我が家の95歳、第二次大戦時のUSネイヴィー ベテランが昨日逝きました。
この義父は私たちと一緒に住んで、5年余の寝たきり老人をしていましたけれど,いよいよ家人の手に負えなくなってきた2週間ほど前に、ベテランズ ホスピタルに移動しました。
A veteran of our father who is 95-year-old in World War II passed away yesterday.
He lived with us who was a bedridden old man over 5 years, but he moved to Veteran's Hospital about two weeks ago when my family finally got out of hand.
So he was carefully nursed for 15 days, and on the day he passed, he was covered with the Stars and Stripes flags, moved from the hospital room to the resting place quietly, afterwards without having our help taking up until the funeral with a small expense.
I was hit my heart that our father who was covered with the Stars and Stripes flags even he was a only simple humble young soldier at 72 years ago. it may be not surprised for Americans to be covered with the US flag on the day it passes. This way US can take care of veterans is really enviable because of our Japanese we have trouble of Yasukuni even inside Japan as well as the other country.
My father is also a veteran of the Second World War and a resident of Yasukuni, but I pray that he should not have a sad feeling .