Sunday, May 30, 2021

シアトルの夏 人生の暗部に属する勢力との絶え間ない闘い It is our job to constantly struggle with the forces that belong to the dark side of life, s










"Try everything. Encourage whatever the opponent of vested interests does. Instill the spirit of the new reform everywhere.

Don't expect anything to be achieved in a dazzling flash of light. There is no choice but to try that trick. It's just like "intravenous drip, piercing stones".

The size of our work is a different dimension. It's not that an ignorant person is trying to create a phenomenon in which he opens his mouth open and is surprised, with his eyes rounded and impressed. It doesn't even try to gather a large crowd and make them believe at once.

It is our job to constantly struggle with the forces that belong to the dark side of life, such as selfishness and selfishness. Prejudice, superstition, mistakes, jealousy, greed, greed-we are fighting these things.

Therefore, we are working through those who are on earth and who promote such purposes-the ones who have a receptive mind, the ones who have a receptive spirit, and the ones who have a receptive soul. Initially it was a series of difficulties. The rebels were tremendous and the obstacles seemed very difficult to overcome. However, I did my best with the belief that there would be no setbacks if I had the power of the spirits behind me and the activities of my courageous collaborators who were faithful even if there were only a few.

Today, you can see the fruits of the hardships and hardships of nearly 100 years. However, it is not the number of things compared to what will be achieved in the future. This is because the situation is already reversed. We are advancing toward victory, and no one on earth can stop that momentum.

At first glance, it's calm, but it's still powerful, and we're on the way to victory. Light conquers darkness, knowledge defeats ignorance, joy replaces sadness, and truth becomes the victor. "

   Silver Birch 

Thursday, May 27, 2021

シアトルの春 社会を革新し、浄化する為に送られてきた霊たち  the spirits sent to innovate and purify a civilized,

   スピリティズムによる福音 アラン カルデック著


しかし、そうあってはなりません。あなたたちの父である神の方へ向き直ってください。神の意志を達成するために貢献してきた私たちすべてが、恩恵の賛美歌に調子を合わせ、尽きることの無い神の善意に感謝し、幾世期が経とうとも、神の栄光を讃えましょう。そうでありますように。 (ラコルデール コンスタンティーヌ、1863年)

The Gospel According to Spiritism Allen Kardec

But if you remain insensitive to the voices of the spirits sent to innovate and purify a civilized, well-developed, noble and poor society. Oh, all you can do is mourn and cry for that luck.

But that shouldn't be the case. Turn to God, your Father. All of us who have contributed to the achievement of God's will will be in tune with the hymns of grace, thank God's endless goodwill, and praise God's glory over the years. .. May it be so. (La Cordale Constantine, 1863)

Wednesday, May 26, 2021

シアトルの春 シルバーバーチの霊訓―スピリチュアリズムによる霊性進化の道しるべ  Silver Birch Spiritual Lessons-A Guide to Spiritual Evolution by Spiritualism















Message at the beginning

I am the voice of the wilderness.

A person who is visiting the earth as one of the messengers of the spirit.

How much spirit I am

Judge from what I am preaching.

The little words I say, my sincerity, my judgment,

The work of spreading the truth that we are working hard with you

Supporting only one soul, giving peace to only one soul,

To the only soul struggling in the dark

If you can bring light

That alone makes me happy.

Saturday, May 22, 2021

シアトルの春  摂理と調和  真実の愛にめぐり合うために Providence and Harmony To Meet True Love


摂理と調和  真実の愛にめぐり合うために

シルバーバーチのSPな法則 フランク ニューマン著



 「みなさんの世界だけではありません。私が住まっている霊的世界も含めた全宇宙、皆さんがまったく知らずにいるさまざまな世界においても、大霊の法則 (摂理) が絶対的に支配しております。









Providence and Harmony To Meet True Love
Silver Birch's SP Law Frank Newman

In the previous chapter, we examined the origin of humankind in the light of scientific data on the spiritual words and aura of Silver Birch. In this chapter, let's expand the scope to the entire universe. As usual, let's first quote some of the spiritual words of Silver Birch ───

"The spirit is the natural law of the universe. It is the creative energy that works behind the life of the entire universe, regardless of the physical or spiritual world. Not just the small part that you have come to know. It has spread all over the entire universe, including large parts that have not yet been revealed to humankind on earth. "

"Not only in your world, but in the entire universe, including the spiritual world in which I live, and in various worlds that you do not know at all, the law of the spirit (providence) is absolutely governed. I will.

