(訳者注───のちにそれが、When Your Animal Dies と題されて出版され、スピリチュアリストに限らず動物問題に関心のある人たちの間でも大反響を呼んだ。それを読んで人間の死後の存在に確信を持つに至った人も少なくないという。オースティンの原典にはその日の交霊会の記録の十分の一程度しか紹介されていないので、本章にはバーバネル女史の原典からそっくり引用させていただいた)
問 「動物は死後もずっと飼い主と一緒に暮らすのでしょうか。それともいずれは動物だけの界へ行くのでしょうか」
問 「人間との接触によって動物はどんなものを摂取するのでしょうか」
問 「霊界で動物と再会したとして、その一緒の生活はいつまで続くのでしょうか。いつまでも人間と一緒ですか」
問 「すると動物の場合は個性を失ってしまうということですか」
問 「せっかく人間との接触で得たものが消えてしまうのでは愛がムダに終わったことになりませんか」
問 「その時点で人間界へと誕生するわけですか」
問 「一人の人間としてですか」
問 「セオソフィー(神智学)の教えと同じですね」
問 「動物の類魂は同じ種類の動物に何回も生まれ代わるのですか、それとも一回きりですか」
問 「われわれ人間としては、犬や猫などのペットと同じように、生物のすべてに対して愛情を向けることが望ましいのでしょうか」
問 「動物がようやく人間として誕生しても、その人生がみじめな失敗に終わった場合は、再び動物界へ戻るのでしょうか」
問 「屠殺とか動物実験等の犠牲になった場合の代償───いわゆる埋め合わせの法則はどうなっていますか」
問 「シラミとかダニの寄生虫は人間の邪心の産物だという人がいますが、本当でしょうか。あれはホコリとか病気などの自然の産物ではないかと思うのですが・・・」
問 「それは、たとえばハエのようなものには当てはまらないでしょう」
問 「今おっしゃったことは恐ろしい野獣についてもあてはまるのでしょうか」
問 「では進化にも後戻りということがあるわけですか」
問 「動物同士は殺し合っているのに、なぜ人間は動物実験をやってはいけないのでしょう」
問 「しかし動物の残忍性も動物としての発達の表れではないでしょうか」
問 「おとなしい動物の中にも絶滅したものもがいますが・・・」
問 「寄生虫の類も動物と同じ類魂の中に入って行くのですか」
問 「動物の類魂は一つだけではないということですか」
問 「それが更に細分化しているわけですか」
問 「やはりサイクルを画きながら進化していくのでしょうか」
問 「動物で一番進化しているのは何ですか」
問 「寄生虫の類魂の存在は害を及ぼしますか」
問 「動物の類魂の住処はやはり動物界にあるのですか」
問 「動物の類魂は地球上に対して何か物質的なエネルギーを供給しているのでしょうか。地球にとってそれなりの存在価値があるのでしょうか」
問 「ペットも睡眠中に霊界を訪れますか」
問 「では死んでからいく世界にまるで馴染がないわけですか」
問 「飼主が先に死んだ場合はどうなりますか」
問 「人間より動物の方が心霊能力がすぐれている場合があるのはどうしてですか」
問 「動物にはいわゆる第六感というのがあって災害を予知したり、知らないところからでもちゃんと帰って来たりしますが、これも心霊能力ですか」
問 「死んだばかりの犬が別の犬と連れだって出て来ている様子を霊能者が告げてくることがありますが、犬同士でも助け合うことがあるのですか」
問 「その手助けをする人間の霊がかならずいるのでしょうか」
問 「動物界にはどんな種類の動物がいるのでしょうか」
問 「動物界で世話をしている人間が連れてくるわけですか」
問 「病気で死亡した動物の場合も人間と同じように看護されるのですか」
問 「動物界は種類別に分けられているのですか、それとも全部が混り合っているのですか」
問 「動物界は一つでも、それぞれの境界があるということですか」
問 「猫は猫、犬は犬に分けられているわけですか」
問 「特に仲の良かったものは別でしょう。その場合は互いに境界の近くに来るわけですか」
問 「犬の次に進化している動物は何ですか。猫ですか猿ですか」
問 「なぜ猿ではないのでしょう。人間と非常によく似ていると思うのですが」
問 「犬が人間の次に進化しているから可愛がるのだと思っていましたが・・・」
問 「猿の種族が法則を犯したのでしょうか」
問 「では猿と同じように、将来、犬が進化の段階を滑り落ちるということもありうるのでしょうか」
問 「猿の転落もやはり自由意志に関連した問題ですか」
問 「動物に個体としての意識がないのに、なぜ類魂全体としての判断が出来るのですか」
問 「それは植物の場合にも言えるわけですか」
問 「それは外的要因によっても生じるのではないですか」
問 「たとえば猿の好物であるナッツが豊富にあれば、それが猿を怠惰にさせるということが考えられませんか」
問 「でもあなたは動機が一番大切であると何度もおっしゃっています。人類のためと思ってやっても罰を受けるのでしょうか」
問 「動物は人類のために地上に送られてきているのでしょうか」
問 「動物創造の唯一の目的が人類のためということではないと思いますが」
問 「動物の生体解剖は動機が正しければ許されますか」
問 「動物を実験材料とした研究からは、たとえばガンの治療法は発見できないという考えには賛成ですか」
問 「そうしたむごい実験を見ていながら、なぜ霊界から阻止していただけないのでしょうか」
問 「でもうちのにわとりを二十羽も食い殺したんですが・・・・・・」
問 「オーストラリアではウサギの異常繁殖が驚異となっておりますが、これについてどうでしょうか」
問 「イエスの教えの中には動物に関するものが非常に少ないようですが何故でしょうか」
問 「ほかの国の霊覚者の訓えにはよく説かれているようですが・・・・・・」
問 「下等動物への愛を説かない教えは完全とは言えないではないでしょうか」
What happens to animals after death
What happens to animals after death ─── This is a theme that everyone has thought about once. One day at a séance, Ms. Sylvia Barpanel, who is writing a book on the subject in earnest, asked Silver Birch intensively.
(Translator's note ─── It was later published under the title When Your Animal Dies, and it was a big hit not only for spiritualists but also for people who are interested in animal problems. It is said that many people have come to be convinced of their existence after death. Since the original text of Austin introduces only about one tenth of the record of the spiritual society of the day, this chapter is quoted from the original text of Ms. Barbanel. I had you)
Q "Do animals live with their owners after death, or will they eventually go to the world of animals only?"
"Neither can be said unconditionally, because it involves human love. Whether or not to maintain its prenatal form after death depends on the owner's love for the animal. If animals and their owners ─── I don't like the word Owner.
