Wednesday, June 14, 2017

シアトルの初夏 訪問者たち

”夏は名のみ” のシアトルの薄ら寒さです。


Image result for ハスキー犬まず初めの来訪者は、数日前から現れた道を挟んだ向かいの家のハスキーさんでした。彼女は冬の寒い頃に出没したことがあったのですけれど,近所の家に迷惑をかけたとかで謹慎していたようでした。



Image result for カラス鳥達については、今年はカラスさんたちが我が家の森を住処と決めたようです。そのおかげで喧しいことこの上なく、我がオヤジと隣のオジサンたちは 「ビービー弾で追い払おうよ」 何て言っています。何も悪いことをしていないのにデス。

Image result for シアトルの野鳥


Image result for 鹿

さて本日は男鹿が裏庭に現れました。サーモン ベリーの若葉を美味しそうに食べながら、随分と長いことユックリと時を過ごしておりました。



Image result for 蜜蜂


"Summer is only a name" is the frigidness of Seattle.
Nevertheless, the number of visitors to our house in the forest is increasing every day.
The first visitor was Husky, a house across the road that appeared a few days ago. She had showed up in cold  winter, but she was punishing kept in house because she bothered the neighbor 's .
I can not think of the her family who will let go of Husky free, but her family is running a senior home, so I guess they are  very busy.
We love Husky so we are treating her very nice. This year crows seemed to decide our woods to be  home. Thanks to that, it is quite a strange thing, my husband and the neighbor are saying "Let's ches they away with a bb gun" What are you saying. They are not do anything wrong.
Although this year looks  like Finch but not finch, it seems that more beautiful wild birds with longer tails have decided to settled down. Those who are not shy fly around lightly flying around the house.
Yellow butterfly this is first time I found in America after 40 years staying in this country.  and bees dears. Nature give me a beautiful time.

Friday, June 9, 2017

シアトルの夏 パリ協定とは

中国はこれまた ”パリ協定を尊守する” と、どこの国よりも沢山の2酸化炭素を出しっぱなしにしながら言っているのです。 

President Trump has withdrawn from the Paris Agreement, so he has received a big bashing from the world. Moreover, this is  a good reason for  opponents  to crush him.
It is a story  we know  that America was the founder United Nation Federation but US didn't join it. This country sometimes does something like this.
The Paris Agreement is also the United States made  organization about thirty years ago but US did not  work so much.  former  President Obama gave some good speech only.
China also only says good word " respect the Paris Agreement", this country is doing  carbon dioxide emission more  than any other country.
We must be a smart citizen to know what is good for people and nature not only good word and good name.