Each and every one of you, all human beings, all living beings not only on Earth but on innumerable planets are the indispensable beings of God, my spirit. Because the spirit is the whole of what exists in the universe and at the same time transcends it. "

"The universe is not dominated by chance. It is dominated by law and order. No matter which direction of the universe you look at-to know the vastness of the nebula world and beyond the horizon. Whether you point it at a telescope or look through the microscopic creations of the universe with a microscope, everything that exists there is governed by the laws of immortality and immortality.

It means that you are not a product of chance. There is no room for "accidental" in an orderly universe where causes and effects are calculated without any deviation. "

"Such a rule or providence is set by the spirit who created all life for its reign. It is perfect both in concept and in organization. Since all life is spiritual in nature, providence is also spiritual. The spiritual power is invisible, cannot be measured by any human scale, and has no length.

There is no space. There is no height. There is no weight. There is no color. There is no taste. There is no smell. No matter how much scientists, chemists, and medical scientists look for in their respective fields, they cannot find the source of the spirit that drives life. "

"The spirit is omnipotent because its spiritual power is entrusted to the providence that governs the universe itself and all forms of life that exist there.

That spiritual power became a flame and brought the breath of life to the burning earth. He raised humans from a mass of mud to a spiritual being with divinity. "

"Spirit power is the garment that the soul wears. It creates the whole life, the power to control every movement and sudden change of natural phenomena, regulates the circulation of the four seasons, each seed, each plant, each flower, one The power to control the growth of each shrub, each tree, in short, the power to control all the mechanisms of life evolution in every aspect is spiritual power. "

Friday, May 21, 2021

シアトルの春 顕幽の交信を可能にしているのは〝愛〟です。 "It is" love "that enables the communication of spirit. Love is one of the spiritual attributes."

質問 ─── 霊界との交信に器機装置を使用する計画は無いのでしょうか。






「突き詰めて言えば」 とシルバーバーチが付け加える。「顕幽の交信を可能にしているのは〝愛〟です。愛は霊的属性の一つです」





Question ─── Do you have any plans to use equipment to communicate with the spirit world?

"There are various plans here to promote communication between the spirit world and the earthly world, but I heard that we are in the process of devising an alternative to the spirit medium, such as an application of electronics. Not available.

There is no reason why you shouldn't use a device that records high frequencies ─── "high" to a certain extent. It may be useful for facilitating communication and receiving it in an easy-to-read form.

However, I have never heard of the idea of ​​devising a device (mono) to replace the spirit medium, which is an indispensable element for communication between the two worlds of Visible world and invisible. You will never be able to do that. The reason is that the two worlds are connected by the spirit-to-spirit relationship, that is, spirituality. "

After saying that, I turned to the attendees of the day who were working as mediums.

"Do you think so too?"
Speaking of which, the medium is

"I think it's an easy-to-understand explanation. I don't think the time will come when mediums will be used and instruments will be used. I actually have work experience in the field of electronics."

"Speaking in the end," Silver Birch adds. "It is" love "that enables the communication of spirit. Love is one of the spiritual attributes."
One of the members ─── The Bible also says that "spiritual things must be found spiritually".

"The medium is indispensable. The energy required for communication is not physical. It comes from the spirit itself. It may come from the spiritual body. In any case, love, which is an essential element, is Without it, spiritual things cannot be transformed into physical things. "
Silver Birch

Wednesday, May 19, 2021

シアトルの春 〝人のため〟の真の意味       The true meaning of "for people"










 あなた方の世界では〝いったい世の中はどうなってるんだ!〟と言いたくなるような事情・困難・挫折が生じます。そして気が滅入り、こう愚痴をこぼしたくなります───〝これはあんまりだ! だれがこんな目に合わせるんだ?〟と。







The true meaning of "for people"

─── It was a long time ago, but I suddenly woke up when a friend of the spirit world told me that I had to think about the meaning of "for people" contrary to common sense. When I'm doing something useful for a person, I've come to think that the other person has given me that opportunity. 
"That's right. Thanks to that person, I am able to demonstrate my spirituality. Self-achievement is the development of spirituality, and that development is useful for people. Only then will it be fulfilled.

There is a difference between the physical law and the spiritual law. The more you share your spiritual wealth with others, the richer it becomes. Evolution, growth, and progress come from forgetting yourself and doing something useful for others. However, it is useless if the other party is not prepared to accept it ...

For example, don't bite someone who has such a provocative attitude ─── "If you can, try to make me happy". It is myself who is good at it. Make yourself confident.

The spirit takes care so that each of our children will come across the knowledge to awaken to the ego once on earth. That's how providence is completed. There are no exceptions.

