Tuesday, February 28, 2017

シアトルの真冬 ミネルヴァの梟とは


Image result for ミネルヴァの梟




ここで私は 「ミネルヴァの梟」というギリシャ神話を思い出しました。

学問の神ミネルヴァに仕える梟は素晴らしい頭脳と見識を持っていますが、その日のことがまだわからない朝方はジッとして飛び立ちません。 そして夕暮れ、その日のことがすべて終わったところで、ようやく腰をあげて飛び立つ・・・



特に国際政治、経済、軍事に関して、そうはいってはいられない差し迫った事情があるのですから、世の中が大騒ぎをしているのも理があるというものですけれど、特にマスメディアを通じて 「下手な考え休むに似たり」 とか 「偏向」ものが余りに多くありすぎて、世は煩わされすぎますね。

 President Trump is the person who is very unique personality. Therefore everyone is trying to find  the real intention.
 Here I remembered the Greek mythology of "Minerva's Tale" "Minerva's fly will fly only after it gets dusky." Minerva (Athena) is the name of the goddess and fly is a symbol of "wisdom" she is accompanying.
The meaning of this word is that no matter how smart a person who do not know the future, and the truth is that we always know it only after all of that era has been revealed.

Now the day everything goes very fast. We can not say "wait" but even now we can not see peoples inner mind therefore  too many kinds of deflections going around through mas media, and the world is too bothersome too much.

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

シアトルの真冬 アメリカの難民移民問題

Image result for 清教徒とは


アメリカという国に対する世界の目は、「アメリカは移民でできた国だから、移民難民を受け入れるのは当たり前。」 と考えるのではないですか。



Oath of Allegiance (忠誠の誓い)



気が付いてみれば沢山の外国人が外国人のままに居住して、自分たちの権利だけを主張しているのが目障りでありながらもアメリカ市民は、またここに現れるポリティカルコレクトネスの前に気弱で、ホワイト ギルティーなぞもあったりもして、それらの力の前に妥協に妥協を重ね我慢をし、ついに今 「自分たちは一体何をしているのか。自分の国はどこに行ってしまったのか。」 と本気で言いたいこの頃になっております。。


Although the Presidential Decree on immigrant or refugees is a problem being told that it is really violent. But you look at the reality that public support is high, it can  not say a violent. People's mind of the United States, it is natural to accept immigrant and refugees because America is a country made  of immigrants.
The idea of ​​the American foundation which is also known to the world is a country built by Puritans who have been searching for freedom of religion, not a country was made by immigrant and refugees gathered together. To become an American citizen, we pledge my will to the state as a citizen of America.

Oath of Allegiance (oath of loyalty)
Oath of allegiance to the Constitution of the United States of America
Oath of abandonment of all loyalty to all foreign countries held previously
Vow to protect the Constitution of the United States from domestic and foreign   enemies
Promise to engage in military service if legislation
Promises to fulfill duty as a citizen prescribed by law when the state's importance It is
The history that has not been constantly accepting immigrants unlimited. Every 30 years it is said that its policy is changing.
Now the day American citizens getting tired about people coming from another countries.
We can see  many foreigners  they are  insist only on their rights, Also big noise for political correctness it is getting stronger and stronger. because of that  citizens are doing  great patience and  compromise.  Now  American like to say seriously, "What I am doing , where  my country is gone?"
Well, here, the country that doing well go to help countries need help, does not push the values ​​of your country, do not make refugees and immigrants out. Let's see.

Thursday, February 2, 2017

シアトルの真冬 アメリカファーストとは





時を経て、自由の国アメリカと言われ、自由だけが独り歩きをしだし、アメリカの理念が崩れ始め崩れに崩れ、果ては世界中から自分勝手な自由を持ち込む人々に迎合するようになり、信仰の自由さえもが奪われだして久しく、Merry Christmas はポリティカルコレクトネスで Happy Holiday が正しいというまでにさえなってしまっています。



There is a philosophy of the American foundationIn November 1620 the Puritans who  lives on freedom of religion reached the unknown world of the America. The origins of American faith as a Christian country started from them. In addition, Mayflower Compact has the prototype of a citizen contract that forms the modern society that became the foundation of the United States later. It is civil liberty and freedom of religion.
 In order to promote the better order and maintenance of the settlements and to promote the aforementioned objectives, we decided to make a contract with each other solemnly in front of God and each other, and to join ourselves to political civic groups.

Time passed by, it is said that America is the country of freedom, only freedom walks alone, the idea of ​​America collapses and it collapses, eventually becoming compatible with people bringing selfish freedom from all over the world, faithless freedom has been deprived for a long time, Merry Christmas is even political collectivity it is said Happy Holiday is right.
Americans are beginning to notice, let's get back what we have lost. In other words, I interpret America First as the top priority of America's basic philosophy.