Saturday, March 31, 2018

シアトルの春 イースター

Image result for イースター
2018 April 1


                               I want to hear good news.

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

シアトルの弥生 引越し嫌いな猫さん

Image result for 黒猫





「ごはんおくれ」 と翌朝我が家にやってきたのでした。



As usual society is keep doing unrestrained bargaining from individuals to the world. Many people are busy  for their own interests. Let's look for the righteous.
Well the activities of common people, nature and animals around me.
The our neighbor Russian family bought a  house and moved out in few days ago.
There are five family members, several parakeet,cats and three chickens, but chickens will be taken over by us and they are do not care , but Basilly cat who did not want to move. Family tried to put her in a prepared basket but she scratched or bite her family members, so they tried  to hold her in van. We said goodbye.
As I noticed what  she is still  in our house area.
" breakfast time!" came the next morning by our door.
My husband says, the Bassiry cat was bad in the van, scratched and bait the  family so they gave up.
I do not know if her family will come back to pick her up or not, but it is said that dogs are familiar to humans and cats are familiar with the house, but I did not know  this cat does not like to move so much.

Thursday, March 15, 2018

シアトルの早春 胸騒ぎ

Image result for 春の愁い







Spring is only a name still having cold air, although it is our home in a forest with a feeling of descending winter gradually, but some feeling of the  world is on the contrary to sunshine.
Finally power against Prime minister Abe  appeared  with various gaps, also in the United States  busy to make trouble against President Tramp.
Because this is a regime inconvenient for established power, some power want to get the world into confusion and burial.
Europe as well something wrong.
This is time for People to keep  peace.