With infinite wisdom, no one in this universe is overlooked. In the entire universe that straddles the universe, there is a harmony mechanism by the providence of nature, which controls everything.

There are some similarities to the laws of the terrestrial world. However, the law on the ground involves various speculations and ignorance, and there is a problem with the law itself. It is impossible for humans to come up with a law that takes everything perfectly. Going there, there is no deletion or change in the providence of the Spirit.

There are no exceptions. It's always the same. It has been the same since the eternal past and will never change in the future.

In your world, there will be circumstances, difficulties, and setbacks that make you want to say, "What's going on in the world!" And I feel depressed and want to complain like this ─── "This is not so much! Who will meet such an eye?"

The "who" knows everything. Everything is built into the plan. We entrust everything to the "infinite and perfect being" that shares the history of all the mechanisms of the universe. Humans can go wrong, but the spirits never go wrong.

If you're exhausted, tired, and unmotivated, and people make such selfish demands without showing you any understanding ─── that kind of person is common ─── the surface is Whatever it is, remember the belief that God's providence works and that the plan will always be fulfilled.

Trouble always occurs where people gather. We do not necessarily see the same problem in the same way, as each person is at a different stage of development spiritually. That is unavoidable.

Fortunately, those who are higher in the evolutionary hierarchy should be sympathetic, tolerant, and comprehensible to those who are lower than themselves. Keep in mind that no matter how high you reach, some people are even higher.

I would like to say to everyone who works as a spiritual tool that I would like you to do your best as a human being ─── I am in trouble below that, but I will not request any more. When you reach the limit of your physical strength and energy, please withdraw. We will take care of the rest.

It does not take the attitude of a dictator. I will not force you. We will do our best to ensure that you work hard for others for the rest of your life. By doing so, the power of the spirit can be delivered to the earth more and more widely. "

Silver Birch

Thursday, May 13, 2021

シアトルの春 死ぬことの意味  愛する人たちの待つ世界へ   Meaning of dying To the world where loved ones wait

シルバーバーチのSPな法則フランク ニューマン

 第五章 死ぬことの意味  愛する人たちの待つ世界へ



 「これと同じ循環(サイクル) が一人ひとりの生命にも繰り返されているのです。大自然の壮観が一つひとつの魂にも繰り広げられるのです。まず、個的意識が芽生える春、内在する才覚が全開する夏、生命力が衰えを見せ始める秋、そして疲れた魂に安らぎの眠りが訪れる冬」



 生命の冬が訪れると、絶対に避けられないもの、すなわち 「死」 に直面します。



Silver Birch's SP Law Frank Newman

Chapter 5 Meaning of dying To the world where loved ones wait

The following words of Silver Birch, which describe the period of existence (lifetime) of human beings on the earth, should be noted as a good expression of the continuity of life in nature, not just human beings.

"Think of the splendor of the four seasons. The eternal cycle that continues without any deviation, that is, the winter when all life sleeps, the spring when life wakes up from sleep, the hidden beauty of life. Summer when it is fully open, and autumn when nature quietly prepares for winter sleep. "

"The same cycle is repeated in each person's life. The spectacular nature of nature is unfolded in each soul. First, in the spring when individual consciousness grows, the inherent talent is fully opened. Summer, autumn when vitality begins to decline, and winter when a peaceful sleep comes to a tired soul. "

"However, after the winter (death) of physical life, the spring of awakening in another dimension will come and the eternal cycle of life will continue. Learn this message from nature.

And be confident that providence, which has never stopped working, will continue to work in your life, and in all life. "

When the winter of life comes, we will face something that is absolutely inevitable, that is, "death."

"There is a physical body, there is a spiritual body, and there is a string of life that connects the two, the so-called silver cord.

As illness, weakness, and old age creep into the physical body, the code becomes loose. It also means that, from the perspective, separation from the physical world is in progress. There are also material, spiritual, and spiritual causes of the three creeping causes. "

Tuesday, May 11, 2021

シアトルの春 シルバーバーチのスピリチュアルな法則―宇宙と生命のメカニズム 著 Silver Birch's Spiritual Law-The Mechanism of the Universe and Life





この霊的磁場の本来の性質上、シルバーバーチは 「一つの磁場が別の磁場の中に入ると必ず相互作用が生じ、そこに大きな意味のある結果を生み出す」 と言っていますが、これを電磁気的に表現すれば、一個の身体の中で周波数、振動数、ないしは波長の変化が生じれば、それとつながった電磁場すなわち身体に同じ変化を生じさせる、ということです。

