Friday, May 4, 2018

シアトルの春 官僚と言われる人たち

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親父サンは言わずと知れた東京大学出身の見栄えの良い人で、奥さんは奔放な女性で子供たちは長女を除いては二人の息子は母親似のヤンチャでした。子供たちは多分東京の私立小学校に通っていたのかもしれませんね。それでも我々隣人は、多少毛色の異なった彼らともとても親しくしていました。"とんとんとんからりんと、隣組” の時代でしたから。





In Japan,  making noise about the finance minister or bureaucracy etc., because of this news  I remember one story it was the long time ago. One neighbor  who lived of our family in Shonan was a bureaucratic family of the Ministry of Finance. They were  young couple who lived with three elementary school children.
Around the age of Showa 24, 25, people lived in the humble house, but they were very wealthy living in a two-story big house. Their father was a good-looking man graduated the University of Tokyo, his wife was wild and two their suns were like mother except elder daughter. Anyway some differences with them but we were good friends each others.
One day the husband made a big trouble that  newspapers reported in front page what he did with his name and his picture.  The husband embezzled a big amount of money also where ever who goes to business trip making girl friends.
Eventually the family moved to a gorgeous house in an rich residential area on the Shonan coast.
Because of my memory of a childhood about bureaucrats who are people  corrupt or have concubines. People will not change as time passes. Is not it?

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