Monday, May 28, 2018
シアトルの皐月 メモリアルデー
Memorial day of this year we were able to spend like Memorial Day.
Because We went to visit the cemetery of veteran's for our father who was the Second World War Veteran who passed away last September.
We came to the cemetery even the early morning, there are a lots of cars in there.
In the cemetery were filled with the large and small Stars and Banners, the bomber at the time of the second World war was turning in the sky.
I envy the country that have a national army. Japan alone in the world is a difference with another country which we don't have national army.
Each tomb are set up with small US flag. I found some one has two small flags. One is US flag another one is red flag standing on each side of the grave. My husband said they were tombs of those who died in war. There are not a tomb of a person who has killed in war. There were a lot of warriors who were able to return. So, many returned people who lived long life like our father and enjoyed their lives happy enough to enter the cemetery in group of Veterans.
There are a place of memorials of only young people who were killed at all in war like Normandy's cemetery.
It is a day to think of the people who went by.
Monday, May 21, 2018
シアトルの皐月 神様の種まき
In spring season of Pollen .
It would be a nightmare for people with hay fever.
I nor my family suffer from hay fever So we live without difficulties in the forest, but the problem for me is cleaning the car. Men are drivers. So I am a cleaning person, I have many complaints against pollen.
The first pollen coming up is yellow powder. It is not yellow ocher in China. It will not reach this far. This is pollen of pine and cedar, it is hard to clean yellow powder getting inter small area in car. Very often the car rusts and the paint changes color . I have to wash away the details with a small brush.
When that is over, pretty things like a small bell falling out like rain. It collects on the roof of the car, it covers the windshield and enters into a small gap. This is the cypress pollen. There is a lazy driver who runs the car covered with this pollen we knows that this person is a resident in the forest.
Now cotton hairs of Torpoli are dancing like snow.
I talk with my son "This is a little snowy compared to Russia's Poly."
I call this dance of dynamic pollen "God 's seedling".
Wednesday, May 16, 2018
シアトルの皐月 礼儀を覚えた犬猫さん
今朝、筋向かいのハスキー “ココちゃん” が我が境界線を独りで散歩をしているのを見かけました。
生憎と我が家の3羽の鶏嬢たちも自由に散歩をしているので、様子を見に庭に出てみると ”ココちゃん“ は彼女宅に向かっておりましたので、声をかけてみました。
「ココちゃん久しぶりね」そしたら ”ココちゃん” は戻ってきて、いつもの様に家人でない私からは2メートルほど離れたところで、お行儀よく正座しました。
”ココちゃん” はなんとお行儀よく出きるのだろうと家人に自慢していた数日後。
どこかに出かけていた我が猫嬢 ”バシリー” が帰ってきました。
「バシリーちゃんどこに行っていたの?楽しかった」と話しかけると、彼女も又 ”ココちゃん” の様に正座して聞いています。
Because of our three chicken ladies are free in our garden. So I went out to the garden looking at the situation, "Coco" was heading towards her house. I called her.
"Coco-chan I haven't seen you long time". "Coco-chan" came back then, as usual she came was two meters away from me who is not a family member for her and sit down.
"Have you had a good time for your walk? What are you doing every day?" While I was talking to her, she kept on sitting.
"Well then let's meet again." She was sitting until I disappeared from her sight.
I was proud of her to my family how polite she was.
After few days our cat "Basilie" who came back from somewhere.
I asked to her "Where have you been ?" She came to me and sit politely listening like Coco.
What has happened to them all so that such politeness ?
Saturday, May 12, 2018
シアトルの皐月 風薫
食いしん坊な私にとって、”初鰹" です。
"In the eyes Aoba mountain tsunamisu bonito (Hatsugatsuo)"
Time in the Showa age, when the carp streamers began to bloom in sky , I remember the announcer issuing this poem from the radio. The age of famous announcer Teru Miyata and Kezo Takahashi were active.
Rain famous Seattle has also come to beautiful May. My flowers are growing slower than anywhere because of surrounded with wood where is cold.
This spring my flowers were painful because someone had eaten twenty tulips in early spring also the many daffodils did not bloom, it became a empty spring garden, so I was thinking only how to protect these flowers in next year from the bad guys.
Anyway I love to eat. "Fresh May Bonito ". I love this.
Around that time in the Showa age, In Shonan where we lived Guy came to sell fish with bicycles loaded on the morning fresh fish on Shonan Coast. It was fish shining like a Japanese sword. Blue eyes were also big open, it was not turning red.
Such story I came to live in Tokyo, lived in New York, I have given up the old days story to have fresh fish.
Well, may I meet May bonito in Seattle? It is getting to be nostalgic.
Friday, May 4, 2018
シアトルの春 官僚と言われる人たち
親父サンは言わずと知れた東京大学出身の見栄えの良い人で、奥さんは奔放な女性で子供たちは長女を除いては二人の息子は母親似のヤンチャでした。子供たちは多分東京の私立小学校に通っていたのかもしれませんね。それでも我々隣人は、多少毛色の異なった彼らともとても親しくしていました。"とんとんとんからりんと、隣組” の時代でしたから。
In Japan, making noise about the finance minister or bureaucracy etc., because of this news I remember one story it was the long time ago. One neighbor who lived of our family in Shonan was a bureaucratic family of the Ministry of Finance. They were young couple who lived with three elementary school children.
Around the age of Showa 24, 25, people lived in the humble house, but they were very wealthy living in a two-story big house. Their father was a good-looking man graduated the University of Tokyo, his wife was wild and two their suns were like mother except elder daughter. Anyway some differences with them but we were good friends each others.
One day the husband made a big trouble that newspapers reported in front page what he did with his name and his picture. The husband embezzled a big amount of money also where ever who goes to business trip making girl friends.
Eventually the family moved to a gorgeous house in an rich residential area on the Shonan coast.
Because of my memory of a childhood about bureaucrats who are people corrupt or have concubines. People will not change as time passes. Is not it?
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