シルバーバーチの〝大霊〟という用語を用いて、これは 「宇宙の自然法則のことです。大霊は全生命の背後の創造的エネルギーであり、物資の世界と霊の世界の区別なく作用しています。

大霊の無限の知性が森羅万象を計画し、その維持のための不変の法則を創り出したのです」 と述べています。この大霊の概念だけは、世界中の伝統的宗教の神の概念と齟齬(そご)することは絶対にないと信じます。




へルムート・ブライトハウプト博士によって論文にまとめられたホログラフィー 〈補注3〉 の理論によって、「人間各自のオーラの中に宇宙全体の情報が組み込まれている」 と言うシルバーバーチの表現は、決して大げさでないことが分ります。 



 さらにバー博士は、それらの磁場は 「その鋳型の精巧なパターンに従って分子を再構築したり置き換えたりする作業をコントロールしながら、その物的身体の維持を請け負っている」 と述べている。要するにDNAによる身体の物的形状は、それを取り巻いている電磁気的オーラから出ていると理解してよいわけである。

Silver Birch's Spiritual Law-The Mechanism of the Universe and Life      Frank Newman (Author), Kazuo Kondo (Translation)

 The fact that multiple spiritual bodies exist in an aura and are independent of each other means that each has its own frequency, vibration, or wavelength. ..

Thus, in the same aura, we humans have an energy field that, in scientific terms, has "electromagnetic" properties and functions in the range of ultraviolet rays, visible rays, and infrared rays. It will be.

It can be reasonably explained that a complex body with various electromagnetic regions exists in the aura, which is consistent with what Silver Birch preaches.

Due to the nature of this spiritual magnetic field, Silver Birch says, "Whenever one magnetic field enters another magnetic field, there is an interaction, which produces significant results." Electromagnetically speaking, if a change in frequency, frequency, or wavelength occurs in one body, it causes the same change in the electromagnetic field connected to it, that is, the body.

Using the term "great spirit" of Silver Birch, this is "the natural law of the universe. The great spirit is the creative energy behind all life and acts without distinction between the world of supplies and the world of spirits. I am.

The infinite intellect of the spirits planned the universe and created an invariant law to maintain it. " I believe that this concept of the spirit alone will never conflict with the concept of God in traditional religions around the world.

Dr. Einstein describes his view of religion as follows:
Frank Newman (Author), Kazuo Kondo (Translation)

"When I was struck by the perfection of harmony in the laws of nature, I was struck by a kind of religious sentiment that could be called an ecstatic impression. I just admired the sublimeness of that intellect, and thought that was a human system. But the action seems like a meaningless swearing. "

Therefore, no matter what form the substance takes, there must be the function of "intelligence", which is another name for God. Many scientists around the world have identified it through various forms of experimentation and research.

According to the theory of holography <Supplementary Note 3> compiled in a paper by Dr. Helmut Brighthaupt, Silver Birch's expression that "the information of the entire universe is incorporated in the aura of each human being" is by no means exaggerated. I understand that.

<Translator's Supplementary Note 3>
It is a technology that proves the hologram theory that the information of the whole individual is incorporated in any part of the individual, no matter how small the molecule, and in principle it is the same as the method used for DNA testing. It is said that all the information of the human being is incorporated in a drop of blood and a piece of cell.

The principle of blood and semen testing, which is often done in forensic medicine these days, is also a clue to know the whole person from any part of the human body, no matter how small the trace, but the teaching of Silver Birch. Inferring from this, the spiritual magnetic field even controls DNA.

Studies by Professor HS Barr and Dr. VM Inucin have revealed that the spiritual magnetic field is a template for the physical body.

Furthermore, Dr. Barr states that those magnetic fields "undertake the maintenance of the physical body while controlling the work of reconstructing and replacing molecules according to the elaborate patterns of the template." In short, it can be understood that the physical shape of the body due to DNA comes from the electromagnetic aura that surrounds it.

Friday, May 7, 2021

シアトルの春 シルバーバーチのスピリチュアルな法則  The UNIVERSE of SILVER BIRCH Frank Newman


宇宙と生命のメカニズム   フランク・ニューマン著


 私が判断している限りで言えば、シルバーバーチの教えは 「いったい自分とは何なのか、宇宙とは何なのか、そして全てを創造した大霊とは何なのかについての理解に必要な摂理と実在について」 現段階の人類に理解できるレベルのカギを与えてくれているものと思っています。

そして 「それが人類の全体像を明るく照らし出し、不可解に思えていたことを理解しやすくしてくれます」

 さらにシルバーバーチは、「学ぶ前に、それまでの知識を洗い直さないといけません」 と述べておりますが、これは 「余りに長い間進歩のブレーキとなってきた、誤った教え」 が幅を利かしてきた科学界にこそ、当てはまります。


