのシアトルですけれど、最近は ”弥生の空は見渡す限り” です。
語り継がれる東京大空襲の影に横浜大空襲もその2ヶ月余り後、1945年5月29日横浜の中心地が B-29 による無差別絨毯爆撃を蒙り、沢山の民間人が死傷し焼け野が原となりました。
「いつ家が燃えるの分らないのに、ちゃんと鍵をかけて逃げたよね。」と母が言っていました。警戒警報が鳴るたびに、背負われていた私は「おばあちゃん。仏様をちゃんと背負った」と叫んでいたそうです。そして上手に ’君が代’ を歌うことが出来たそうでした。それは悲しいことに、毎日毎日勝つことの無い闘いに出征する兵士を送る歌でしたから。
其の日が爆撃の日の何日前であったか、当時大人であった人たちはことごとく他界してしまったので知る由もありませんが ”横浜が燃えているのが見えた。” と母が言っていたのを覚えています。悲しい光景でしたね。
そして今は、戦争時アメリカ オクラホマのボーイングの技師として、当時B-29を建造していた義父と同居しているのも不思議なめぐり合わせです。この義父も92歳。其の当時の僅かな生き残りの一人です。
This famous rain city Seattle but recently is beautiful blue spring sky.
By the way March 10th is Tokyo air raid 70th anniversary.
Tokyo air raid would be to go been handed down in history.
Yokohama air raid also has undergone after 2 months , May 29 1945. Carpet bombing by b-29 had happened. a lot of civilians were killed, wounded and towns were burned.
We family sent the father to the battlefield of New Guinea, was also lived near the Hiranuma Bridge in the one of the target for bombing.
we had a kind uncle lived in one city who took 5,6 hours to walk with wagon came to rescue us right before this day.
" We saw Yokohama was burning." My mother was told me. It was a sad day.
Many Japanese experienced this suffering time,.We lost father also.
Such a difficult time to everyone. relatives, friends and neighbors who helped each other, reconstructed. I spend my childhood in this time I never felted something missing.
And now, it is strange
meeting of my life, lived together with father-in-law who had been built B-29 at that time as a Boeing engineer in Oklahoma. The father-in-law is also 92 years old. Its is one of those days of slight survival.
Many countries and people are now in war, I pray that the day will come can get along soon beyond the enemy each other.