It is happier to give alms than to receive alms. Those who can still get on this path without seeing or hearing the evidence are happy. Around you are the warmth, brilliance, deeds, and love of the high spirits, whose sole purpose is to reach out to those who are less happy than you.
When born on the earth, the soul itself knows in advance what kind of life it will follow on the earth. Choose according to the free will of the self, knowing that the course is the most effective in acquiring the qualities necessary for the development of the potential self.
In that sense, you are born knowing what kind of life you will live. Surviving that life and overcoming the difficulties develops the inherent qualities and adds a new divinity to the true ego-the larger self.
In that sense, there is no need to sympathize with "I'm sorry ..." and I don't have to resent the indignation and injustice on the ground.
This world is a world where this injustice and injustice is properly compensated. Your world is a world of preparation. When I say "the soul knows", it does not mean that I know every single detail. It means that you understand what kind of course you will follow.
Awakening and enlightenment of the ego through the experience of the journey is a problem involving the interaction of time elements and various energies. For example, you may not reach the stage of enlightenment you expected. Then, to make up for it, he will return to the ground again.
It may be repeated many times. In the meantime, we will finally acquire the necessary qualities and integrate them as a part of ourselves.
It is impossible for you now to judge for yourself how much you are human and how much you have evolved. I don't have the means to make a decision. Humans cannot see things from a spiritual perspective. Because I think about things from a physical perspective all the time, all my judgments are distorted.
The effect on the soul cannot be estimated. That is actually the most important point. The value of what the body experiences depends on its effect on the soul. An experience that has no effect on the soul is worthless. It is not permissible to force the power of the spirit. It is no use trying to direct God in the direction that is convenient for humans.
God's providence is working constantly as planned. A wise man ── A wise man in the sense of having acquired wisdom will adapt himself to God's infinite love and wisdom before complaining about providence.
It is not easy to acquire such wisdom. It involves physical, mental and spiritual hardship. Two of these three elements may be involved, or all three may be involved.
Spiritual development is a thorny path. While walking down the path of hardship, I will leave a sign of my own nostalgic memories later. The pilgrimage journey of the soul is lonely. The more you go, the more lonely you become.
However, just as there is a considerable amount of compensation for selfish and ruthless lives, there is some compensation for the lonely path of spiritual development. As enlightenment deepens, inner life, inner brilliance, inner joy, and inner conviction become even stronger.
You will experience the reality of the inner real world on which all life phenomena are based, and you will feel the warmth of God's love. I have never said that it will be easily achieved. The best treasure, the richest treasure, is the hardest to get. Moreover, it must be acquired by oneself through one's own efforts.
Silver Birch
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