A Happy New Year!
Peace On Earth
ウィーン フィル ニュー イャー コンサートでも見ることにいたしましょう。
Christmas in Vienna 1999
Merry Christmas
Christmas in Vienna 1999 The Three Tenors L.Pavarotti, J.Carreras,P.Domingo
I am enjoying wonderful Christmas Eve with them.

クリスマスパーティーがここかしこで開かれて、パーティーでは伝統的なクリスマス キャロルが歌われます。
- 諸人(もろびと)こぞりて 迎えまつれ
- 久しく待ちにし 主は来ませり
- 主は来ませり 主は、主は来ませり
その昔ローマ帝国支配下のほんの小さな場所で、犯罪人として十字架にかけられて殺されてしまった一人の若者が、''愛'' をもって世界を制覇し、2000有余の今もなお人々に生きる力を与え続けているとは、これを奇跡と思いますし、神様は存在し人々の希求は愛を始めとした神様に属するすべての良いことであると、殊更に思う今年のクリスマスの時です。
Beautiful Christmas week.
A Christmas party are held here and there, a traditional Christmas carol are singing,
- Joy to the world, the Lord is come!
- Let earth receive her King;
- Let every heart prepare Him room,
- And heaven and nature sing,
- And heaven and nature sing,
- And heaven, and heaven, and nature sing.
young man who had crucified as a criminal in a
small place under the rule of the Roman Empire. After His death dominated
the world with '' love and all good things '' keep giving life to people for more than 2000years this is a miracle, God is present and
the desire of people want to live together with God.
In year 2016 the world is in a great mess, but again this Christmas I pray for hope to return to God, the root of all good things.
Happy Thanksgiving day

人は ”平和を求め、幸福” を求めている事において同じですよね。
確かに人々は幸せな人生をを求めているけれど、私のようにアングロサクソンとかアーリヤ人とかバイキングとか戦争をよくした先祖を持つ祖父、夫、息子。 この男達3人と住んでいると、求めるにおいて何かしらDNA上の違いがあるのですよね。
日常の大方の事は私が大将である場合が多いのですけれど、”銃” については私の影響力は全くありません。我々日本人は、特に女性は刃物を恐れ嫌います。すなわち我々の平和希求に反するものですから。其の上、日本国は自国を守る軍隊がなくても気にしないのですから。騎馬民族と農耕民族の違いとか、何やかやと言われておりますけれど。
その思想の違いが顕著に現れたのは、トランプ大統領出現で各地に起こった反トランプの暴動勃発に対処すべく、親父と息子の対策が練られました。暴徒が我等が縄張りに押し寄せてきた場合に備えて、もう一丁ほどのガンが必要だ(既に幾つかあるのですよ)。先ず手持ちの2台のモーターホームを楯として、なんて大騒ぎをしでかすのです。「何言うのかお前達さん。アメリカは法治国家だよ。警察の手に負えなければ軍隊が有るではないか!」と口を出したら、彼らは何を勘違いしたか 「そうだあそこのアーミーベースに立て篭もろう」ナンテ言っているのです。全く話がかみ合わない。
平和な日本ですか。 ”アメリカさんが守ってくれるだろう" とボンヤリして家族と国の守りにボーッとしている日本国は、まだ世界が平和でない状態の中で特殊ですね。それがGHQの占領政策であるなら、気を取り直したい時ですけれど。新大統領はその様な話を、日本に持ち込むかもしれません。
In Russia we had a conversation with one Soviet Veteran who went to the place where ever Soviet
invaded. Africa, Middle East and Asia. We had a
completely different idea with them. Now the word that came out to say "where ever we go we found the human being is the same" .People are the same as asking for "peace and happiness". How good would be if you were born without knowing anything bad whose life is peaceful and happy.People are seeking the same thing "peace and happiness", but there are some differences way to get good life. I
live with my grandfather, husband and son who have DNA from
Anglo-Saxon, Aryan and Viking etc.Most of the daily life I am a boss in my family, but not on "gun" at all. We Japanese, especially women do not like fearing weapons. That is against our peaceful desire. Even Japan does not mind even there is no army to protect my country.The
remarkable difference of that thought appeared because of the emergence
of the outbreak of anti-trump violence, our father and son they were trying to defense in case something happen in our area. "We need another gun" they were making noise. They were talking about how to make a big fuss with two motor homes. "What
are you saying, America is a legal nation, we have big military force if police can not handle it!" I said so but what did they
misunderstood? "Let's get military base work together with them." they agreed.
It is a gap between countries we do not engage at all. Peaceful Japan. "America
is going to protect us" are they still thinking like this? the world is
not peaceful yet? if it is the occupation policy of GHQ. We need thing about it now. the new president may bring the matter to Japan.Even an American simple humble citizen who is like us, even old
and young are important having a gun and protect my family and my country. I am very sure even Japan. Anyway we do not want this happen.
The new president has been decided.
Receiving from friend from another countries saying "to be sorry".
Around us, there were strong will against Hilary, even conservative elegant old ladies were also
involved and supported wild gentleman.
Anyway go together having hope.