It is not permissible to own another life as our own ─── If both of them come to the spirit world at the same time, they will live with their owners. A place with love is the place of residence. Love connects the two strongly. In that case, there is no need to go to the animal kingdom because there is a place to live.
Only animals that came to the spiritual world before their owners live in the animal kingdom. Because you have to get someone to take care of you. Otherwise, even animals can be upset by being separated from the "love" that not only warmed the heart but also temporarily infused the element of "immortality".
If you pass away before the owner who has received human love, reason, judgment, and affection on earth, go to the animal kingdom and have them take care of you until the owner comes. It's just like leaving your pet to an expert when you go out, and have an animal expert in the spirit world take care of you. "
Q "What do animals ingest through contact with humans?"
"At some point in the long evolutionary path, God, rather than the work of the law, sprouted self-consciousness in the soul of the animal, and eventually reason and intellect developed. At that stage, humans judge. I have acquired power.
That is, the ability to consciously think and make decisions. However, in reality, all such abilities were latent from the beginning. No matter how far back it was, it was somehow latent in the depths of the soul. It took the breath of God to wake up.
Now, just as God breathes spirituality into animals, you humans can do the same with animals. Humans are part of God. Therefore, it has the ability to breathe spirituality into animals that are next to humans in the evolutionary sequence.
In other words, in contact with animals, the spiritual power of love can germinate self-consciousness in the souls of animals. After a long evolutionary process, it eventually reaches the peak of human beings. Love is all the key to life. Love, whether animals or humans, is unaffected by death.
Love is the driving force of the universe. It moves the entire universe, controls everything, and governs everything. Love also seeks to reach out to other life through humans. The same is true for human comrades, and also for life lower than humans such as animals and plants. The love that humans love for animals-dogs, cats, and other pets-does not end with death. Life evolves only with love. "
Q "If you reunited with animals in the spirit world, how long will your life be with them? Will you be with humans forever?"
"No, that's different from humans. At some point, humans and animals will have to separate. I don't know how many decades or hundreds of years it will take on earth, but animal evolution and humans. The speed is different from the evolution of human beings. The time will come when we will not be able to keep up with the pace of human beings who are constantly improving toward greater light.
When humans pass through the barrier of death and become accustomed to life in the spirit world, in other words, when they realize that the bond that connected them to the earth has broken, let's demonstrate the desire for improvement and evolution, the inner divinity. The desire to do so will gradually accelerate. And it tries to exert the ability hidden in the soul in the direction of supporting the evolution of other life.