 大自然の摂理は、天地創造以来ずっと存在していたはずです。いったい人類は、シルバーバーチの言うように、どれほど 「間違った教え」 の重荷によって苦しめられてきたかを、じっくりと考えてみる必要があります。

科学の世界でも確かに 「時として脳だけが発達して精神と脳の発達が伴っていないことがあります。いわゆる〝知的人間〟ということになりますが、知的だから偉大であるとか立派であるということにはならない」 ことは事実です。
  従ってその狭い分野にのみ携わってきた少数の学者は、彼等なりにそれが全てだと思うわけですから、それを聞かされた者はシルバーバーチの言うように 「不可解なことを理解しやすくする」 カギだと信じがちです。 〈補注5〉

 米国の医師リチャード・ゲアバー博士は一九八八年発行の Vibrational Medicine の中で、本書の 『はじめに』で紹介した 《人体を構成す磁場》 (十八ページ) と原理的に同じイラストを公表して大きな反響を巻き起こした。

スピリチュアリズムに馴染んでいる者は 「ついに医学もここまで来たか」 といった感慨で受け止めたが、オーソドックスな医学にとっては青天の霹靂だった。

案の定、そのうち影が薄れ忘れられかけたが、一九九五年ころから息を吹き返し、意を強くしたゲアバー博士は、それをさらに進めて A Practical Guide to Vibrational Medicine と題した続編を二〇〇〇年に出している。

その中で博士は従来の宇宙観を 「ニュートン力学的機械論」 と呼び、宇宙を巨大な時計のようなものと考えることの間違いを指摘している。オーソドックスな医学によれば人体もうまくできた生物機械に過ぎず、心臓は血液を送り出すポンプ、腎臓はフィルタ―、筋肉と骨格は滑車で動く枠組みと見るので、極めて 「理解しやすい」 わけである。


 シルバーバーチの言う 「いったい自分とは何なのか、宇宙とは何なのか、そして全てを創造した大霊とは何なのかについての理解に必要な摂理と実在についての知識」 を与えてくれるのは、スピリットからのインスピレーションと一体となった科学なのです。













 シルバーバーチは 「どこでも霊的真理を説くことです。時には拒絶されたり、小バカにされたり、物笑いのタネにされたり、嘲笑の的にされたりすることもあるでしょう」 と述べていますが、これまでの求道の旅の体験から私は、自分こそそうした逆境のなかで霊的真理を説くべき立場にあることを自覚するようになりました。

もしも自分だけの持ち物として所有しているだけでいたら、シルバーバーチの言う 「せっかく授かった霊的知識が意図している生き方を実践していない」 ことになると気づいたのです。

 ですから、こうして私を霊的摂理を説かねばならないと駆り立てるのは、シルババーチの言葉を用いれば 「地上の至るところで人生の嵐のさなかにいる大霊の子らに、その嵐に耐え抜くための基盤、単なる気休めでない真実の心の支えを築かせてあげたい」 という願いなのです。


 シルバーバーチは、それを〝埋め合わせの法則〟の一環と呼んでいますが、それは同時に 「無知が生み出す愚かな恐怖を追い出してくれます」 とも述べています。

そうした言葉の意味を次章からなるべく平易に説いてみたいと思います。それは、シルバーバーチのいう 「その人の手が届かないほど高度なものとなってはいけません。理解力が及ぶ範囲の一歩先を行く程度のものであらねばなりません。

その一歩一歩が人生の目的について、その実在性について、その基盤である永遠不変の原理について、その永遠の実相についてのより深い直感的な悟りを意味する」 からです。

 「全ての邪悪の根源にはその霊的摂理への無知が存在します」 とシルバーバーチは述べておりますが、一九二〇年頃から半世紀余りにわたってシルバーバーチが説いてくれた霊的摂理がほとんど理解されていないことは、世界全体のモラルの低下がそれを物語っております。




なぜならそれが大霊の永遠にして不変不易の働きの上に成り立っているからです」 そして 「それを吸収し全体像をつかむことが出来て初めて、人生の意義が理解できるのです」 と説いています。


それは 「あなた方自身、あなた方が存在している宇宙、そしてその想像主である大霊についての理解」 のレベルを一段高くしてくれる駆動力となるべき性質のものなのです。


理性をそなえた人類が、今自分が置かれている宇宙についての正しい認識なしに、どうして〝より高度な教え〟という漠然とした呼ばれ方をしているメッセージが理解できましょう? それが理解できたら、さらに一段高い意識レベルでの理解へ挑戦しましょう。

