ただし本著にある記述 ”この戦い(日清日露)に勝利して後に中心部中国に攻め入り” ではなく、 ”コミンテルンの日米分断工作によって中国内陸部に誘導され” たのではないですか。大乾燥地帯の謀略家達に対して賢明な選択と対処が、日本もアメリカも出来なかったということですね。
Communist China's hegemony is so bad.
Now many people also many countries came to know the risk of China.
Recently I found the following sentence by Tadao Umesao "ecological historical view of
civilization "
"The arid zone is a devil's nest, how can a group of human beings emerging from a wide area of the arid region show such a vigorous destructive power I am a researcher of my nomads Even though I started with the theme of ecology of the civilization, I still can not say precise things about its cause.Anyway, from the very beginning, everything was quite a messy people from this arid region, They crawled around the world like a storm, after which civilization often suffered a bad blow to healing. " In other words, the history of the second region (large arid zone) is about the history of destruction and conquest.The dynasty works only when it can effectively eliminate violence.In that case, It is a waste of tremendous productive power whether it is always new to the new violence that may be, it seems to have been simplified very much, but the specialty of the second area (large arid zone) Even though it is possible to create a society at once, it will be mature until its internal contradiction gathers and it reaches a new revolutionary development even though it is not constructed and destroyed repeatedly I can not, it was the land of such condition originally. "
It can be said that the modern era of Japan is just agglomerated in this design. Sino-Japanese War Japan-Russo War are both battles against the high pressure from the center of the dry world, and after winning this battle, Japan attacked the central part of China then cut down a relationship with the UK, sametime against another huge sea power of America because of this mistake Japan made then Japan went into self-destroy.
The modern history of Japan that the way of living that surrounding countries surrounding the Eurasian continent such as North America, Japan, Taiwan, Southeast Asia "collaborate" and trying to survive and prosper ourself while checking the Eurasian continent is a wise choice I think that teaches success and failure.
Extract above --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
China and Russia are also existing in this zone. Russia is quite flexible in recent years. "The devil's nest" the same as in Europe and the rest of the world. It is also said. Slightly different is historically they are Emperor absolute principle that is still the same, the European and Japanese zones of both sides are shifting from feudalism to parliamentary democracy. Also difference from Christianity and Islam. Anyway Big strong power from this great arid zone is effect on Japan through the Korean Peninsula.
However, the description in this book "Japan attacked the central part of China" My understand is because of US-Japan division by Comintern's plot which made Japan deep into China. The plotters in the large arid zone that neither Japan nor America could not see.
We have to know this thoroughly and the geopolitics position where Japan is, we have to make a wise choice.