Saturday, October 31, 2015

シアトルの秋 ハロウィン

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Watery  Seattle, today of Halloween has been heavy rain in all day long.
Our house is in country side that we are not expecting some body comes. Only prepared a little bit of chocolate in case.
By the way what happened in  Shibuya , it sounds like crazy of Halloween.
I wonder is this happened only Shibuya?
What with the problem, what has become in such a crazy.
Japan is sometimes, people they are not care about the origin of the foreign object, people make such a noise.
In the old days, Christmas was also super crazy.
I hope they are OK.

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

シアトルの秋 極東の凄まじさは

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we know South Korean president has been  the Tell-Tale diplomacy of Japan, now likewise doing of Leader of China.
Empire of Japan was presented that  giving a lots of difficulties to around  Japan , after wore new Japan paid compensation to affected countries. even though paid the prize tattle this people who spend one's time doing in  but we can think that there is some secret plan they have.
Smart people  are analyzed this problems, anyway we  do not like  the way  of China.
Finally the American president  been pushed out to the public opinion,   sent a destroyer in the East China Sea.
How to become this matter.
We know that this is not the era that show off power to make trouble to others, we like  to see the leader with a creative brain and a heart.

Sunday, October 11, 2015

シアトルの秋 3世代の近居 同居とは

The housing policy, as an instruction from Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, shows the intention to address the implementation and review of policies that promote the three generations of the near-stay-living together in order to improve the birth rate.
Quite interesting news, I don't know all detail but  I wonder if will contains the meaning of the back to Japanese big family used be.
Although nuclear family is said to be the coming of the West, I think we  have experienced a nuclear family we were pretty helpful on that aware of the individual.
From generation to generation in Japan  our ancestors experienced a many kind of abuse  under the large family system.
Some are released individual personality to experienced through  nuclear families. May be the time to think about new three generations to live together by personality individuals.

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

シアトルの秋 ドローンを見た話

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無人スパイ機みたいな危険な話でしたけれど、”ドローン” の発音が、お化けとか化け狸を発想してしまいます。 
あれがかの有名な ”ドローン” というものなのか。 

For drone, around this spring  in Japan, one drone fell to the Prime Minister's Office. It was a big news.
 pronunciation of "drone", it is something funny sound like monster raccoon. for me not really care when your pronunciation in English, so I did not  paying special attention.
Only around last fall, one company that delivers the home delivery of Christmas gift by this kind of machine had been  rumors.
I wondered many machines are flying around in the sky  it comes  as dragonfly  to each home? I was expected but it did not happen in last year.
Yesterday I saw from my room in  the second floor man in next door had a something  mysterious object   in the air, I wanted to show to the son or husband, unfortunately they were doing something busy.
"Not a kite nor airplane" I explained to son about neighbors mysterious object .  "would drone".Son said so.
That was famous "drones" .
It was a story that was much excitement for me.
And this is  going to become a big presence from now on.

Friday, October 2, 2015

シアトルの秋 シリアでは

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Story of Syrian refugees surging in Europe is  everyone knows.
The long history of middle east there many people to country rise and fall people living around had a lots of experience about war.
In order powers (strong country can control war and peace) for their share divided  line  the over of people and desert that become reason of   conflict around, time coming for whatever they did.