Monday, August 20, 2018

シアトルの盛夏 山火事



「本日は ”子供は家の中にいるように。" とのお達しがあった」と隣の奥さんが言っております。




Fire fighting activity is continuing in various places in the Washington state as well as the neighboring Oregon state and British Columbia Canada, the sky in the state of Washington is covered by smoke that Seattle is no exception.
At this time of last year there was a mountain fires closer from our area so the ashes covered everywhere in our house.
Lady next door who says  "Today, kids must stayed inside  house. There was a warning."
Seattle is also suffering  of the worldwide heat, it is hard to close the window staying at home. How can we protect ourselves?
It is said the smoke is across the Atlantic Ocean, reaching Ireland and the UK.
Many people are suffering by forest fires occurring every year. Is there no way to solve it yet?

Friday, August 10, 2018

シアトルの盛夏 太陽嵐 ハトホルからのメッセージ Message from Hatohol

Image result for ハトホルからのメッセージ(10)「太陽嵐に入ること」












You live in a contradictory duality.
Old energy-like reality collapses and a new energy-like reality is born.
However, it is also the essence of human beings to attach themselves to the way they are accustomed, the way they expect.
There are still many ways to come to an end. The world you know is finished.
And a new world is being born.
One of the most terrible disasters in this process is humanitarian mind.
We feel that there is deep sorrow and despair in the correct humanitarian mind and it is clearly understood.
Some of these depend on the collapse of reality and obsession with the reality.
Anyway, what is it supposed to build with a dream that the ground of the world is collapsing?
The conflict of consciousness between oppressed people and those who release the soul is becoming increasingly clear. I would like to propose two proposals as a means to deal with these challenges to your heart.
The simplest and most efficient way we know is to find the smallest thing to appreciate in life. And it takes only a few minutes to slowly thinking of gratitude throughout the day.
How small a gratitude feels embarrassing is not important. A feat will happen from the smallest gratitude species.
The state of wave of gratitude will be an amazing antidote to emotional addiction.
We strongly recommend that you run through this solar storm cycle and master this method.
Secondly, we believe that meditation will be your dependable side.

Friday, August 3, 2018

シアトルの盛夏 アメリカのブラックベリー

Image result for アメリカのブラックベリーの育て方





向こう隣の若いカップルは昨年引っ越してくるやいなや、ケミカルで退治してしまいました。私たちはどちらかといえば自然派なのですけれど、これには ”羨ましい。” と息子に打診すると、断じてケミカルはダメなのだと申しまして、更には自然の供給を拒むことはよろしくないとも言いまして、涙を飲んだのでした。


”やはり” アメリカのブラックベリーはその昔どこかの国からやってきて、旺盛な繁殖力で西海岸一体に蔓延し人々はとても困ったそうです。シアトルではヤギに食べさせることによって問題を解消したとのお話を知りました。

”やはり” 気の毒にも厄介者の部類に入っているのですね。


Blackberry has been highly appreciated as a fruit with excellent efficacy in health and beauty.

I found this kind of article for me  such a sweet people.
Because of this summer is our family who are challenging to stop blackberry spreading in our one acre.
If we weed out one meter, it will increase back by 3 meters. This is our  summer fight with our neighboring apartment.  But this summer we have decided  finally complete the weeding.
The young couple next door is moving in last year and has got rid of it by chemicals. "Jealous." I told my son my son told me no chemicals not only that can not refuse the supply of nature.
When I read an Japanese article about blackberry. They handled it very easily, so  I searched for and found. They are different kind that we have.
"After all" American blackberry came from some country it was long time ago, spreading around west coast  that made for people  in big trouble. In Seattle I learned the story that it solved the problem by letting goats eat.
"After all"  in the category of troublesome.
Let's our family are working hard again today also.
Even so, there is no doubt that the efficacy of Blackberry is highly appreciated.