The more spiritually humans improve, the less animals can keep up with their speed, and the lesser the flames of love that continue to burn after death, and finally the animals become in the souls of their species. It will be fused.
Q "Does that mean that animals lose their individuality?"
"That's right. There is a big difference between humans and animals. Animals have not yet evolved to the stage of having one individuality as a whole soul. If they evolve to that stage, they are no longer animals. The animal loved as a pet jumps over the evolutionary stage and lives with humans by the power of human love, so the thread of love is broken. For example, there is no choice but to return to the original soul. "
Q "Isn't it a waste of love if what you get from contact with humans disappears?"
"That's not the case. It means that you have contributed to the whole soul. It means that the evolution of the whole soul has been promoted by that amount. It is a contribution to the common reserve. What wasn't there was added, which means that the individual was sacrificed for the whole.
The more such things are, the more the evolution of the soul will be promoted, and eventually it will end the animal stage and evolve to the stage where it can exist as an individual in the human form. "
Q "Is it born in the human world at that point?"
"There are two types of births in the human world. When the old spirit returns to the earth again and when the" new spirit "enters the first stage as an individual in the material world."
Q "Are you as a human being?"
"Yes. Both are spirits. Both are self-conscious spirits and spiritual beings with individuality. However, one is a veteran spirit, and inevitably in the material world to complete evolution. The other is a freshman who has finally reached the human stage, while something he has to experience comes back to the ground.
The souls that were animals until just before joined the human world. Starting from the state of amoeba, reptiles, fish, birds, and animals, through all stages of evolution, we have finally reached humans. "
Q "It's the same as the teaching of Theosophy."
"Any teaching is fine. Please stop telling me that you are a denomination or a denomination. I have no interest in such things. I know that the critics of the world are Arekore. I don't know any simple truth, just to show that I am.
By the way, you wouldn't bring a spider into your house and keep it as a pet. You wouldn't give warm human love to beetles. It is because you are aware of the gap between you and those insects. This is because they instinctively instinctively lag behind in the evolutionary process.
On the other hand, dogs, cats, and sometimes monkeys are loved as pets because they are conscious of a kind of familiarity. As we are approaching the stage of being reborn as human beings, animals are also trying to accept human love. "
Q. "So, does the fact that a lower animal is kept by a human mean that the animal will soon be reborn as a human?"
"Evolution also has a mutational branch, the so-called avant-garde, and the rearguard that goes back. In other words, it evolves as a whole while going forward and backward. Some exceptions occur. Some animals are far behind intellectually, while some birds are more intelligently evolved than dogs, but don't confuse these exceptions with the whole principle. not"
Q "Is the soul of an animal reborn many times by the same kind of animal, or is it only once?"
"It's only once. Countless souls are reborn one after another and bring back experiences for the whole soul. For animals, once for each. There is no need to regenerate as a whole. That is not evolution. "
Q "Is it desirable for us humans to have the same affection for all living things as pets such as dogs and cats?"
"That's right. But don't expect the same reaction. In principle, affection calls affection and hatred calls hatred, but the lower the degree of evolution, the less reaction.
Being angry in your mind is an indicator of your human level, which means that you are lacking in progress and that you are still immature. When your anger, wickedness, hatred, rage, jealousy, envy, etc. disappear from your heart, you are on the path of spiritual evolution. "
Q "Even if an animal is finally born as a human being, if its life ends in a miserable failure, will it return to the animal kingdom again?"
"There is no such thing. Once you have a self-consciousness as a human being, it will never disappear. It is a bond with God that never breaks."
Q "The price for sacrifices such as slaughter and animal experiments ─── What is the so-called compensation law?"
"Of course, there is some compensation for that, but the law works not for one animal or one animal, but for the entire soul to which the animal belongs.
The function of causality is different between animals and humans with different degrees of evolution. Especially in the case of animals, as a general rule, after death, the individuality is buried in the soul, so the conditions are different from the individual existence. There is a causality of the soul as a whole, but unfortunately it cannot be explained in human language. I can't find anything that can be compared. "
Q "Some people say that lice and mite parasites are the product of human wickedness, but is that true? I think that is a natural product of dust and illness ..."
"What is the cause of the dust and illness? If you trace the cause, you will end up with human selfishness. That selfishness can be said to be evil. It is true that the direct cause is poor hygiene. There are unclean child-rearing environments, dust and illness, lack of direct sunlight and fresh air, but if you trace the causes, you will not try to change those environments, and the selfishness of those in a privileged environment to their compatriots. You end up with an inhumanity to your heart and your compatriots.
This is a kind of wickedness, which, to me, indicates human immaturity. If we abandon such selfishness, stop the manipulators that prey on the weak, and change the system that creates selfishness and ambition, pests and parasites will not occur. "
Q "That wouldn't be the case for things like flies, for example."