 『はじめに』 で述べましたが、私は人間と人生の謎の解明を求めて、読書と瞑想に耽った時期がありました。シルバーバーチの霊言集を始めとして哲学や科学の書を読みあさり、またそれらの関連性について瞑想し、理性的理解とインスピレーションに接しました。それらをこれから披露したいと思います。

 シルバーバーチは 「私たち霊団の者は霊的生命についての実相を語る使命を託されているのです。〝霊的〟 という用語にはどこか神秘的な意味合いが漂いますが、そういうものではなく実在そのものなのです」 と述べています。さらに───


 「それゆえ皆さんは自分にいちばん訴えるもの───誰かがいいことが書いてあると言ったとか、神聖であるからとか、尊いものであるからとかではなく───自分の旅にとっていちばん役に立つと思うものを選ぶべきです」 とも述べています。


  The UNIVERSE of SILVER BIRCH by Frank Newman  
As far as I can tell, Silver Birch's teachings are "necessary to understand what you are, what the universe is, and what the spirit that created everything. About providence and reality ”I think it gives humankind the key to an understandable level at this stage.

And "it illuminates the whole picture of humanity and makes it easier to understand what seemed mysterious."

In addition, Silver Birch states, "Before learning, we must re-examine our knowledge", but this is broadly "a false teaching that has been a brake on progress for too long." This is true only in the scientific community, which has made good use of.

The editorial on Silver Birch's providence, symbolized by this passage, seems to me to be biased towards the criticism of dogmaism in the Christian Church.

The providence of nature must have existed since the creation of heaven and earth. Humanity, as Silver Birch says, needs to ponder how much it has been afflicted by the burden of "wrong teaching."

Even in the world of science, it is true that "sometimes only the brain develops and the mind and brain do not develop. It is a so-called" intelligent human being ", but it is great because it is intelligent. It does not mean that there is. "

Therefore, a few scholars who have been involved only in that narrow field think that it is all in their own way, and those who hear it, as Silver Birch says, "make it easier to understand the mystery." It's easy to believe that it's the key. <Supplementary note 5>

<Translator's Supplementary Note 5>
In his Vibrational Medicine published in 1988, Dr. Richard Geerber, a US doctor, used the same illustration as "Magnetic Fields Constituting the Human Body" (page 18) introduced in "Introduction" of this book. It was announced and caused a great response.

Those who are familiar with spiritualism took it with the impression that "medicine has finally come to this point", but for orthodox medicine it was a blue sky.

Sure enough, the shadow was about to fade, but Dr. Geerber, who came back to life from around 1995 and became more motivated, went further and made two sequels entitled A Practical Guide to Vibrational Medicine. It was released in XX years.

In it, he calls the conventional view of the universe "Newtonian mechanics" and points out the mistake of thinking of the universe as a giant clock. According to orthodox medicine, the human body is nothing more than a well-made biomachine, the heart is a pump that pumps blood, the kidneys are filters, and the muscles and skeleton are pulley-driven frameworks, so it is extremely "easy to understand." ..

The author warns of the danger of such a convenient interpretation of the same Silver Birch language.

It gives us what Silver Birch says, "knowledge of providence and reality needed to understand what we are, what the universe is, and what the spirit that created everything is." Is a science that is integrated with inspiration from the spirit.

In short, science is in a position to endorse newly discovered laws with inspiration.

However, once you believe in that inspiration, it becomes stereotyped as an absolute truth, and there is a danger that it will eventually become a part of the spirit as an eternal heritage.

It seems necessary to read back the following words of Silver Birch here.

"Truth cannot enter into a closed heart. You can find a place only in the heart of a person who is ready to accept. Truth, like the spirit, exists infinitely.

How much of this you get depends on your receptiveness. The more receptive you are, the more truth you will realize. "

In the search for truth, I would like to listen to the following words of Silver Birch again.

"When you realize that there is no limit to knowledge, truth, wisdom, and growth, you are truly free.

You are free when you can instantly throw away what you realize is wrong in your heart, and what your reason repels. Only when you don't be afraid to throw away what you find wrong in the light of new light will you be free. "

Depending on that, I will quote the teachings of Silver Birch and give my own interpretation, but as a scientist, it is an interpretation based on the inspiration I have received from the world of spirit, and I can do it. I will only describe it in plain language, so

I hope that readers will also "intuition" how I understand reality. I am convinced that is the essence of what Silver Birch is preaching.

In other words, the number of people who fully understand it should be very small as a whole, and anyway, if you give a presentation to the readers and understand it at the level of each person. Isn't it good?

