Although the Presidential Decree on immigrant or refugees is a problem being told
that it is really violent. But you look at the reality that public support is high, it can not say a violent. People's mind of the United States, it is
natural to accept immigrant and refugees because America is a country made of immigrants. The idea of the American foundation which is also known to the world
is a country built by Puritans who have been searching for freedom of
religion, not a country was made by immigrant and refugees gathered together. To become an American citizen, we pledge my will to the state as a citizen of America.
Oath of Allegiance (oath of loyalty) Oath of allegiance to the Constitution of the United States of America Oath of abandonment of all loyalty to all foreign countries held previously Vow to protect the Constitution of the United States from domestic and foreign enemies Promise to engage in military service if legislation Promises to fulfill duty as a citizen prescribed by law when the state's importance It is
The history that has not been constantly accepting immigrants unlimited. Every 30 years it is said that its policy is changing. Now the day American citizens getting tired about people coming from another countries. We can see many foreigners they are insist only on their rights, Also big noise for
political correctness it is getting stronger and stronger. because of that citizens are doing great patience and compromise. Now American like to say seriously, "What I am doing , where my country is gone?"
here, the country that doing well go to help countries need help, does not push the values
of your country, do not make refugees and immigrants out. Let's see.