"Is it okay? The whole of nature is still in the process of evolution. The balance of the natural world depends on the actions of human beings, and as human beings evolve, the darkness of the natural world diminishes. There is a close relationship between the development of human spirituality and the phenomena of nature.
The natural world without the existence of human beings is unthinkable, and human evolution is impossible without the natural world. Both evolutions are largely parallel. Human beings were created by God, but at the same time, as part of God, they are also promoters of the evolution of the universe, influencing the laws of nature that govern not only themselves but also the nation to which they belong. ..
I have now said that the evolution of humans and the natural world generally follows parallel lines. Why for both
"Is it okay? The whole of nature is still in the process of evolution. The balance of the natural world depends on the actions of human beings, and as human beings evolve, the darkness of the natural world diminishes. There is a close relationship between the development of human spirituality and the phenomena of nature.
The natural world without the existence of human beings is unthinkable, and human evolution is impossible without the natural world. Both evolutions are largely parallel. Human beings were created by God, but at the same time, as part of God, they are also promoters of the evolution of the universe, influencing the laws of nature that govern not only themselves but also the nation to which they belong. ..
I have now said that the evolution of humans and the natural world generally follows parallel lines. There will be a slight difference between the two. Because the work left by past generations must be dealt with. "
Q "Does what you just said also apply to the dreaded beasts?"
"That's true. Just keep in mind that evolution isn't a stereotyped thing. It's going to change forever. Start from the primitive. We go from low to high stairs, but what used to be low gradually overtakes and is now high, and what is now high may become lower in the future. "
Q "Then, is there a turning back in evolution?"
"If you call it backtracking, the answer is yes. Evolution is a kind of circular motion, or in the words of modern thinkers, a spiral. That's why. It doesn't matter which way you say it. The point is, it's good to understand that evolution doesn't always go in a straight line. But it goes on and on. "
Q "Why shouldn't humans conduct animal experiments when animals are killing each other?"
"Because it is an indicator of human evolution. The more humans evolve, the less brutal and barbaric they are from the earth. When the spirit of love, compassion and forgiveness fills the earth, so does the brutality of animals. It disappears, and that's where the lion and the sheep are about to get along. "
Q "But isn't the brutality of animals a sign of animal development?"
"You used to be an animal. It has evolved so far. That's why it's much less brutal in the animal kingdom than it was in ancient times. It's also extinct with lizards. Why extinction? Do you think it was because humans have evolved? "
Q "Some of the quiet animals are extinct ..."
"It is said that the best indicator of evolution is brutality. There were many evolutionary branches in ancient times. They can be said to be evolutionary leaders. At any stage of evolution. There are honor students and inferiorities, and there are model students and rebels. The gentle animals were the honor students who overtook the "fire-breathing monster". "
Q "Do parasites enter the same soul as animals?"
Q "Is there more than one animal soul?"
"Each genus has its own soul"
Q "Is it further subdivided?"
"That's right. Each subdivided thing has its own soul. A new spirit ─── The spirit that dwells in the human body for the first time is the most evolved soul among animal souls."
Q "Is it going to evolve while drawing a cycle?"
"That's right. Everything evolves in a cycle."
Q "What is the most evolved animal?"
"It's a dog"
Q "Does the existence of parasite souls do any harm?"
"There is no harm. It is a force that is almost insignificant in terms of the overall balance. But this is an in-depth question that I usually do not touch much."
Q "Is the home of animal souls still in the animal kingdom?"
"I have one advantage over you. You don't have to learn geography. You don't need a place or location. Spiritual things don't occupy space. Earthly. That kind of question comes up because I think in terms of position.
The soul does not need a place of residence. Most of all, it is different if you stay in the form. The soul itself has no form. If we have a form, we need a place where we can dwell in some form of expression and express ourselves in that form. "
Q "Are the souls of animals supplying some material energy to the earth? Is it worth the existence to the earth?"
"There is value in the process of evolution. Just keep in mind that you have a tendency to distinguish too much between physical and spiritual things. They exist on earth. Can be a good part of the soul, and it doesn't mean that you can't join the soul without dying. "
Q "Do pets also visit the spirit world while sleeping?"
"Do not visit"
Q "Then, isn't it totally unfamiliar with the world that is dying?"
"No. In the case of humans, the guiding spirit will guide you, but in the case of animals, only the owner can do it. If the owner is on the ground, we can not guide you."
Q "What if the owner dies first?"
"In that case, the situation will be different. This is a general story."
Q "Why can animals have better psychic abilities than humans?"
