こうした意味で、スピリティズムの教義は人々に兄弟愛と平和、赦しを自らの行動によって示したイエスキリストの教えを受け継いでいます(→第一章 5-7)。イエスキリストを教会の創始者としてではなく、人類の生き方の模範として位置づけ、そこに学ぶことによって、私たちの生き方を見つめ直す機会を与えてくれるのです。
霊魂や霊媒性といった目に見えない世界を扱うために、モーゼの時代からそうであったように、人はそれを誤って用いる危険性を多くはらんでいます。しかし、スピリティズムの教義では、「ただで受けたのだから、ただで与えなさい(マタイ第十章 8)」(→第二十六章)という教えによって、人と神との関わりにおいて、物質的な対価のやり取りはすべきでないとしています。
Summary of the doctrine of spiritism
"Born, died, reborn, and continue to evolve. That is the law."
-Allan Kardec
The doctrine of spiritism is summarized in this word. The essence of all life in the universe is not a material being, but an immaterial being that works on it, that is, a spiritual being (soul). And, in spiritism, we think that the spiritual being is immortal and will continue to progress forever.
We humans also exist under that law. In other words, our lives are not limited by decades of physical life, but the lives of the souls that make up our individual, which are spiritual even after the physical destruction. It exists in the world, is given another new body again in the future, and is born in the material world.
By this law, spiritism sees the notion of "death" not as an end, but as a change we experience in an eternal being, placing our spiritual goals beyond death. I'm teaching.
In the doctrine of spiritism, "life is not just once". We who live now have various experiences in the past, and we will have different experiences in the future.
However, that does not mean that we should take lightly of our life, but on the contrary, it has a special meaning because we can only experience it in this world. You need to do your best in this world for your future goals.
There is order in the universe governed by these laws. Human science continues to advance to elucidate its order. The doctrine of spiritism captures the orderly universe by the following principles:
➀ Existence of God-God is the supreme wisdom, the first cause of all things. There is no result (the universe and the material / immaterial beings in it) without the cause (God). And God is perfect justice, good
(2) Immortality of souls-The souls created by God are immaterial beings. It has intellect, love, and free will, and its individuality is immortal. Individual spirits do not divide, and multiple spirits do not become one spirit.
③ Rebirth (reincarnation) -The soul is created simply and ignorantly, but it creates its own destiny while progressing according to its own will. In order for the soul to progress, it needs to be born and gain experience in the material world, but it is not enough once, and it repeats many times.
Regeneration (reincarnation) is when the soul receives a different body even if it is the same and is born in the material world.
The progress that the soul achieves through regeneration is intellectual progress and moral progress. We usually do not have a clear memory of life in the past. This is the result of God's justice that temporarily forgets the past, and by forgetting the past, we can challenge our new life without fear of failure.
④ Possibility of communication with spirits-spirits are people who have lost their bodies in the spirit world during regeneration, and human beings communicate with each other and influence each other by means of intellectual ability called spirit medium. It is possible to do it.
If we capture our lives based on these principles, the way the world looks will be different. "Everyone lives to be happy."-This is what we believe without being taught by anyone. But on the contrary, the reason why there are so many misfortunes in this world is not because the goals of each human being are different and they are all facing different directions. Is it?
The doctrine of spiritism is to show these human beings where to set their goals by working from the spirit world. If happiness is "salvation" for us, then spiritism teaches that "it cannot be saved without charity."
In other words, what you believe and what you worship does not make people happy, but the way people who are trying to reach the same goal become happy except to help each other and live hand in hand. It means that there is no such thing.
In this sense, the doctrine of spiritism inherits the teaching of Jesus Christ, who showed people brotherhood, peace, and forgiveness through their own actions (→ Chapter 1, 5-7). By positioning Jesus Christ as an example of human life, not as the founder of the church, and learning from it, we are given the opportunity to reconsider our way of life.
To deal with the invisible world of souls and mediums, people run the risk of misusing it, as it has been since the days of Moses. However, in the doctrine of spiritism, the teaching "Give it for free because you received it for free (Matthew Chapter 10 8)" (→ Chapter 26) is material in the relationship between man and God. The exchange of consideration should not be done.
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