Much research has been done over almost a century and a half since the outbreak of spiritualism, and there is clear evidence, but while humans in the physical body are devoted to pursuing physical needs, I left it behind. I don't care about the "spirituality" of the universe.

But for readers who have awakened to the importance of such things, I would like to provide this book with an awareness of myself and of this universe in which I exist.

Silver Birch says, "It's about preaching spiritual truth everywhere. Sometimes it's rejected, ridiculed, ridiculed, or ridiculed." From my experience of traveling on a quest, I have come to realize that I am in a position to preach spiritual truth in such adversity.

I realized that if I had only owned it as my own belongings, I would have said that Silver Birch was "not practicing the way of life that the spiritual knowledge I was given was intended."

So, in Silva Birch's words, what drives me to preach spiritual providence is, in Silva Birch's words, "the foundation for the spiritual children who are in the midst of a storm of life all over the earth to endure that storm. I want to build a true spiritual support that is not just a relief. "

This spiritual truth brings joy, happiness, and calm, but at the same time, it is important to remember that knowing the spiritual truth entails an obligation to do what it does. ..

Silver Birch calls it part of the "law of compensation", but at the same time it also states that it "drives out the stupid fear of ignorance."

I would like to explain the meaning of such words as simply as possible from the next chapter. It must be one step beyond the reach of comprehension, as Silver Birch says, "It must not be beyond the reach of the person.

Each step means a deeper and more intuitive enlightenment of the purpose of life, its reality, its underlying eternal principles, and its eternal reality. "

"There is ignorance of that spiritual providence at the root of all evil," says Silver Birch, but the spiritual providence that Silver Birch preached for more than half a century from around 1920. The fact that is hardly understood is evidenced by the decline in morale of the entire world. 
Until we really understand the significance of the meaning of providence, human beings do not understand the significance of Silver Birch opening the communication circuit to the hometown of the earth.

Silver Birch says ─── "There is a reason why I emphasize the importance of providence of the Spirit.

For, by understanding these providences, all knowledge is in harmony. This is because neither scientists, philosophers, free thinkers, nor humans in any other field can ruminate.

Because it is built on the eternal and immutable work of the spirit, "and" the meaning of life can only be understood by absorbing it and grasping the whole picture. " I will.

From my point of view, apart from the fact that it survives after death, the multidimensional meaning of wisdom studded with the spiritual words of Silver Birch, which has been preached for more than half a century, has not yet been chewed.

It is of a nature that should be a driving force that raises the level of "understanding of yourself, the universe in which you exist, and the spirit of its imagination."

In other words, Silver Birch is intended to raise the level of understanding of humanity's position in the universe with a view to the evolution of spirituality of humanity as a whole, and it is an illusion that many people tend to fall into. I'm not talking about the world.

Can you understand the message that rational human beings are vaguely called "higher teachings" without a correct understanding of the universe in which they are now? If you can understand it, let's try to understand it at a higher level of consciousness.

As I mentioned in the "Introduction", there was a time when I indulged in reading and meditation in search of the mystery of human beings and life. I read books on philosophy and science, including Silver Birch's spiritual collection, meditated on their relevance, and came into contact with rational understanding and inspiration. I would like to show them from now on.

Silver Birch said, "We, the members of the spirit group, are entrusted with a mission to tell the truth about spiritual life. The term" spiritual "has some mysterious meaning, but in that case It's not real, it's real. " Furthermore ───

"You are eternal spiritual pilgrims. It is reason, common sense, and clear intelligence that guides you. Some of them are books and many of our predecessors. Is the way of life. "

"Therefore, what you appeal to yourself most-not because someone says something good, because it is sacred, or because it is precious-is that it is most useful for your journey. You should choose what you think. "

Although I was afraid, I would like to say the same thing following Silver Birch.

Wednesday, May 5, 2021

シアトルの春 あなたが地球の運命の心配をなさることはありません。You don't have to worry about the fate of the Earth,



















─── What can we do to avoid the disaster that is said to hit the earth?

"You don't have to worry about the fate of the Earth, 
because it's not beyond the reach of humans.
 As I said, there are naturally limits to what humans can do. 
For example, blasting the Earth itself. 
You can't do it.

The reason why troubles,
 difficulties and misfortunes continue in the earthly world is that 
they are still dominated by greed, selfishness and resentment. 
This is because greed digs into the center of humankind like cancer. 
It is a malignant cancer. 
The cancer cells are proliferating at a tremendous rate. 
You must take the initiative to stop it by setting 
an example of your way of life.