"From the perspective of" evolution ", we have not yet reached the stage of becoming human, but we have not experienced the" cultural life "that humans are living now. If humans are in cultural life If we hadn't taken advantage of it, our psychic abilities would have become a part of our daily lives at an earlier stage.
In other words, humans sacrificed their psychic abilities in exchange for civilization. Animals have no financial or social problems like humans, so they have reached the stage where humans should have reached before humans. In the case of human beings, the original psychic ability was suppressed by the necessity of physical life. So-called psychics are the pioneers of the evolutionary course. Eventually, we are now demonstrating the abilities that all human beings should be able to exert. "
Q "Animals have a so-called sixth sense, which predicts disasters and returns properly even from unknown places. Is this also a psychic ability?"
"Yes. The same can be done for psychics. However, in the case of animals, it may be a congenital ability peculiar to the species. This is also a kind of evolutionary pioneer, and only that ability has been particularly developed. That's why, like pigeons, the ability to come back from any distance. It's called instinct, but it's a kind of "foresight."
Q "Psychics sometimes tell you that a new dead dog is coming out with another dog, but can dogs help each other?"
"No, but if the two have lived together on the ground, they may be taken out."
Q "Is there always a human spirit to help that?"
"That's right. The high one is supposed to help the low one. That is providence."
Q "What kind of animals are there in the animal kingdom?"
"There are animals that are loved on earth, animals that are loved, animals that are cherished, and animals that are treated almost like humans and stimulated intellect and thinking. Such animals are their owners. In case you get lonely or lost because you are out of your hands, you will be brought to the animal world to live with other animals and receive special care from an animal specialist.
The expert has been studying animals for a long time, so he knows how to deal with them properly and can direct the natural manifestation of affection to animals. There's everything that makes animals happy, and you can do whatever you want, so you won't get frustrated. And sometimes they are brought into the atmosphere of the owner's house on the ground, and they often enjoy the nostalgic atmosphere.
It is at that time that even people who do not have psychic knowledge can feel that they have seen their dog or that a cat has appeared. It just feels like I was there, but I can see it properly in the eyes of animals on the ground. Because the psychic ability is well developed. "
Q "Does the person who takes care of the animal world bring you?"
"The people who manage it in the animal kingdom and never come back about anyone else. By the way, what kind of people do you think are taking care of it? You have a chance to keep it even though you love animals. Those who didn't.
It's just like a woman who couldn't have a child and wasn't satisfied with her maternal instinct, taking care of the child who came to the spirit world prior to her parents. When dogs, cats, and other animals that humans love come to us before their owners, they are taken care of by humans who love them but have not been able to fully interact with them.
Of course, animal specialists such as veterinarians are on hand. After all, studying on the ground is useful in the spirit world as it is. No knowledge is wasted. "
Q "Are animals that die of illness cared for in the same way as humans?"
"That's right. There are many people who are willing to take on such an opportunity."
Q "Is the animal kingdom divided by type, or is it all mixed?"
"The distinction between races is clear"
Q "Does it mean that even one animal kingdom has its own boundaries?"
"That's right. Anyway, it's made naturally. It's not kept in one big cage."
Q "Is cats divided into cats and dogs divided into dogs?"
"That's right"
Q "Except for the ones that I was particularly close to. In that case, do they come close to each other's boundaries?"
"That's right. Please think that everything is completed naturally."
Q "What is the next evolving animal after a dog? Is it a cat or a monkey?"
"It's a cat"
Q "Why isn't it a monkey? I think it's very similar to a human."
"As I said before, evolution is not a straight line. There is always an honor student and an inferiority complex. Humans have certainly evolved from monkeys, but dogs have pulled them out. The big reason is that humans love dogs. "
Q "I thought that dogs are evolving next to humans, so I think they are cute ..."
"That's the case, but at the same time there are likes and dislikes on the part of humans. And there is another side to this problem, but I can't explain it for a moment. In the long and long evolutionary path, monkeys slip their feet, so to speak. He retreated and wasn't brutal, but he became quarreling and lazy and stopped walking, eventually delaying the evolution of the whole soul.
At the same time, rather, around that time, the dog race has evolved. This is because the whole soul was more united and more selfless than the monkey. But it seems that the story has become too complicated. "
Q "Did the monkey race violate the law?"
"He didn't violate the law, he didn't do what he had to do."
Q "So, like monkeys, is it possible that dogs will slip through evolutionary stages in the future?"
"It's unlikely anymore, because we've already gone through millions of years of evolution and the seeds on earth have become completely fixed. The seed types are almost stylized and no more. The potential for changes is disappearing. There is a limit to material evolution. There may be minor changes in form.