シアトルの春 真なる神の法の原理を思いださせ、 reminding us of the principles of true God's law,
救い主キリスト 軽いくびき
一、苦しむ者、重荷を負っていると思う者は、みな私のところへ来なさい。私があなたたちの苦しみを和らげてあげます。私のくびきを負い、私が心優しく、へりくだっているのだということを学びなさい。そうすれば、あなたたちの魂は休まることができるでしょう。なぜなら、私のくびきは負いやすく、私の荷は軽いからです。(マタイ 第十一章 28-30)
世はその方を受け入れることができません。世はその方を見ようともせず、知ろうともしないからです。しかし、あなたたちはその方を知っています。その方はあなたたちとともにおり、あなたたちの内におられるからです。(ヨハネ 第十四章 15,17)
しかし、救い主、すなわち、父が私の名によってお遣しになる聖霊は、あなたたちにすべてのことを教え、また、私があなたたちに話したすべてのことを思い起こさせてくださいます。(ヨハネ 第十四章 26)
Christ the Savior
Light neck
1. Anyone who suffers or thinks that he is burdened should come to me. I will relieve your suffering. Take my yoke and learn that I am kind and humble. Then your soul will be able to rest. Because my yoke is easy to bear and my load is light. (Matthew Chapter 11 28-30)
2. As Christ taught mankind, the comfort of all suffering, such as poverty, discouragement, physical suffering, and the death of a loved one, can be received by convincing the future and believing in God's justice. ..
On the contrary, the suffering of those who do not expect or have any doubts about the other side of this life will weigh heavily on them, and there is no hope of relieving them. I will. This made Jesus say, "If you are tired, come to me. I will relieve your tiredness."
However, Jesus has set the conditions for the relief of Jesus and the promise of happiness for those who suffer. The condition is the very law of God that Jesus taught. The yoke of Jesus is to keep this law. However, the yoke is light and the law is easy. Because the law requires the practice of love and charity.
Promised savior
Third, if you love me, you should keep my commandments. I ask my father. Then the Father will give you another Savior. For the Savior will be with you forever. That person is the true spirit.
The world cannot accept that person. The world doesn't look at him or know him. But you know that person. Because he is with you and is within you. (John 14th chapter 15, 17)
But the Savior, the Holy Spirit that the Father sends in my name, teaches you everything and reminds you of everything I have told you. (John 14th Chapter 26)
Fourth, Jesus promises the appearance of another Savior. It is a true spirit that the world at that time did not yet know. The world was still immature to understand that. God sends the true spirit to teach everything and remind us of what Christ said.
The fact that the true spirit later appears to teach everything means that Jesus could not teach everything. Appearing to remind us of what Christ said is because the teachings of Jesus have been forgotten or misunderstood.
Spiritism emerged to keep the promise of Christ at a fixed time. The true spirit guides its establishment. He calls on humans to keep the law. It teaches us everything so that we can understand that Christ spoke only in parables.
Christ said, "Listen to those who have ears to hear." Spiritism emerged to open the eyes and ears. Because spiritism does not speak through idols or decorations.
The best by unraveling the mysterious veiled mystery and showing to all those abandoned and suffering on earth that all suffering has a good reason and a beneficial purpose. It brings the comfort of.
Christ said, "Blessed are those who suffer, because they are comforted." But how can you be happy by suffering without being informed of why you have to suffer? Spiritism reveals that the reason lies in the past life and in the whereabouts of the Earth itself as a place for humanity to make past atonements.
It also shows that the purpose of suffering is to be a useful means of therapy and a means of purification for happiness in future life. Humans will be able to understand that they deserve suffering and justify suffering.
Knowing that suffering helps one's progress, one can accept it without complaining, like those who work on a promised labor. Spiritism gives humans an unwavering conviction of the future, thereby losing even doubt from his soul.
It teaches humans to look down on things from a high point of view, and disappears beyond the wide, shining horizon of spiritism, such as the importance of ups and downs on earth. And the hope of happiness in the future gives humans the patience, the feeling of acceptance, and the courage to continue on the road to the end.
In this way, spiritism is by teaching where humans came from, where they went, and why they were born on earth, reminding us of the principles of true God's law, and giving us the comfort of faith and hope. It makes the Savior that Jesus promised a reality.
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