You must be optimistic, albeit slightly, 
as long as you are bathed in the benefits of receiving 
the light of God. 
The hardships of moving do nothing.

It is to burn with hope. 
Then, the bright thoughts give off a belief-filled aura 
and serve as a guide for the viewer. 
Those who have the spiritual truth must set an example. "

Silver Birch

Monday, May 3, 2021

シアトルの春 みっともない利己主義の産物      terrible product of selfishness.










As knowledge replaces ignorance, 
light drowns out darkness, 
and as truth spreads, superstitions are forced to retreat. 
Like us, you are the honor of fighting for spiritual liberation
 on the battlefield of greed first. 
The spirit always surpasses the substance.
With spiritual wisdom, everything fits where it should. 
All humanity will live in harmony not only with their own (body, spirit and spirit), 
but with his compatriots.
If that happens, the illness will disappear. 
Unfortunately, there are too many diseases on the ground today. 
Moreover, if the understanding 
that all human beings are one spiritually spreads, 
there will be no terrible product of selfishness. 

Silver Birch

Sunday, May 2, 2021

シアトルの春 神が其々の事柄に対して割り当てた時間を早めようとすることは、無駄なことです。「スピリチャルリズムによる福音 カデラック」Gospel by Spicy Rizumi Alanka Deluxe




















With wisdom that transcends human wisdom, excellent spirits revelate. We will gradually communicate the major issues of doctrine as the intellect becomes able to understand higher levels of truth and when the situation becomes appropriate to send the new idea.

With such a plan, I didn't tell everything at once from the beginning. Even today, everything has not been told yet, but that doesn't mean that if you ask for revelation before the time is ripe, you will not be given it. It is wasteful to try to speed up the time that God has allotted for each thing.

Because when you try to speed up the time, really serious spirits refuse to go along with it. A careless spirit will answer everything without being trapped in the truth. That's why every unskilled question always comes with inconsistent answers.

This principle was not brought about by personal theory. It was inevitably brought from the situation in which the spirits were placed. If one spirit says in one place, while millions of other spirits say the opposite somewhere, then the truth to be squeezed is only one, or almost one. It cannot be in the idea of ​​the one who is.

It is just as unreasonable among the spirits as it is unreasonable for one person to claim that it makes sense, while being opposed by everyone else.

Really thoughtful spirits will never solve a problem, claiming that they are absolutely right, unless they are confident that they have a good understanding of the problem. They advertise that they are dealing with the issue from their personal point of view and encourage them to wait for confirmation.

No matter how beautiful, correct and great the idea is, it is impossible to gather all the opinions when just receiving the revelation. Therefore, it is inevitable that multiple opinions will clash.

However, clashing multiple opinions is necessary to make the truth stand out more, and it is better to start early so that false thoughts can be quickly removed.

So spiritists don't have to be afraid of this at all. Every isolated and uplifting idea will be self-removed before the great and powerful standards of universality.

The opinions of one person do not gather with others, but with the voices of spirits uttered in the same voice. It is not one person, us, or anyone else who will establish the legitimacy of spiritualism. Or no one comes to coerce a spirit.

It gathers at the universality of the teachings of spirits who communicate everywhere on earth, at the direction of God. That is the fundamental character, power, and authority of the doctrine of spiritualism. God wanted the law to reign on an unwavering foundation, and for that reason he did not base it on a single ephemeral head.

In the face of such a powerful referee, where there are no factions, envious competitors, denominations, or even nations, all dissenting opinions, ambitions, and personal superiority will collapse. If we try to change the supreme law by our own ideas, we will ruin ourselves.

Only God decides the issues to be argued, closes the dissidents, and gives the legitimacy to those who make sense. What can be done to the opinions of one human being or spirit before all these dignified voices from heaven? One opinion is that it is less than a drop of water that falls into the sea and disappears, or a child's voice that is counteracted by a storm.

The universal opinion is the best referee, and it will be issued at the last moment. Universal opinions are formed by all personal opinions. If one of them is true, the scale will only show its relative weight. If it is false, there is nothing better than any other opinion.

All personal biased thoughts will disappear in this vast set, and human self-esteem (→ Japanese translation Note 2) cannot survive here either.

The movements of spirits working under the will of God have already been completed. This century will not end without revealing uncertainties as its work shines. The land is already well cultivated, and from now until then, the powerful voices of the mission will bring humanity under one flag.

Until that happens, those who wander between the two opposing principles will be able to observe in which direction the general idea is being formed. The correct direction is that most of the spirits who communicate in different places speak, which is a sure sign of which of the two principles will survive. 

Gospel by Spicy Rizumi Alanka Deluxe